r/AnimalsBeingJerks Sep 13 '16

Pig Goes Ham pig


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u/iheartbeavers Sep 14 '16

My old pit mix was the same way. She loooved playing like this, but she was also insanely vocal so I could never let her play too rough in public because it would scare people less familiar with big dogs. She would just start doing an open mouth growl type of thing and wouldn't stop the whole time she played. It was kind of ridiculous.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '16 edited Dec 10 '18



u/Jdub415 Sep 14 '16

Can you come explain this at my dog park? The people there really don't get my dog (or theirs for that matter).


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '16

there's no explaining it - there's a very natural dog pecking order that some people don't understand - I think I've seen 2 dog fights (not mine) in my very tenured life - some people think of them as lesser dogs but human at the same time - it's weird - don't ever apologize - just say "they'll figure it out" to the owner or if that's too strong of wording something along the lines of "s/he's never ever done anything - s/he's just a bit playful in a different way" - it's helped me diffuse a lot of people with their fashion accessory dogs quiet a bit - but you'll always encounter someone unable to reason and that's the tough one - to those people I have to say "they're dogs - they have their own nature - we have ours - they figure it out" and then call down my dog so I don't have some insane person yelling at me that just doesn't get it


u/do_u_think_i_care Sep 14 '16

The problem is people don't train their dogs correctly. Most of the dogs you meet are the biggest fucking assholes in the dog world.

Doing no no's like running straight up to my dog past me, then sniffing its face immediately. Well guess what, I have a bulloxer (American Bulldog and Boxer mix) who is an absolute sweetheart to humans and animals. But she doesn't take kindly to rude dogs, and will put these dogs in their place as soon as they show their rudeness.

People get all mad like - "Your dog just nipped at mine"

Well, you fucking stupid human, if I came up to you and started touching your boobs (sniffing your face in the dog world) without proper manners and asking if I could first, you'd fucking snap at me too. Train your dogs. Put them on a leash. Let them know their boundries and you won't have my dog taking a piece of your stupid dogs.

I love my dog for this. She's so alpha and doesn't take shit.