r/sto 23h ago

Game Crashes on one character XB

Hoping the community can provide some insight. I've already issued a trouble ticket with Arc.

I play on Xbox One (I know, I know) if that helps.

On my main character, the game started to crash intermittently following random TFO'S. Within about a day, it was about 1 in 3 and then poof, it wouldn't load. I can get to character selection but once it moves to the loading screen, it crashes as the bar nears full. No error message or anything. But here's where it gets tricky... I just discovered it's just one character (my main, sadly) and I can load/play on my other characters but if I try to load this one (the main) the game crashes (gets to loading, almost finishes loading then crashes back to home screen).

Has anyone ever encountered anything like this before?

Thanks in advance!



u/krul2k 20h ago


Turn off console, Unplug from Power for 20 sec Restart


Press Menu (old start button) on Controller while on STO Icon on dashboard, Select "Manage game and Add-ons from the pop up list, Go to Saved Data and Select Delete All then Restart Console again.

Your characters are safe so don't worry, Save data is just all your settings so you'll need to redo them.

That's all i got sadly, on the old Xbone regularly unplugging the console helped me with alot of issues, so much so i still do it on SX an never use rest mode.


u/sandbox_legend 23h ago

sounds like a corrupted file. on the launcher there should be options along the top.

In that menu there should be a force verify option tick it and save and it will hopefully find the broken file and fix it.


u/sandbox_legend 23h ago

Sorry thats for PC you may have to find out how to do that on xbox I would believe they have something similar.


u/letsjustdrive 23h ago

Maybe like a sync error. I'll see if there's anything and update here if it works.


u/sandbox_legend 23h ago

Good luck this game can be buggy at the best of times.


u/Acceptable_Law5670 12h ago

Dude, I'm on xb1 also and I've never had that happen (doesn't surprise me though) but so many other things have happened that are so shitty that when i post on here to discuss people think I'm full of shit or lying.

Just today, my torps began to go dark for no reason. Never happened before but now i can only use them for about half a map. It's almost like a acript just stopped running.

Couple weeks ago I bought an elite fleet rifle and upgraded to mkxv just to see that the whole appearance and style of the rifle changed into a totally different design.

Before that i bought a fed borg boff and couldn't unlock it for my main fed character. Then i found out that i could only unlock the fed borg boff on a kdf character, which then appeared as a klingon? Wth? I don't even like klingons. People here thought i screwed up and bought the kdf but i distinctly remember buying the fed boff.

A new Xbox is on my list but it's a lower priority for now.

Anyway, I feel your pain and wish you luck