r/ReefTank • u/AutoModerator • 6d ago
No judgment questions zone - January 06, 2025
Here is the place to post questions about pest ID, coral/fish ID, your cycle, or any other questions that generally wouldn't start up a conversation. If you have an interesting or unique question please create a new thread so everyone can discuss it in length!
r/ReefTank • u/Flyingfishguy99 • 8h ago
Anemone ate my sea urchin :(
galleryI guess my urchin had a good run, it really helped with my algae issue back in the day. My carpet will eat anything it can latch its tentacles onto, and I guess my urchin got too close and couldn’t escape. You can see the skeleton as well as all its spines that the anemone couldn’t digest, so it spit it out of its mouth! But seriously, how can I be mad at such a beautiful creature? I will miss the urchin though!
r/ReefTank • u/cam6513 • 4h ago
[Pic] Can I fit a six line ?
I have a 24 gallon cube with a clownfish,firefish, springeri damsel, and a cleaner shrimp. I feel I’m perfectly stocked and really had no plans to add any other fish BUT I have flatworms that have gotten out of control and are smothering my hammers up top. So I’m thinking of possibly getting a six line. Will he cause issues in this small of a tank? Also considering a blue velvet nudi.
r/ReefTank • u/Killer_Panda03 • 2h ago
[Pic] My Zoa Garden!
I’m excited to see this rock fill in!
r/ReefTank • u/Cowsarefuckingcool • 2h ago
[Pic] Please ID
What is this stuff growing on my clam and how do I get rid of it or handle it?
r/ReefTank • u/Many_Flan • 7h ago
[Pic] Good Morning from the Reef
Love this look just as the lights are ramping up. Everything wakes up and looks beautiful!
r/ReefTank • u/Many_Flan • 59m ago
[Pic] Rainbow BTA
This is what 1 rainbow bta becomes in 6 months. I had rose and green back in the day that never split just got nice and big and beautiful. I suppose this is beautiful in its own way.
r/ReefTank • u/Not_aloosersback • 6h ago
Larry the fire shrimp and my cleaner shrimp I don’t have a name for yet
r/ReefTank • u/VintonCouple38m29f • 7h ago
Feather Duster Worm
galleryI noticed this morning that the tip of my Feather Duster Worm's tube appears to be retracted. There is significantly more white than I typically see, there is currently approx. an inch visible, whereas there is normally only 1/4 inch visible. Is this an issue? Thoughts? Cause for concern?
r/ReefTank • u/MattW237828 • 2h ago
[Pic] Is the original bottle of super glue reef safe? I don’t see ingredients on the back
r/ReefTank • u/Defiant-Ability-9581 • 2h ago
Perfect pairing!
Just thought I would share a quick video of my YWG and pistol shrimp. It’s taken them over a month to find each other 💗
r/ReefTank • u/Weary-Marsupial-1511 • 10h ago
[Pic] Acanthastrea sunday
There we go with my 3 Little colonies of lordhowensis. I have the big Ball since 2021 now and back then it was just 1 polyp :) Hope you like it :)
r/ReefTank • u/redsguy326 • 3h ago
[Pic] Quick scoly snack
Doing a water change and noticed one of scolys grabbed a shrimp molt for a snack
r/ReefTank • u/giovvo • 11h ago
Question about peppermint shrimp
galleryThis Is my peppermint shrimp that i bought for my aiptasia infestation, and now the population Is down to zero, now what Will they eat? Decayng macroalgae or should i buy shrimp food?
r/ReefTank • u/lmaobihhhh • 5h ago
Got my first bubble tip and have a question.
Should I leave the nem like this and let it figure out its own spot in the breeder box? Or should I try to place him right side up?
r/ReefTank • u/AdventurousInsect826 • 2h ago
[Pic] Just a little after noon full spectrum light!!!
r/ReefTank • u/ConsistentExchange61 • 45m ago
Midas Blenny velvet/ich - or just dirty?
Having trouble telling if my Midas Blenny has a parasite, or is just dirty from swimming around the water’s surface.
Yesterday I noticed the Blenny and a clownfish had the dull coating that is consistent with parasites like Ich or velvet, so I moved all fish over to a QT tank. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to catch the Blenny. I am planning to get a fish trap ASAP, but read that velvet acts really quickly so wanted to know if I need to tear the whole tank down.
The Blenny is eating and acting like normal, and is very active to include suplexing my clownfish around before I fed them.
r/ReefTank • u/federal_problem2882 • 1d ago
[Pic] Sorry about pic quality. This is Myself and Old boss's Brother in a Showroom I put together in a Amazing Fish store in Ma. 30yrs .
We were just starting to learn coral propagation then with SPS, LPS and softies.Rule of thumb in those days was. 1ppg of live rock and that was dependent on type of rock. We had FL rock, figi, Tonga branch my personal fav. Then Brazilian rock was making a run and it was lite compared to others and had crazy surface area but also came with nasty friends. Like the Bristle fireworm I call it the fiberglass fireworm because that's what it feels and looks like when u get stung. Enough mantis shrimp to make a nice scampi. Crazy snails crabs etc. Reef Keeper nightmare. Then if you really wanted to play, you needed a second job just to pay . Between the salt,food supplements and most of all your electric bill due to the lightning that we thought was required. Metal Halide and Sodium Vapor along with VHO Florescent were the choices and alot of power is what the needed. The rule was a minimum of 5 watts per gallon for softies and lps. 8+watts for sps. You could hear the ballasts kick on and sometimes the lights in the house or buildings would flicker and then came along the ridiculous amounts of heat some lights would give off. The aquarium behind us in the picture is . Custom 150 gal and the light was aluminum house with 3)175 watt MH 10,000kelvin bulbs , 2) 6ft 165 watt actinic 03, )2 6ft 165watt 6.700kelv florescent bulbs. All my reef setups were simple. Tank, rock ,live sand ,big sump with skimmer , circulation pump and light . Depending on type of lighting sometimes I would have to add a chller to cool the water from the heat from Lighting. Anyway just wanted to share a pic of us OG Reefs that did all the leg work lol. Goodluck to all
r/ReefTank • u/Defiant-Ability-9581 • 1h ago
6 Line Wrasse Help
I recently added a 6 Line to my tank. I have a Royal Gramma, pincushion sea urchin, YWG w/paired pistol shrimp and 2 snails. After about a week my Gramma went missing. He is not in his burrow anymore and does not come out to eat. He used to swim around all day long. Haven’t had any ammonia spikes either! Should I be concerned?
Also, this wrasse is a serious pig and eats all the food before my Goby can get any. How do I fix this? He will eat until he is visibly bloated! TIA
r/ReefTank • u/Financial-Border9080 • 1h ago
And so it begins
Fingers crossed the scopas chills out. Juries out on if I got a possible Hybrid scopas from petco 👀
r/ReefTank • u/redsguy326 • 1h ago
[Pic] Why are gate valves so expensive
Over 100 bucks for TWO 1” gate valves- guess I’m going ball valves and cussing as I try and dial things in