r/CapitolConsequences Jan 23 '23

Jury finds Barnett guilty of eight insurrection charges CONVICTION


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u/scumbag_college Jan 23 '23

I can't believe this idiot actually took it to trial. He's fucked. He's going to get so much time, I wouldn't be surprised if he dies in prison.


u/Missing-Digits Jan 23 '23

Seriously? I bet he gets less than 10 years, likely much less. He should never see the light of day but so far most of these idiots have gotten what I consider to be a slap on the wrist. Hell he even gets to sit at home while awaiting sentencing. That alone tells me that he's not going to do much(enough) time. He should have been escorted to prison immediately.


u/scumbag_college Jan 23 '23

Most people are taking plea deals though. The few that have taken it to trial are getting much harsher sentences. Guy Reffit got 7.5 years and he didn’t even go inside the Capitol and had three fewer charges than “Bigo” here. I bet Barnet gets at least 12, probably 15-20 though. At his age, that could very well be a life sentence.


u/Missing-Digits Jan 23 '23

Guy Reffit should never get out of prison. He is an absolute POS. It is just my opinion to be sure, but even most of the plea deals have been way too lenient. I feel like this is not being taken seriously enough and of course none of the main instigators (you know who I mean) are even being charged with anything. As a matter of fact I heard one of them is going to run for president. God help us if he wins. We are done for.