r/spaceporn Jan 16 '22

The first simulated image of a black hole, calculated with an IBM 7040 computer using 1960 punch cards and hand-plotted by French astrophysicist Jean-Pierre Luminet in 1978 Pro/Processed

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u/Dexter321 Jan 16 '22

There's a japenese(?) Cartoon netflix movie i watched a long time ago about literally space pirates with the plot being some dude is going around the universe blowing up key points in the "space time fabric" with the ultimate goal of resetting the universe. It was unique and very interesting. Can't remember the name though


u/BenCelotil Jan 16 '22

Spoilers for those who haven't seen Lexx.

There's a plotline in series 2 of Lexx where this mad scientist type unleashes these automated arms - copies of his own flying arms he uses in his lab - upon the universe, and gradually they take apart the entire thing until the universe collapses. The only thing left at the end is these bizarre colossal 8-sided isohedrons made of the arms.


u/clnmustang Jan 16 '22

Let me know if you ever find it