r/Berries 8d ago

Haskap/Fly Honeysuckle

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I’m curious if anyone here has grown this enigmatic berry, or might know of another fruit that would do well in colder climates?


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u/NorEaster_23 8d ago

If you live somewhere in North America around zone 5-6 (maybe 7?) try getting Japanese varieties they'll fare our hot summers better than Russian varieties. Also be less likely to leaf out during warm spells in the middle of winter and get zapped by freezes


u/dob_bobbs 8d ago

Had a really hot dry summer and mine all just died. They definitely aren't for the hotter climates, even before this summer they just didn't thrive. Shame, I can't grow true blueberries and would have liked to grow honey berry.


u/ThetaDot3 8d ago

I live in a wine growing region and they do really well here. I'm in Canada though, so my definition of "hot and dry" is probably different. Summers are regularily in the 90s, but max 100 fahrenheit.