r/CapitolConsequences Jan 11 '21

This terrorist repeatedly beat capitol police with a hockey stick. Can we identify him? (More in comments) Unidentified suspect


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u/salparadis Jan 11 '21 edited Jan 11 '21

I’m not sure if this qualifies as helpful identifying information, but the hockey stick is an Easton with a Christian blade. Old stick, two pieces (composite shaft and wooden blade). That diamond pattern blade design was a marketing feature of Christian. I can see the ‘TON’ in the Easton typeface (on higher quality pics). Also it’s old (besides the blade being wooden and square toe) because the Christian Brothers dissolved in 2003.

EDIT: Ok, so after extensive research I’m thinking the stick is an Easton Z Bubble Grip (with Christian blade. The color scheme (silverish/blue and orange) matches as does the lettering and layout. I believe the Z Bubble line came out in the late 90s (by 2001, one piece composite sticks came out). This would likely put him between 30–40 (assuming it’s his stick).

Feel free to share info on Twitter if helpful—I know there’s a hockeystickman thread, I just don’t have an account.


u/Pompousguy Jan 11 '21

Haha! Was just about to say this. That’s an ollld stick. So probably not a current hockey player/dad.


u/AFairwelltoArms11 Jan 12 '21

Yeah not a hockey Dad, I think, because the stick’s not taped.