r/Ausguns 2d ago

Someone needs to clarify this

I own a Ruger American .22LR that came with a 10-round rotary mag. I’ve heard that bolt-action rimfire can have up to 15 rounds (like the BX-15). The store told me that CZ rimfires come with 15-round mags, creating a gray area for other 15-round mags. They also mentioned 15-round mags aren’t inherently illegal in Victoria, but Ruger removed them from factory because of their “tactical look,” not because of the round count.

Can someone clarify? In Victoria, if I get a 15-round mag, can I legally own it? Has anyone been questioned during a safe check for owning a 15-round mag, or was it fine?


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u/melbourneavo 2d ago edited 2d ago

There's no grey area.

Yes, in Vic, you can own and use a 15 round 22LR magazine in a Cat A 22LR firearm.

As far as I know, bx-15 were "removed" by ABF (importing) because it's the same magazine that Ruger Charger takes and that's a Cat H firearm, so a no-no...

BX-15 in RPR 22LR, in Vic is perfectly fine.


u/ThatAussieGunGuy Victoria 2d ago

The BX-15s were removed because the Customs Act 1901 states you can not import 15 round magazines. Plain and simple.


u/Wefyb 1d ago

The Customs Act of 1901 does not mention magazines at all. The Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956 are where all firearm related articles are controlled. Specifically under schedule 6, there is a table of definitions which determine the Article code.

Rimfire magazines of a capacity of more than 10 for Semi-Auto rimfires are Article 16 imports, A 15 round magazine for a non-semiauto rimfire is an Article 17, which is allowed to be imported under the same permit as a 5 or 10 round rimfire magazine. Article 17 is the default for magazines that aren't under stricter controls.

The issue isn't the capacity, it is the compatibility. If they weren't compatible with semi autos they wouldn't be controlled.


u/ThatAussieGunGuy Victoria 1d ago

Thank you. I was looking for it in the Act 😅 dumbarse me forgetting regulations.