r/Aquariums 14h ago

Full Tank Shot What you think of my humble aquarium?

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r/Aquariums 7h ago

DIY/Build Wanting to clean up tank for family to have a beta and some shrimp

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Just need to clean up the tank add some filtration and a bit of water (plus heater and plants.) What do people think is it salvaganle

r/Aquariums 11h ago

Help/Advice Would a few goldfish do OK in here?

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55 gallon. 1 Gourami, 10 pencil fish, some small loaches and some corydoras, a squeaker catfish and a smallish pleco. Would they be OK with all the plants?

r/Aquariums 7h ago

Help/Advice Where do yal get yals fish


Where do all yal get yals fish? Any of yal ordered online were you sitisfied? I just got some from imperial tropical 3 out of the 4 were fine but 1 was on deaths door.

r/Aquariums 17h ago

Help/Advice Is this Safe for the fish?

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Don’t they need an air pump?

r/Aquariums 21h ago

Help/Advice Help me identify this fish?

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Found it randomly

r/Aquariums 23h ago

Help/Advice I just got into freshwater fish hobby ( arowana, tiger perch, 2 clown loach, silver prochilodus and a tiny plecko)

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Is this okay setup for them to thrive ? Thanks for any advice guys ( my tank is about ~ 435 gallons , 120×60×60)

r/Aquariums 7h ago

Help/Advice What do we think of this ?

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r/Aquariums 1d ago

Discussion/Article Has anyone tried drinking out of their aquarium?


With a life straw… For science… 🧪

r/Aquariums 3h ago

Help/Advice Dwarf gourami


Hi guys, I need advice on wether I should buy clove oil to possibly euthanize this Gourami. He has slowly lost energy over the past week. I just came back from a two day trip and it seems the top of his lip is falling off. He seems to be slowly losing life and I'm not sure if I should euthanize him or not.

r/Aquariums 5h ago

Help/Advice What are these?

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Just appeared suddenly in freshwater tank

r/Aquariums 6h ago

Help/Advice Would this work?

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Currently have 4 pygmy’s and 7 ember tetras

r/Aquariums 7h ago

Help/Advice Fish help needed

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So we bought this fish about a week ago at petsmart. But now he has this like string coming out of him. He had it yesterday mid day and by the time i was going to bed he didnt have it anymore, but this morning he had it again but i saw it fall off. And then a few minutes later ge had it again?

I looked up that it could be either worms or like a bad diet? But i dont know. Does anyone know what this is?

r/Aquariums 7h ago

Help/Advice Can I move my 125L aquarium outdoors?

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r/Aquariums 7h ago

Help/Advice Can i ship a betta in this? Adding some sort of stuffing and a heat pack ofc. The place im shipping is only 3 hrs away so it wont take long at all.

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r/Aquariums 8h ago

Help/Advice Aquarium Background


What is the best option for a rock style background insert without breaking the bank. The regular vinyl backgrounds don’t provide the same look or depth. Please give me your advice. It’s for a 90 Gallon African Cichlid tank.

r/Aquariums 8h ago

Help/Advice Should I add a second sponge filter?

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r/Aquariums 8h ago

Help/Advice First tank, fishless cycling question


Hi all! I set up a 6 gal about a week ago, but I’m not positive I’m doing everything correctly so I was hoping for some guidance!

All week I’ve been adding Seachem stability (I’m under the assumption this will add bacteria, but honestly this is the thing I’m most unsure of), have been ghost feeding mildly (shrimp pellets), and have recently gotten some biofilm and algae beginning to develop. The first time I tested the water (API Freshwater master kit) I had 0.25 ammonia, 1 ppm nitrites and 160ppm nitrates, then 0.25 1-2 ~10 the second day, and 0.25 0 and 0 as of yesterday, day 7.

I feel like this isn’t right- do I need a different source of bacteria, or is this just going to need more time to do its thing? I’m anticipating a month or two (it takes what it takes for it to be safe before adding any friends!), but I want to be sure I’m at least in the right direction.

Also, I’m hoping to have this house neocardinia shrimps when it’s all cycled, but my ph is currently 6.0 and I believe they need a minimum of 6.4. How do I adjust this? I’m not sure my kh and gh yet, but plan to get a test kit closer to the end of cycling and working on that from there.

