r/CapitolConsequences Jan 26 '23

Sovereign Citizen Pauline Bauer convicted of all charges, including felony obstruction CONVICTION


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u/bigtimejohnny Jan 26 '23

Is there even a single time anywhere that the sovereign citizen argument has worked? How do so many people invest in something that has a 100% failure rate?


u/otm_shank Jan 26 '23

Not in court, but there are definitely videos out there of sov cits being pulled over with no tags or license (because they are "traveling", not "driving") and the cops inexplicably let them go on their way instead of impounding the car.


u/jingois Jan 26 '23


Buuuuuut... it can take a lot of time to actually see consequences. If you keep spouting nonsense, forcing adjournments as each judge tries to give you a do-over to get a real lawyer, keep pretending every judgement against you is actually a win, ignore the consequences and refuse to pay - it could be many years before your speeding ticket turns into baliffs turning up to throw you out of your home and sell it / jail you.

And that whole time you are contributing to "Yeah I sent a motion to compel him to sign his oath of office with a proper wax seal, and told that stupid judge to shut up and he banged his hammer, had a tantrum about contempt and I walked out of there with more bullshit paperwork demanding money from my CORPORATE PERSONHOOD, which means nothing! Still winning!"


u/Otto-Korrect Jan 26 '23

Because they've already collected all the Trump trading cards?