r/AquaticSnails May 23 '24

How do I get rid of them? Help

My 50 gallon is overrun with Malaysian Trumpet Snails. I already have 6 assassin snails in there, but I don't think they are enough. I do overfeed the tank, as it is a breeding tank (guppies and bristlenose plecos). Any suggestions?


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u/ForeverGuapalupa May 23 '24

Kuhlis, they are cute and funny and munch on snails


u/AmandaDarlingInc Neritidea Snientist [& MOD] May 23 '24

This is so odd, I’ve had kuhlis since I was like five years old and never heard this and in the last month I’ve see this advice three times.


u/Gastropoid Snail God (Moderator) May 23 '24

In my personal experience, they only eat snails if they're not getting appropriate protein in their diet.


u/AmandaDarlingInc Neritidea Snientist [& MOD] May 24 '24

Mine have choked on garlic soaked thawed blood worms simply by getting distracted 😅 I can't say I've ever wondered if they were capable of a hunt and kill but this is good to know. I'm raising well fed pacifist loaches.

Also, if thats the case they're a TERRIBLE solution to an "infestation". You'd have to starve them into the hunt. That feels real shitastic.


u/Gastropoid Snail God (Moderator) May 24 '24

Yeah...so. funny story.

I had a very heavily planted tank, a busy schedule and five loaches that just kinda... vanished while I was having trouble getting more in to boost their numbers. I legit thought they died, until the lot of them squiggled out like six months after disappearing, and I figured out what had been leaving empty bladder snail shells. They weren't fat, but they were healthy, and I quickly resumed dropping their carnivore wafers and they immediately got more plump and stopped eating snails.


u/AmandaDarlingInc Neritidea Snientist [& MOD] May 24 '24

hahahahaaa nothing good ever starts "Yeah...so."


u/Gastropoid Snail God (Moderator) May 24 '24

You're not wrong, lol


u/DTBlasterworks May 23 '24

I have also had kuhlis for almost a decade now but have never seen them eat snails? I’m not saying you’re wrong but this is the first I heard that.


u/ForeverGuapalupa May 23 '24

I originally got the Kuhlis because I thought they were beautiful, the closest thing to a snake my hubby would allow in the house and I heard they were harmless to tank mates. Since then I have noticed a lot of empty snail shells on the bottom of the tank, next to where they hang out. I then investigated and read up and yes, apparently they eat them. Obviously the shrimp food I put down isn't as exciting as snails. I think they eat my baby shrimp because I haven't seen any and have had plenty of eggnant shrimp.


u/Gastropoid Snail God (Moderator) May 23 '24

They eat snails if they aren't getting enough protein in their diet. I'd suggest a high quality sinking loach/carnivore specific food.


u/ForeverGuapalupa May 23 '24

Interesting, local fish shops don't have any (in Portugal), will have to get some from Amazon. Thanks, good to know cos then they might not eat my baby shrimps (if I have any)


u/ForeverGuapalupa May 28 '24


u/ForeverGuapalupa May 28 '24

Was feeling guilty that maybe my Kuhlis were not being treated as they should. I did my homework on shrimps and Guppies but the only search I did on Kuhlis and ottos was that they are considered shrimp friendly. Upon researching on various sites I feel more knowledgeable. I also checked the contents of what I currently feed them, it is not live or frozen but is appropriate and adequate for Kuhlis, containing protein. Also my Kuhlis do have the zoomies, a sign of play and contentment. They eat snails because it is their diet not because I have starved or deprived them of proteins. Kuhlis being Kuhlis. Big relief I am not mistreating my Kuhlis.