r/CapitolConsequences Verified Journalist Sep 27 '22

Capitol rioter who caused career-ending injury to USCP Sgt. Gonell convicted on 11 counts CONVICTION


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u/tebbythetiger Sep 28 '22

I mean ya could mail him a foto to his jail of yourself smiling with the note “it was me” for an ultimate tell Cersei it was me movement so he can stew he was identified and fingered by haha


u/sherlock_at_home Sedition Hunter Sep 28 '22

I don’t find a need to gloat, and I definitely don’t want him staring at my face his whole time. In the end I just want anyone who committed violence against the United States democratic process to face justice. I don’t care what what religion you are, race you are, political affiliation you are. Here’s hoping they all meet justice.


u/tebbythetiger Sep 28 '22

They need to be mentally broken down and suffer ego death to have any chance of hope of rebuilding a new as a functioning member learning from this. otherwise they should be permanently cast down. Unfortunately our judicial system fails to understand this which is why we have such a high re-incarceration rate. It may seem like “social reeducation” but it is required to move them on from this. In honestly they should have considered any prior life of freedom as destroyed until such time reprogramming can reintroduce them correctly to society


u/sherlock_at_home Sedition Hunter Sep 28 '22

What a fine line we walk……. Re-education conjures up images of the Nazis and modern China for me. And yet I agree. In a perfect world, part of true justice is the rehabilitation of the bad parts of someone. But I do agree ego death is necessary to come to terms with what any of us have done In life.

None of these defendants have an ounce of mindfulness that I’ve seen, and they could use it.


u/stupidsuburbs3 Sep 28 '22

Did you see the comment thread up “above”?

Someone posted pictures from when he was young and says he had a TBI.

I’ve been made aware of conflating trauma and mental illness with people that are just violent assholes. I’m trying not to do that too much.

But when I first listened to this guy’s voicemail, it was way too theatrical to be the product of a normal functioning brain imo. I can believe he had something alter whatever he started as.

Where do we go from here when a president then calls people like that do his bidding?