I play CODM and have only ever bought 2 battle-passes and that’s it. If it becomes P2W we can uninstall and its cost us $0!!! Don’t be hyperbolic. You CANNOT control what Tencent does. You CAN control how you react to it. Don’t get mad, just uninstall and play something better.
You can’t fix world hunger. When like 5% of the world’s wealth is controlled by like 5% of the world, world hunger will always be a thing. What are you doing about the war in central Africa? Thousands of people are going hungry? Do you volunteer at a homeless shelter? Probably not. You can absolutely HELP alleviate things don’t be hyperbolic ffs. But you CANNOT control or stop world hunger.
Edit; Also you cannot control what Tencent and Timi do. You can only vote with your wallet.
u/forrest1985_ Aug 09 '24
The difference is Tencent aren’t charging $70 for their rock.