r/AnimalsBeingJerks Sep 13 '16

Pig Goes Ham pig


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u/111UKD111 Sep 14 '16

That pitbull has ridiculous self control.


u/jaspersurfer Sep 14 '16

Pit Bull, pet pig, above ground pool. I think we found r/floridaman s yard.


u/martianinahumansbody Sep 14 '16

Assume there is a gator in the pool


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '16

As someone who had a pit, pet pig, and an alligator who lived in a building with a kiddie pool.... I am not sure how I feel about myself now.


u/martianinahumansbody Sep 14 '16

Live in Florida, happy to be home. Not in Florida, congrats you were secretly adopted?


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '16 edited Jul 03 '23



u/martianinahumansbody Sep 14 '16

Can he hook a gator up?


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '16



u/NRageTheBeast Sep 14 '16

Hey. That's our word.


u/do_u_think_i_care Sep 14 '16

Does a girl have a name?


u/SIrPsychoNotSexy Sep 14 '16

And Floridamans oxycontins


u/Letchworth Sep 14 '16

For taking on trips to chick fil a.


u/Blue_Checkers Sep 14 '16

IDK, i see leaves on the ground, that would indicate that FL ever experiences seasonal change, which is of course, false.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '16

That's not true! We have the hot season, and the "oh god why?" season.


u/LadyCoru Sep 14 '16

No, we have Almost Summer, Oh Fuck It's Summer, Still Summer, Not Summer.


u/Styleofdoggy Sep 14 '16

Two days ago it was not summer, now we are back to oh fuck it's summer.


u/LadyCoru Sep 15 '16

Joke's on you, I'm outta state. I'm in Tennessee! Oh fuck it's 90 here too. Goddammit.


u/Iamnotsmartspender Sep 15 '16

The only time I was ever in Florida was the time when the water was too fucking cold to swim in. What season would that be?


u/LadyCoru Sep 16 '16

Almost Summer. It's had all of Not Summer to cool off.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '16



u/NoceboHadal Sep 14 '16

I have 2 or 3 kids to feed!


u/ZombieJesus1987 Sep 14 '16

He got that double wide!


u/beniceorbevice Sep 14 '16

above ground pool.

Definitely not. Even houses here in Hialeah have inground pools. I've actually never seen an above ground pool in Florida.


u/ErmBern Sep 14 '16 edited Sep 14 '16

I don't know why you are getting down voted.

I've never seen an above ground pool in Florida either. Maybe we just dont have them in south Florida.


u/TheRampantWriter Sep 14 '16

I had one and live in central Florida.


u/Coyote_Bible_Yahweh Sep 14 '16

I lived in Florida as a kid, had above ground pool. 2 friends (only had 3) had above ground pools. But I do think it depends on where you live.


u/ryanexsus Sep 14 '16

South Florida is not redneck Florida.


u/Vratix Sep 14 '16

Very little of Florida is redneck Florida. Most of it is a tourist magnet with retirement communities of various price points dotting the horizon. It's pretty much just limited areas of north Florida that still have any rednecks at all.


u/ryanexsus Sep 14 '16

Have you been to every inch of Florida? There are shitloads of rednecks to go along with the jews, geriatrics, and Cubans.


u/Vratix Sep 14 '16

White trash =/= rednecks. I have lived in various parts of Florida my whole life and have visited the vast majority of the rest of the state. There really aren't too many places with rednecks outside of north Florida and none of those places in any real concentration.


u/ryanexsus Sep 14 '16

Where I'm from rednecks are beer drinkin, sometimes boot wearin, camo hat, drives a pickup, possibly listens to country music. Hunts, fishes, there are over a million hunting licenses issued in Florida every year. If a million isn't a lot I don't know what world you live in.


u/Vratix Sep 14 '16

You're making weird generalizations there. Having a hunting or fishing/license in no way makes you a redneck. I have a hunting license but I work in an office as a consulting engineer in a very corporate setting, and significant proportion of my colleagues also have hunting licenses. None of us qualify as rednecks under any of your other criteria.

Neither does your fashion sense or music preference make you a redneck. You do realize the term redneck comes from working outside all day like a farmer (the redneck being a quintessential portion of a farmer's tan) right?

So, if you drive a pickup because you live on an orange grove and it makes your work day faster, you're a redneck; if you're a hunt leader or game fisherman who shows dudes (a dude being a city slicker) how to do your profession, you're also a redneck. But considering professions of that nature are on the decline and most groves are worked by more latinos than whites (latinos generally don't have the right skin tone to turn into a redneck), there aren't a ton of rednecks left outside the airboat tour industry and it's safe to day that there are nowhere near a million airboat rental places in Florida.

But, if you sit on the front porch of your double wide, drinking beer and collecting unemployment, you're just trailer trash. And if you wear camo and put a lift kit on your truck to drive to your state university, you're just a douche.

