r/ChatGPT 2d ago

ChatGPT has replaced my friend's life Other

My best friend relies too much on ChatGPT to the point where they can't go a day without using it. They use it to plan their day, decide what to eat, and to decide how to respond to other people's text messages. However, it's gotten so bad to the point where she admitted to me that she spent half a day, in bed, talking to ChatGPT about her love horoscope using a "template" she found on Tiktok.

The other day, she asked me for advice on whether or not she should give out her personal Instagram to people she will be networking with as part of her job. I told her it probably wasn't a good idea and gave my reasons for it. Then she goes "You know what, I'll just ask ChatGPT when I get home later to see if it's a good idea." At that moment, I realized she trusted ChatGPT more than me. We've been friends for more than 11 years.

Don't get me wrong, I understand ChatGPT is a very useful tool. I use it for school work and to help me study efficiently. However, I think for her it's gotten to the point where she cannot survive without ChatGPT.

Edit: To clarify, I told her that giving out her personal, private instagram to potential clients she might work with is probably not a smart move. She said she felt pressured to do so because she saw others around her doing it. I understand it's her business whether or not she wants to, but like I said she asked for my advice. If it was a personal IG used for networking or for "connecting" with others, I would have said go for it. I would consider her a pretty private person, which is why I said what I said. At the end of the day, it's her choice.


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u/ragner11 2d ago

So like millions of people on social media


u/Time-Turnip-2961 2d ago

I know right.