r/spaceporn Apr 10 '19

First ever real image of a black hole

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u/DJFUSION1986 Apr 10 '19

Im assuming the resolution of this picture will not increase for a good 20 years. Maybe when James Webb goes up we can get a better shot.


u/JapaMala Apr 11 '19

We'd need a massive network of orbiting satellite telescopes, I think. Instead of 8 telescopes on the earth, have like a hundred geostationary satellites, or somewhere at that distance, but each with a different orbit plane.


u/CeruleanRuin Apr 11 '19

God, imagine the resolution we could get if we could put telescopes in lunar orbit and at the Lagrange points.

Imagine if we left one or two behind in the orbit of every planet we sent a probe to! In a couple of decades we would have a telescope net the size of our solar system.


u/Eranaut Apr 11 '19

The fact that this is a feasible idea for the next 200-300 years is really exciting


u/Belostoma Apr 11 '19

The James Webb telescope works in the infrared. This is imaged in radio.

I doubt we'll be able to image any black holes in the visual or infrared without actually sending a craft to visit them, which could take millions of years. Elon, get on it!