r/Anticonsumption 19h ago

What to do w an old keg? Sustainability

Shiner keg. Just ended up w it and not a gen sure how long is been in my garage. I do not want it any longer. I’m in Texas


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u/uxo_geo_cart_puller 19h ago

Sell it for the scrap steel


u/mycoandbio 19h ago

Do not do this. Kegs are the property of the brewery. You pay a $50 deposit to rent the keg but in reality, kegs cost the brewery about $150.

Also, it’s likely pressurized and could really hurt somebody if they tried to cut it open without properly discharging it.

Return the keg to the brewery.


u/Specialist_enviroTX 18h ago

It’s from the shiner brewery. And I’m no where near the brewery, but I truly appreciate your suggestion. I’ll call them up and see what they say to do. This keg ended up in my garage, in an inherited house (Houston area) so I’m just trying to be as responsible as possible.


u/Ambivalent_Witch 18h ago

Ask your local bar or restaurant. They can probably return it through their distributor.


u/TjokkSnik 17h ago

So I'm based in Europe, and I used to be a brewer, still working in the brewing industry. I bet you have some similarities over there, so here is my advice.

These kegs are property of the breweries. You really wouldn't end up with one unless someone took it home (not saying you did, but someone didn't return it). These kegs are reusable and expensive.

In most countries I've worked in, there's something like a "Keg watch", meaning if you drop this at a bar, the bar turns it in to whatever equalent you guys have of kegwatch, and then say kegwatch UK redistributes it back to the brewery. If the keg is not from the UK, then it would be sent to the company that deals with kegs in whatever county it's from.

If you want anti consumption and the keg gone. That would be my best guess.

Also, the keg is almost guaranteed to be under pressure so don't go drilling holes or cutting it without emptying it out first - if that's what you want to do.

English is not my native language, sorry for any errors.


u/WastingMyLifeOnSocMd 18h ago

If you can’t get it to the original could you call around and see if any local brewery would like to purchase for a very minimal cost?


u/DollarStoreDuchess 17h ago

Or home brewers. They live for these