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u/TigaSharkJB Sep 14 '16

Don't lump pits in with shitbag people. Correlation not causation.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '16

My pit mix is weirdly cognizant of who he's playing with. Kids, small animals, and women in general get bizarrely light play while I get rekt


u/onlyCulturallyMormon Sep 14 '16

Maybe you're a loser and he can tell and wants to punish you for it.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '16

This seems most plausible


u/hubydane Sep 14 '16

Pit's used to be the ultimate Nanny dog. My pit mix is absurdly controlled, and knows to not open his mouth with my nephew, and knows he can bite down a little when roughhousing with me. They get a bad rap.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '16

Agreed. That being said, they need an owner who teaches them what is and is not acceptable because they can hurt you without meaning to


u/hubydane Sep 14 '16

True, though that's also true for most large breed dogs. I'm of the mindset that people should roughhouse with their dogs, so they dogs get how to play. Nothing is worse than a family dog who doesn't know how to play, and ends up accidentally knocking little kids down or something. Just play with the puppy, and they will know how to play appropriately on down the road.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '16

Right. He stops almost instantaneously when some says "Ow!" Or makes some noise like that to indicate that what he did hurt. It's nice knowing I don't have to worry about him with kids though. I see a lot of people who aren't that lucky and have to hover over the dog constantly


u/hubydane Sep 14 '16

People don't trust me when I say, "Sure, the kids can take him outside to play. He loves to play!" and don't make a move to go outside with him. The bastard is better with kids than I am!


u/druknirish Sep 14 '16

Your the alpha. Gotta show strength to the alpha.


u/jld2k6 Sep 14 '16 edited Sep 14 '16

This is frustrating to me. Anyone else in the house can play with our dog to get her to run all over and wear herself out by pretending to go after her. When I do it hoping to easily burn some of her energy she just immediately jumps at me to go at it and won't run away no matter what I do. :( Lucky me gets to walk her 3 miles a day to burn her energy instead.


u/dingman58 Sep 14 '16

You should be thankful your dog is training you.


u/mttdesignz Sep 14 '16

I think it's because the dog is used to play that way with you.. my beagle is the same, submissive and calm with other dogs, super nice when playing with other humans, but when I play with her she starts howling and growling and showing me teeths like she's the most vicious beast on earth... and then she licks my face.


u/47buttplug Sep 16 '16

I know it's been a couple days since you commented but you got to try running with your dog. A short burst of a ton of energy will tire them out quicker than walking a long time.


u/jld2k6 Sep 16 '16

We use fetch and swimming for this purpose. She will swim 50ft out to get a ball over and over and over. She's a catahoula, so it takes a lot of exercise to keep her happy!


u/Spyhop Sep 14 '16

Pack theory with dogs has been debunked. It's more likely he plays rougher with his dog than most people so his dog knows it's ok to play rough back with him. My dog is the same because I roughhouse with him while my wife doesn't.


u/Imissmyusername Sep 14 '16

You couldn't go into the back yard with mine unless you wanted your legs knocked out from under you, he didn't care who it was.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '16

My border collie won't rough house with me. She and my boyfriend knock the shit out of each other, but she just gets stiff and awkward with me when I try to get her going.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '16

That's strange. I said women in general because he will take it to that level with my gf, but only if she really wants to and is the one provoking him. But most women he won't. Most dudes, however, are fair game in his eyes. Me in particular


u/ninjaroach Sep 14 '16

All dogs exhibit that behavior. They can identify infants & the young and exhibit greater tolerance for their anti-social bullshit.


u/thisisnewt Sep 14 '16

Yea. Mine loves to play fight, but will only do so with dogs bigger than she is.

Super sweet and cuddly with kids, and walks on eggshells around dogs her size or smaller.

She has a collie friend she'll basically wrestle with, and then she'll turn and just run around with a Frenchie without touching them except to nuzzle.


u/fidler Sep 14 '16

Almost every dog does this, nothing unique.


u/ForteShadesOfJay Sep 14 '16

We have one and a toy poodle that acts pretty much like that pig. It's amazing she hasn't eaten it after years.


u/do_u_think_i_care Sep 14 '16

Larger dogs put up with smaller dogs, because they instinctively think they are puppies.


u/imghurrr Sep 14 '16

Tell that to all the small dogs I have to stitch up at work who get attacked by bigger dogs


u/Bocephuss Sep 14 '16

My aunt had 2 goldens and 3 Pomeranians that coexisted peacefully for years.

One day my aunt and her family came home and 2 of the Pomeranians were bloody unrecognizable blobs on their kitchen floor...


u/Osorex Sep 14 '16

That's just weird all around. Dogs destroying their own pack and Goldens doing it.


u/Bocephuss Sep 14 '16

Yea my aunt was devastated as the goldens had never once showed any sign of aggression. To be fair though the Pomeranians were assholes.


u/do_u_think_i_care Sep 14 '16

Pomeranians aren't dogs.. hamsters.


u/Red_Tannins Sep 14 '16

Sounds like a failed coup attempt by the Poms.


u/do_u_think_i_care Sep 14 '16

Yes, weird, but not unheard of. Remember, these dogs are still animals, and in the animal world, you either fall in line and respect the order, or you get your shit handed to you.

