r/spaceporn Jan 16 '22

The first simulated image of a black hole, calculated with an IBM 7040 computer using 1960 punch cards and hand-plotted by French astrophysicist Jean-Pierre Luminet in 1978 Pro/Processed

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u/[deleted] Jan 16 '22

I’m always captured by the concept of “observable universe”, and how in a sense what’s inside of the event horizon is no longer a part of our universe, same as how things far enough away to red shift past the speed of light are no longer part of our universe. Kinda spooky. There are trips that even light isn’t fast enough to make, even with infinite time.


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '22

Yeah I find this really unsettling. Like, we know those areas exist, but we also know they are literally unreachable in a sense. They exist and don’t exist at the same time and it feels really strange.


u/chipstastegood Jan 16 '22

Yeah. And with the Big Rip / Heat Death, the amount of stuff in our visible universe is decreasing over time