r/CapitolConsequences May 29 '21

Showcasing another traitor who attacked federal officers. PLEASE SHARE. Recognize this insurrectionist? Contact the FBI and reference the AFO # (on photos). AFO = Attack on Federal Officer. 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-‪800-225-5324) or submit a tip online at tips.fbi.gov. More at fbi.gov/capitolviolence. Unidentified suspect

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u/BenjaminWobbles May 29 '21

I've definitely seen this guy at every rural gas station I've ever stopped at. Also check tractor supply, Hooters, gun ranges, and domestic violence police calls.


u/[deleted] May 29 '21

He’s got a lifted f-350 with the stupid smoke stacks in the bed so he can “roll coal on dem pussy libs.” It’s got a Calvin sticker pissing on a Chevy symbol on window and another pissing on a Hillary sticker in the other, but he’s also got an NRA sticker under it, so that’s kind of also unintentionally getting pissed on. He’s got multiple political bumper stickers on both the back bumper and the tailgate(molon labe, Hillary/Obama/Biden/aoc for prison, angry snek, etc,). He’s an asshole who is a shitty American and has probably disappointed every woman he’s ever been with, no but he’s the type of asshole who probably also attracts shitty women so, fuck them too.


u/ShitTalkingAlt980 May 29 '21

You are just describing City Conservatives. I mean fuck I don't think a whole lot of you have been in rural areas. Winnemucca doesn't look like that. Rhinelander doesn't look like that. Bad Ax doesn't look like that. Outside of Duluth doesn't look like that. In my experience, the only chuds that do that live in or next to a major metro area.


u/NyxPetalSpike May 29 '21

Michigan doesn't have really rural rural areas like the Plains or Southwest. This sub species is feral outside of Metro Detroit.

At the Coast Guard Festival in Grand Haven, this guy is a dime a dozen.