Any insights are appreciated! :)

Edit for line breaks!

r/Aquariums 9h ago

Help/Advice Rate my aquarium+ any feedback on what to change.

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What do you think of my tank setup? (1-10 rating)

I’m fairly new to the hobby—I got into it because my daughter was gifted a bunch of fish from her uncle when he moved. Along with the fish, he gave us a 30g tall and a 10g tank, but there were so many fish. We ended up putting the poor pleco in the 10g all by itself. I’m planning to put the 30g in my classroom someday, if I find a full-time teaching position. I’m still not sure what to stock it with yet.

To give everyone more space, I upgraded to a 75g tall and resealed it for the fish. The plants are mostly new, except for the Java ferns, which have spread everywhere (lol). I’ve recently added a few new plants: Tiger Lily, Dwarf Sag, Fire Moss, Ludwigia Super Red, and Alternanthera Reineckii. On top, I’ve got Frogbit floating, and I’ve even added a couple of household plants hanging off the ledge for some extra greenery. I also plan on moving the black cave further into the substrate and removing all those blue resin decorations. They were supposed to glow in the dark, but they didn’t.

The fish originally given to my daughter are:

2 Angelfish 1 10" Common Pleco 1 Bristlenose Pleco 1 tiny pleco (species unknown, it’s hanging out in the AT-AT) 3 Platys (I’ve added more since then) 1 lone Serpae Tetra (added 3 more) 6 Albino Corydoras (unfortunately, many died during the move, so I’ve replaced them) 1 Corydoras Sterbai 1 Slate Grey Cory (species unknown) I’ve also added 6 Black Khuli Loaches, and there are a variety of snails: Bladder Snails, Ramshorn Snails, Nerite Snails, and Malaysian Trumpet Snails.

I’d love to hear any thoughts or advice from more experienced hobbyists. On a scale of 1 to 10, how does everything look so far? Any suggestions for improvement?

r/Aquariums 11h ago

Help/Advice How to control algae?

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I’ve got an algae problem that I can’t seem to get rid of. I don’t use co2 which I’m thinking might be the main reason but I simply don’t have room for it. I clean this tank twice a week believe it or not. I do a 20% change and slight clean mid week and then a 50% change and thorough clean at the end of the week. I clean the filter every two weeks. The plants seem to be covered in diatoms and hair algae and now starting to see what I think is BBA. The substrate is going brownish in places. I usually have the light on for around 8 hours but I’ve cut that down to 6 to see what happens. I don’t feed too much either, flakes for the tetras once a day and a pellet or two for the bottom dwellers every other day. Is there anything more I could be doing?

r/Aquariums 12h ago

Help/Advice Molly fish are not acting right

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Hello! I have 4 black mollies, and up until a few days ago, they were very active and healthy looking. I performed a partial water change and tank clean like I do every week (gravel vacuum, swished the tank filter in the old tank water) In the last few days, they've gotten way more lethargic, laying on the bottom of the tank, and they look so skinny. I plan on doing another partial water change today to clean up everything and see if it helps? The water looks so cloudy which it's not normally like that. I tested the water and it's not any different than it's always been, the pH and alkalinity are very low but they have always been like that, since I got the tank. TIA!

r/Aquariums 14h ago

Discussion/Article Distinguished gentleman or meal prep?



I just see a cartoon turkey leg above his head looney tunes style 😂

r/Aquariums 17h ago

Help/Advice What is this? it's like a fog in a graveyard. newly set up (1 day)

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r/Aquariums 19h ago

Help/Advice Just got a new fish tank, and I’m kinda new to the whole fish thing. I got a 20Litre tank with two neon tetras (I’m going to buy more when they settle into their new home) I was looking at bristle nose catfish and I was hoping to buy one, but apparently they need lots of space, is 20L too small?


r/Aquariums 20h ago

Discussion/Article What makes a good Fish YouTuber?


I have a modest TikTok all about fish keeping and tips&tricks. For obvious reasons, I’ll be moving to YouTube. I’m curious what you all think makes a good YouTube channel and what you look for in one?