r/BushcraftUK Aug 01 '17

Questions about uk laws related to bushcraft.

Hello. I am thinking about going on a wild camping trip sometime in the following months and using a tarp shelter while I am (and having a campfire) and are wondering if there are any laws on cutting down trees and if I have to apply for a wood gathering licence


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u/Herr_Shlippyfist Aug 01 '17

I believe Scotland allows wild camping but most land in Wales and England is owned whether by a private owner or business /company etc even in places such as lake district and peak district wild camping is frowned upon unless necessary and even then there's many rules that need to be followed.

But personally, I think it's a bit silly, I'm out of sight, I barely leave a mark on the land as I burn my campfire over a grill/ base plate so most charcoal and ash is caught, couldn't tell I was ever there so be sensible and go for it. You don't need a licence to collect dead/dry wood for burning.


u/[deleted] Aug 02 '17

You absolutely do need a license to collect dry wood for burning, if you're on publicly owned land, or permission from the land owner on private land. That is of course, technically speaking. I doubt any landowner will miss enough dead standing wood for a small fire, but still, OP needs to be aware that it's not a free for all.

Wild camping in the Lake District is not frowned upon, and is actually pretty common - the only 'rules' are leave no trace, which you should follow anywhere, and camp above the highest fell wall.


u/4dcatman Aug 02 '17

I also think you may be fine as it says that there is an exception to felling less than 5 cubic meters