r/amibeingdetained • u/ScottComstock • 3d ago
ARRESTED Van Balion gives us nearly 2 hours of window smashes, Mr. Sparky, or both
youtube.comr/amibeingdetained • u/MyKidsArentOnReddit • 4d ago
Spotted a sovereign citizen in the wild
r/amibeingdetained • u/Next_Airport_7230 • 5d ago
ARRESTED SocCit calls cop a "terrorist" and threatens to call 911 over his tail lights being off at night
youtu.ber/amibeingdetained • u/Next_Airport_7230 • 6d ago
UNCLEAR Anyone else never hear the term "magistrate" in their whole lives until they saw these videos and SC mentioning them?
No actual person in my life has ever said that around me or to me, or adjacent to me
r/amibeingdetained • u/Next_Airport_7230 • 8d ago
UNCLEAR Sovereign citizens but for a..... house?
youtu.ber/amibeingdetained • u/Royal-Doctor-278 • 10d ago
ARRESTED Streamer gets arrested on Tiktok live
r/amibeingdetained • u/ScottComstock • 11d ago
Sample SovCit courtroom "playbook" from Virginia's Department of Criminal Justice Services
dcjs.virginia.govr/amibeingdetained • u/ezgranet • 12d ago
Amusingly, there actually are some rare circumstances where a court will rule against the government (here, PA) on the grounds that precedent doesn’t apply because the court is “on dry land” and not an admiralty court… but only due to the boring circumstances where maritime common law is distinct
r/amibeingdetained • u/nutraxfornerves • 14d ago
CONVICTED From Traffic Stop to Tractor Chase: The Unraveling of a Sovereign Citizen
sovereigncitizenwatch.comr/amibeingdetained • u/Terrible-Scheme9204 • 15d ago
Sask. man tries to 'opt out' of fentanyl trafficking trial as 'sovereign individual'
saskatoon.ctvnews.car/amibeingdetained • u/ExpatTarheel • 15d ago
Has this crap EVER worked?
I'm genuinely curious. My best friend and I have been watching SovCit videos where, so far, it ends poorly for the SovCit. Has this shit ever worked? Once? Edit: I mean with a law enforcement officer.
Is the SovCit movement propagated by charismatic conmen who convince the gullible that they can solve all their problems by filling out some paperwork? This crap is just baffling.
r/amibeingdetained • u/DNetolitzky • 15d ago
Right on cue the Supreme Court of Canada denies leave to a Moorish Law "get out of jail free" Strawman Theory appeal
r/amibeingdetained • u/Next_Airport_7230 • 16d ago
ARRESTED Sovereign citizen gets window busted and later says a police officer can't tell him what to do cause he's a "French public rights senator"
youtu.ber/amibeingdetained • u/CMihalch • 18d ago
B.C. Supreme Court dismisses 'natural person' lawsuit against CRA, TD Bank
bc.ctvnews.car/amibeingdetained • u/DNetolitzky • 18d ago
Moor Jakim El Bey seeks permission from the Supreme Court of Canada to argue he is outside court authority because of his name. And the SCC will say "No - get out!" on Thursday.
r/amibeingdetained • u/kapitaali_com • 19d ago
UNCLEAR I'm just Joe Blow from Kokomo, down on the street, I just live at the Common Law, and I have a right to work and contract my labor, my skill and my time of life as I see fit
r/amibeingdetained • u/nutraxfornerves • 19d ago
The rise of a ‘dangerous’ ideology among parents is causing havoc in custody disputes in Australia
theguardian.comr/amibeingdetained • u/Next_Airport_7230 • 20d ago
ARRESTED Delusional Sovereign citizens pretends to be a lawyer and demands payment to provide license
youtu.ber/amibeingdetained • u/Next_Airport_7230 • 22d ago
UNCLEAR What the hell are SovCits on about when in court and talking about admiral maritime laws?
One of them was asking the judge about admiral maritime laws and asking if the judge was an admiral maritime court. And the judge said no. The dude was like "oh ok I do not recognize your authority"
r/amibeingdetained • u/DNetolitzky • 23d ago
British Columbia courts rule that President (first time around) Donald J Trump did not miracle away all debts worldwide by NESARA and GESARA. Well darn...
canlii.car/amibeingdetained • u/normcash25 • 25d ago
Sov Cit Guru Seems to Challenge California Statute Against Unlicensed Practice of Law
Attempting to evade collection with a suit against the Small Business Administration, on a nearly $200,000 loan, Brandon throws out this seemingly incriminating statement:
"Plaintiff Brandon Joe Williams acts as attorney-in-fact for BRANDON JOE WILLIAMS®, an incorporated entity subject to State of California law."
Strangely, the SBA loan was made to his company, Demand Creators Inc., which is NOT the plaintiff in this action. However BJW was the beneficiary of the loan.
At any rate, the complaint lists
And he signed a motion
BY: /s/ Brandon Joe Williams Brandon Joe Williams, agent, PRO SE P.O. Box 1962
Now, I was aware that the all-caps name was trademarked, but not aware that the all caps name was incorporated, (I don't personally believe it) but let's assume BJ is telling the truth here.......a corporation cannot represent itself in court. It must be represented by a licensed attorney.
"...a corporation is considered an artificial person in the eyes of the law, and allowing a non-attorney to represent it would be the unauthorized practice of law."
Further, a corporation can't be represented by its owner, unless he is a licensed attorney. Which Brandon isn't.
IANAL but being an attorney-in-fact or an agent is not a "thing" in this context.
There is some substantial double-talk in this suit, but to me this seems to be a pretty direct challenge to the law. Of course, the courts tend to overlook this sort of nonsense unless the other side raises it as an issue. In this case, it may tend to reinforce defendants allegation that BJ is of the Sov Cit genre. Further, the defendant could obtain dismissal just from the fact that a trademark doesn't have standing.
It should be noted that California is looking to relax restrictions on the practice of law because redress in the courts is beyond the financial resources of many, if not most, citizens.
Of course the substance of the suit is that BJ is trying to get out of paying back nearly a nearly $200,00 (plus interest) loan from the SBA. He (assisted by his associate Joey) is trying the usual BJ stuff that he has alleged in his multiple other failed suits: i.e. He didnt know what he was signing because the lender didn't tell him the terms. He says there was no compensation in the loan. He sent a unilateral novation that was ignored, which would have allowed for an "endorsement" that would have paid off the loan*, and the usual stuff about loans constituting imprisonment or trafficking or something. He's never going to win; his entire hope, if he is like other sovvies, is to survive motions to dismiss, and then file endless motions for discovery etc until the SBA settles.
*Since this case was filed, BJ in social media has admitted that as the maker of the note, he could not endorse it. So why isn't he dropping the suit, as that is at the heart of his claim??