r/shittyaquariums 2d ago

My VEGAN friend told me to do this



u/lesbianminecrafter 2d ago

It would literally be less cruel to just eat the fish at that point


u/ThomasStan_ 2d ago

Puttin an end to their suffering


u/TurantulaHugs1421 2d ago edited 2d ago

Im vegatarian (mainly for moral reasons) , and im guessing they're not vegan for any kind of ethical reasons if they think this is ok?

Theres many reasons someone would become vegan, like the trend, diet, and even medical restrictions, and im guessing it's one of those rather than actually caring about the animals in this case.

Idk your friend, tho maybe they are just ignorant on fish like a lot of people are it just seems ridiculous to me that anyone who cares about animals wouldn't see whats wrong, lol


u/shrimp-fanatic 2d ago

even people who think they love animals will abuse fish. people genuinely believe this could be a happy life for them.


u/Carlpoppa1738 2d ago

She’s a vegan for moral reasons. She won’t go to the zoo and doesn’t believe hunting is okay. I think she may just be uneducated on proper care of fish? Not that it’s hard though lmao


u/Polliwog12345 2d ago

Won’t go to the zoo yet keeps animals in enclosures smaller than zoo enclosures?


u/TurantulaHugs1421 2d ago

Yh its probably just ignorance then, if she genuinely cares then i think she just needs some education on fish honestly. Hopefully that can turn her around.


u/LordGhoul 1d ago

Try sending her a care guide on how to properly take care of these fish and tell her this is inadequate, see how she takes it. If she genuinely cares she will try to improve it.


u/Bunny_Feet 1d ago

Or information on what they live in natively- large warm bodies of water.


u/Bunny_Feet 1d ago

As a vegetarian, I've always seen responsible hunting preferable to factory farming.

I also grew up in the boondocks, so


u/TurantulaHugs1421 1d ago

Yeah i 100% agree, if you go out and shoot a deer then actually use the entire body and eat it ect thats 100000× better than the horror show that goes on with factory farms. I personally would still not ever eat an animal even if its more ethically sourced i just couldnt bring myself to do it but i wouldnt look down apon someone who is able to do that

Deer populations are heavily human influenced anyway and hunting is how people keep the populations down to reduce the spread of disease so it is technically important

The thing is with hunting is that it gets mixed up with trophy hunting and poaching a lot which are 2 things that absolutely disgust me


u/Try_Happy_Thoughts 2d ago

Good point.

Nutrition based vegans are doing it for themselves. Environmental vegans are trying to protect the environment. Moral vegans are trying to do the least harm to animals as possible.


u/smolhippie 2d ago

Vegans equally wreak havoc on the environment. It’s not any better.


u/TurantulaHugs1421 2d ago

Well ofc, there is no human in our society today that can live without causing harm to our planet but thats kind of the point, most activists are trying to fight against that and set up a world where we can live and also have a healthy planet.

Theres obviously a long way to go but you can only take it 1 step at a time


u/LordGhoul 1d ago

How? (genuine question) From my understanding simply cutting out meat already reduces CO2 emissions greatly


u/smolhippie 1d ago

Just because you aren’t eating meat doesn’t mean the cows are gonna just disappear and the amount of energy and water it takes to make vegan food is insane. Plus the chemicals they put in it. I’m also sure vegans drive cars. Which are emission producers as well.

Like agriculture is a huge part of life and especially in the west and Midwest. That’s how millions of people make a living for their family. Being vegan isn’t gonna make agriculture or farming more sustainable. People will still own cows and stuff. People in Montana would never change their way of life in terms of farming and owning ranches. It’s literally their history.

Sure cutting it out may make a minuscule difference but it’s not going to make any major changes.


u/LordGhoul 1d ago

Cutting out actually makes a large difference, I don't know why all your arguments are like "It's not gonna change anything so why try" when it just isn't true at all. Also "vegan food" isn't more special than non-vegan food, you can get overproduced shit already without any veganism, in fact even more of non-vegan stuff than vegan in that regard. If you actually look into the vegan lifestyle it's more about ethics so unless they're vegan for the trend they will actually make an effort to find sustainable alternatives to things, reduce driving with a car only to what's necessary, pay attention to where they get their food from, and so on.

Additionally, less demand for meat = less farm animals required so yes it would actually affect the numbers of the animals long term, since they're bred by people it's even easy to control those numbers too. I doubt everyone in the world will give up meat eating to the point that the little farmers will have to worry, in fact it might even be better for them if people cut down so when the factory farms shut down people are more reliant on them, the animals also receive better care, kinda like in the old days when everything wasn't mass produced.

