r/AnimalsBeingJerks Sep 13 '16

Pig Goes Ham pig


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u/cookmybook Sep 14 '16

Pitbulls generally love that kind of play, assuming they are well cared for and socialized, as this one clearly is.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '16

In my post history, you'll see a Boston Terrier and a pitbull. The Boston treated the pitbull the exact same way and he loved every minute of it.


u/iheartbeavers Sep 14 '16

My old pit mix was the same way. She loooved playing like this, but she was also insanely vocal so I could never let her play too rough in public because it would scare people less familiar with big dogs. She would just start doing an open mouth growl type of thing and wouldn't stop the whole time she played. It was kind of ridiculous.


u/Szwejkowski Sep 14 '16

I had a lurcher who would do that while playing. Just mouth wide open the whole time going grrrraaaahhhhh with his eyes rolling around like a crazy bastard.