r/CitiesSkylines Apr 04 '23

No multiplayer in Cities Skylines 2 Discussion

So Colossal Order have answered a few question which were submitted for month of March. The most intresting one was this one when asked if there will be mutiplayer in CS2? And the reply indicates for now there seem to be no multiplayer option as it would take too much time and resources.



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u/aStoveAbove Apr 04 '23

How would multiplayer even work in a game like this? Would it be like a lobby where multiple people work on one city? Or would it be like one person manages some of it and the other manages the rest?

I am genuinely asking, not trying to shit on the idea, I just can't picture in my head how that would work out.


u/herrbdog Apr 04 '23

i could see two neighbouring plots that would be owned and only controlled by each player, but you could set up trade and such, like one city produces excess electricity and another trades back cash or something else, like trash services?

like SimCity 4, but on the same map, but can't build into the other's area


u/aStoveAbove Apr 04 '23

That sounds like a great idea! I never played any of the sim city games so I wouldn't know lol