r/tipofmyjoystick 5h ago

Basilisk 2000 [PC] [2010-202-] Inide horror fantasy game


This has been bothering me for a few days now. I recall watching a YouTube video analysing this series, and for the life of me, I can't recall the name of it.

It's specifically two games, though they are intended to be played together. The first, from my memory, is an NES-styled fantasy game with some horror elements in there too. I recall less about this game, though I think the in-game perspective is from behind a knight character, though I may be wrong about this. I also think that the game gives you a fake ROM and emulator that you have to use to play the game.

The second game is what I recall the most about. The second game is treated as an abandoned game that was recovered. This game instead uses a 3D engine, and the concept of the game is that it was abandoned so early in development that you are playing more of a level editor using the in-game engine. You get to use context clues to load up other levels and items into the world. Some of the levels are not part of the fantasy setting; I think there’s even an office setting in there. I also think that towards the end of this game, it gives you a “ROM” of the first game that's been modified, which you then have to use with the custom emulator the first game gave you.

A few other details are that I believe the games were hosted on Itch.io? The first game may have been free, but the second game definitely costs money. I also recall that the games have some imagery with snakes, maybe ouroboros? Any help on this would be appreciated, thanks :)