I'm not even a vegan, I just find these arguments stupid. You're literally counting the emissions for the plants that get fed to the animals, the animals, the emissions the animals directly produce, the emissions for shipping and creating foods out of them, versus just emissions for the plants, shipping and creation of foods out of them. Thinking meat creates less makes no sense at all. If you don't want to be a vegan fine, nobody is forcing you at gunpoint, but you don't have to pretend eating meat is morally superior especially in terms of climate change because it just makes you look like a fool.


u/Try_Happy_Thoughts 2d ago

I'm not here for a debate. You are welcome to your view.


u/fishstick2222 2d ago

It could also be ignorance. I think a lot of people have no clue when it comes to taking care of fish.


u/MistyAutumnRain 2d ago

Vegan for attention


u/Queenauroratheraven 2d ago

Just watch as your body starts withering away due to the lack of meat based proteins etc not being in your body


u/TurantulaHugs1421 2d ago

Thank you for that lovely comment

Dude im not coming into your house and force feeding you tofu, calm down.


u/Bunny_Feet 1d ago

lol when does that happen? 25 years later, by body has more muscle than it did as an omnivore 20 year old.


u/HonkyHonkHonk 2d ago

ever heard of eggs?



Just because someone is vegan doesn't mean they know shit about caring for animals


u/abbytryingherbest 2d ago

Wtf I thought the joke was that the Tito’s bottle was the fish😭 The fact that there is a real fish in there is so fucked up. The tank was small enough before the bottle


u/therealslim80 2d ago

i used to be vegan and quickly learned that vegans are some of the worst judges of ethics. i followed a guy who i thought seemed smart, until i heard him say “i would never rescue a dog because deciding when a dog is allowed to go to the bathroom is abuse”. he believed that all animals in captivity needed to be euthanized so they couldn’t reproduce more


u/RiversCritterCrochet 2d ago

Most vegans do it so they can have the 'moral highground' when in reality it's just a diet with a god complex


u/Ordinary_Apple4690 2d ago

As someone who doesn't eat meat, we don't claim him. I have no idea what his problem is


u/VelveteenJackalope 2d ago

Yeah no girl you don't get to go "oh the huge problems with our movement? Uhh idk not one of us"


u/Ordinary_Apple4690 2d ago

Movement? I'm not part of any movement I just don't eat meat. It's not a political stance I just like vegetables...

EDIT: also most people don't think pets should be euthanised because it's abusive to have pets regardless of diet???


u/BunchesOfCrunches 1d ago

There’s extreme instances in most modes of thought or reason. The internet tends to portray a lot of these extremes more frequently, but if you talk to people in real life they tend to be rather normal. Vegans wanting to euthanize domestic animals is not a “huge problem” in the movement, it’s an extreme position.


u/Bunny_Feet 1d ago

Well, peta is against the idea/creation/domestication of dogs. There are factions within vegans, just like anything else.


u/therealslim80 1d ago

there definitely is, and i continued to not eat meat for years to come, it’s not like he deterred me from it. i’m just saying, being vegan doesn’t make you a good person


u/Kick_Buttowski1233 2d ago

Cognitive dissonance


u/No-Pumpkin-7148 2d ago

The amount of people that make fish suffer 😔


u/smolhippie 2d ago

Most vegans are missing brain cells I swear


u/Queenauroratheraven 2d ago

Lack of vitamin b12 fucks up your brain literal science fact


u/chardongay 2d ago

good thing we have literal b12 pills literal science fact


u/Bunny_Feet 1d ago

And injections.


u/Lawfuluser 2d ago

Welcome back to A. Mentally challenged B. Secretly not vegan


u/RiversCritterCrochet 2d ago

Can we vote both?


u/pickledprick0749 2d ago

I’ve had a jar in a tank before but never heard of a damn titos bottle. It almost looks like they were aiming for a western style setup😂


u/InfiniteCalendar1 1d ago

PETA would not approve of your vegan friend’s take.


u/TheGoldenBoyStiles 2d ago

Against meat but not abuse… go figure


u/Bluesyleader 2d ago

Whenever people say that they are vegan, that usually means that they are animal lovers. But when people say that they are animal lovers, that typically doesn’t include anything that lives in water without a shell.


u/chardongay 2d ago

i don't think the conclusion here should be that vegans are stupid, but that people who make drinking tito's a personality trait are stupid.


u/EducationalFox137 2d ago

WTF is wrong with people?


u/elaiscool 10h ago

Hey so this is bad!


u/elaiscool 10h ago

What’s her TikTok account name


u/SnailsFishies 9h ago

Haha, I got an ad for going to the vet if your pet isn't feeling well on this post 😂


u/boldpear904 2d ago

Yeah they're not vegan they're plant based


u/Alice_600 2d ago

I would tell them to star eating meat because they killed every brain cell they have if they think this isn't cruel.


u/VelveteenJackalope 2d ago

Because vegans don't really care about animals. They care about a vague concept that they think are animals, but knowing anything about the creatures they claim to protect by eating their greens? How dare you suggest such a thing! They don't need to actually treat animals well, they just need to put out animal saving vibes and tell everyone how much they care about animals.


u/chardongay 2d ago

going out of your way to not eat any animal products is not "just putting out vibes." also, family guy made that stupid "checkmate vegan, you're eating the animals food" joke like two decades ago. get new material.