Same goes with humans really... Most of the time someone doesn't murder someone for cutting them off in the road.. but once in a while, someone pisses off the wrong person on the wrong day, and that dude shoots them in the face.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '16

Where was the 3rd? I smell a twist.


u/thisisnewt Sep 14 '16

Yea, could be the Goldens were defending the third one from the first two.


u/ayovita Sep 14 '16

Bully types have a high tolerance for rough housing.


u/ka_like_the_wind Sep 14 '16

Yep my pit mix was playing with my cat just last night and it was hilarious how much she would put up with, and still just be gently nosing him or barely moving her mouth. They were both having a great time.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '16

That isn't a bully. Bully's are short and stocky.


u/ayovita Sep 14 '16

"Bully" refers to the various bulldog and/or terrier breeds as they share a particular phenotype.


u/finnickfiend Sep 14 '16

its a pitbull, which is a bully


u/darkskinnedjermaine Sep 14 '16


u/finnickfiend Sep 14 '16

they are both bully breeds one is just more squat. Does the AKC recognize the bully as its own breed?


u/finnickfiend Sep 14 '16

its a mix between a pitbull and a Straffordshire Terrier. Basically a pit bull


u/MrF33 Sep 14 '16


Bully breed is like "hound dog", it's a generic subset of dogs sharing similar traits.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '16

A Pitbull terrier(the dog shown) is not the same as a Bully. If you feel otherwise explain how.


u/finnickfiend Sep 14 '16

A bully refers to a bully breed. Is that not a bully breed of dog?


u/helpppppppppppp Sep 14 '16 edited Sep 14 '16

"American Bully" is a particular breed. "Bully" refers to American pit bull terriers, american bullies, American staffordshire terriers, bull terriers, American Bulldogs, English Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, Boston bull terriers, and anything else with "bull" in the name.

Edit: think of it like "terrier" or "shepherd" in that it's a term that encompasses several breeds with a lot in common, but a "German shepherd" or "Australian shepherd" means something more specific.


u/Imissmyusername Sep 14 '16

My experience with pit bulls leads me to believe they have an incredible pain tolerance. I've seen 2 run full speed across a dirt yard, trip, and one surf on the other for 10 feet. They got up, bleeding a bit, right back to running. One of them was nearly bald from rolling on the ground so much. They'd slam into trees, rip metal gates open with their teeth, yet they could feel a mosquito bite.


u/changachoo Sep 14 '16

this is so true. mine is exactly as you describe but one day she was just sitting on her bed wimpering. couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. took her to the vet. 3 fleas. 3 fleas on her belly and she was whimpering like a big baby.


u/senator_mendoza Sep 14 '16

i think it's gotta be a psychological thing. if i pull a tick off my pittie then sometimes she cowers and shakes and wants to be held and it's like dude - you were FINE before you knew you had a tick on you and i can't imagine it hurt to have it pulled off...


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '16

Well, they were really popular for the fighting pits, hence the name. They also can be incredibly protective over smaller family members, one quote that stuck with me from German author Ulrich Klever is With a properly trained Pitbull your child may go to the park at night.


u/Imissmyusername Sep 14 '16

I had a relative urge me to get rid of mine when I had my son. They said one day I would have him outside laying on a blanket, implying he would be an infant at the time, and go in to answer the phone only to come back outside to find he had been mauled by the dogs. All I could think was who the fuck leaves an infant outside to go answer a phone?


u/thisisnewt Sep 14 '16

They were bred for dogfighting.

Original blood sport in England was bull baiting. Basically tie up a bull and let dogs savage it. Bulldogs were bred for that.

Bull baiting was banned and so they turned to dog fighting. But the strong but slow bulldogs would consistently lose to the quicker terriers. So they bred the two together and got a quick, explosively athletic dog with incredible strength.


u/polysemous_entelechy Sep 14 '16

Yeah, he could actually make that pig ham any time.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '16

"Must not harm the bacon; the bacon is not ripe yet."


u/BloodshotHippy Sep 14 '16

Mine would have ate it the second time it came at them. They aren't total assholes after all.


u/TheMulletBurden Sep 14 '16

They don't feel pain the same way other dogs do or at least don't respond to it the same way. Mine are also really good around little kids or puppies too like they can sense when the other creatures doesn't know what they're doing.


u/samsquamch_ Sep 18 '16

I don't have as much self control as pitbull.


u/ninjaroach Sep 14 '16

It's because the pig is young. Dogs naturally tolerate a lot of bullshit from young pups and infants and in this case, pigs too.