r/AmIOverreacting 2d ago

Am I Overreacting on how i feel about my christmas gift? ❤️‍🩹 relationship

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for some context my boyfriend got me a bottle of perfume for Christmas which i actually love but it’s more about the situation, not that price matters but i ended up spending over $400 on him total for his gifts, so when christmas came i opened my gift and he went on to talk about it first thing he mentioned was that it was $75 which i didn’t care about but i could clearly tell he was lying about it, after that i looked online and actually found out it was under $5 which is fine but him lying about it was off putting, and i also feel the need to mention he makes way more money for me so i know he wasn’t broke . he also talked about how it was special in some way but i was confused on how because the one big thing is its a coconut scented perfume i absolutely HATE coconut and he 100% knows that he also knows exactly what my interests are and what i like so it can’t be that he didn’t know what to buy me. its not about the money or the fact of it being one thing, i am grateful for it because he couldve not gotten me anything. i just feel as if there was no thought put into it, aio or should i bring it up to him? (picture of perfume attached)


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u/lmd12300 1d ago

Do not put any more effort into him. You deserve better. And if he'll lie about the cost of a gift, he'll lie about anything


u/flindersrisk 1d ago

This is the nub of the matter. A liar lies. At least he demonstrated clearly that he IS a liar and unrepentant, embroidering his story with lying details. Save yourself years of misery. Begin to peel away from him. Better things and better men are out there.


u/HaveNoFearOnlyLove 1d ago

OP mentioned that he is great otherwise, but I'm willing to bet this is just the first time he has been caught. It doesn't make sense for him to lie over something like this.


u/WiddleSweepy 1d ago

When you find out your partner is a liar, suddenly that’s all you know about them. Everything else could be a lie, there is no way to know what you don’t know.

Especially over such a stupid small thing, if he can lie about something for no reason then he can certainly lie about something when he actually has a reason to.


u/dimeloflo 1d ago

Seriously it’s not so much about the fact he got her a $2 body spray - it’s the fact he lied about its value, made a story about it, KNOWS OP doesn’t like coconut…? Like wtf? Complete disregard to his partner and just raises all kinds of alarm bells because what was the reason for it? Especially if he knows she doesn’t like coconut scented things… a gift card would’ve been more “thoughtful” if he was really that clueless - but getting someone something they’ve told you before they don’t like is weird behavior especially by glorifying it’s cost and value when it’s actually a cheap product… he’s also questioning her intelligence by not thinking she wouldn’t find out on her own it’s actual worth. Bizarre. Don’t trust this guy at all with the little information provided. I wonder how long OP has been with him…


u/Chemical_Ad_1618 1d ago

Most women know body sprays are cheaper than perfumes…he was laying it on thick (the lies not the mist) 


u/catsandplants424 1d ago

This is my thing. If he lies about little things that don't matter what else is he willing to lie about. How do you trust someone who will lie about something that doesn't even matter, in terms of importance, when it comes to bigger more important things.


u/Lessening_Loss 1d ago

My dad used to tell me: they lie about the little things, just to stay in practice for lying about the big things.  


u/SunOnTheMountains 1d ago

So true. That’s great advice.


u/Willing_Passenger449 1d ago

Agreed. This will not get better. The lies will get bigger and he will make you miserable.


u/Remote-Physics6980 1d ago

THIS!! Consider it a cheap lesson and get this man out of your life. In the future, make sure you give to people who are giving back.


u/SetFine7496 1d ago

Besides being a liar, he also thinks you’re only worth that cheap “gift” and that your social status is beneath his or else he never would have had the absolute nerve to do this to you. He kept the gifts you gave him, right? Give that coconut junk back. Tell him you’re done. And have more self worth girl! You deserve better. He’s a jerk.


u/Outside-Spring-3907 1d ago

And the lie itself was easily disproved.


u/Complex_Chipmunk_194 1d ago

Agreed. Also why did he feel the need to tell her how much it cost, I find that tacky to share the price of a gift and it’s even worse if you’re lying about it! 


u/RedFoxBlueSocks 1d ago

He might be lying about his income, too.


u/Valuable-Chip-8001 1d ago

Agree! You don’t mention how long you’ve been together. But either way, he doesn’t deserve you.


u/unnecessaryaussie83 1d ago

Let me guess - divorce?


u/Sharp_Front_7069 1d ago

Why is reddit always quick to tell people to dump someone. Lmao

Everyone here should be single by verdict


u/ChefBoyAreYouShort 1d ago

Everyone here likely already is


u/Oreadno1 1d ago

Most of us are and are very happy that way.


u/AdmirablePhrases 1d ago

Kinda sounds like he forgot then got busted. White lie about the price, attempt to justify the gift by inflating or faking the thought process he went through, I bet he completely forgot or didn't even see the coconut part.

One of my employees got me a big box of chocolates for Christmas this year. I brought the whole thing home, wrapped it, and gave it to my wife. She doesn't know I didn't pick that out myself. White lie? Sure. I'll live with it. Sometimes there's no hidden or veiled meaning to things, no matter what connections people desperately try to make. Or maybe he's a serial killer 🤷‍♂️