r/roseburg 2d ago

Roseburg junk

What is it about people and all the crap they "store" in their driveways? I live in the Hucrest neighborhood and two separate residences on my block have campers (which haven't moved in 10+ years), a POS "trailer" made out of the bed of an old pickup (which has not moved in 10 years at least). In addition the other neighbor has a toy hauler, sled boat (overgrown by the hedge), a car which hasn't moved in years, a ramp for ATVs stored on their lawn. I could go on. WTF?!



u/Affectionate_Cloud86 2d ago

I’m just here to say a piece of junk old truck bed trailer can come in super handy


u/CattleInteresting633 2d ago

Agreed if it’s used.  If it’s parked in one’s driveway for 10+ years with flat tires that’s a diff story.  If you’re interested in buying it I’ll gladly send you the address.  


u/sacklunchbaby 2d ago

Lotta folks around here like to collect stuff. Never know when yer gonna need a rat shit filled camper with flat tires.


u/RedditVince 2d ago

Some areas are worse than others, this is why some people choose to live under a dictatorship (HOA). Best thing I can do is to ignore it and keep my own property clean.


u/CattleInteresting633 2d ago

Agreed in principle, but the way other people maintain their property affects their neighbors property value when it comes time to sell.  Is it fair? No it’s not.  


u/imabigdave 2d ago

It sounds like you need to move to an HOA so that your neighbors will be held to standards. I'm being serious...you are exactly the target demographic. But as always, be careful what you wish for.


u/Country_Gravy420 2d ago

That is what the HOA is supposed to be for.

But I hear they suck to move with an HOA


u/rustymontenegro 2d ago

HOAs are a Faustian bargain. Sure, no hoarders next door but having some busy bodies tell me what color I can paint my house, which flowers I can plant, get fined for leaving my garage door open, etc and also paying for the privilege? Pffffft, noooo thank you.

But yeah, OP sounds like someone who would love to sit on the HOA board.


u/timbo_b_edwards 1d ago

Yes, they do. You basically agree to pay them a ridiculous sum each month for the pleasure of relinquishing most of your property rights to them and the HOA board. Things like what kind of plants you can have in your yard, what color you can paint your house, how long someone car park in front of your house, etc. all get to be decided on by the HOA. 🤮


u/bluefootedpig 1d ago

It can help, but you bought the house with those trailers on it, so you bought the house for cheap, now wanting others to do better to up your value.


u/Top_Amphibian_2121 2d ago

Sounds like you're the odd one out, then. Welcome to Roseburg, Douglas County, and generally just this particular part of Oregon.


u/princess-jem 2d ago

Have you thought about calling the city compliance officer? They can do a drive-by and educate folks on what is allowed.


u/herewegoagain9021 2d ago

None of it is in your driveway is it?


u/CattleInteresting633 2d ago

Yes it is 


u/capitalShrimp 2d ago

Wait, other peoples' stuff is blocking YOUR driveway? Weird you didn't bring that up originally, as that seems like a much bigger deal than any of your other grievances.


u/herewegoagain9021 2d ago

Then you can haul it to the dump. If it's not on your property then you don't get an opinion. Sad but true


u/CattleInteresting633 2d ago

BTW, you do understand how opinions work don’t you?  


u/Lusharude 2d ago

Sure but no one really gives a shit about yours...


u/capitalShrimp 20h ago

Neighbor stuff may be blocking the driveway but I KNOW it's not blocking OP from hitting the delete button on this poorly thought post.


u/CattleInteresting633 2d ago

Feel free to come get it. You want the address?


u/themehkanik 2d ago

I’m guessing you’ve never had to dispose of an old camper or similar. Shit is expensive and difficult. People have more urgent things to spend their money on, I’d imagine. The “property value” of someone down the street sure wouldn’t be high on my financial priority list either. Go live in an HOA and leave your neighbors in peace.


u/CattleInteresting633 2d ago

Come and get it.  Want the address?  Bring a tow truck.


u/CattleInteresting633 2d ago

In fact I’ll even pay you to haul off so you can “store” it in your yard.  Be sure and take the toy hauler, unused car, broken down boat, ATV ramp, additional POS camper while you’re at it.


u/xoxowxyz 2d ago

if you’re offering to pay this stranger online, then why not give the dump fee money to your neighbor?


u/WiseFred 2d ago

You should definitely offer your neighbors some help if it bothers you this much. I've done the same with different neighbors over the years and almost every one of them were super appreciative for the extra hands. I'm a very direct person, so I've always just went to their door and worded my way into getting things done. Have you talked to them and discussed a game plan to get the shit out of there? I know it's not YOUR problem, but it's becoming your problem and the city moves at the speed of federal government sometimes.


u/CriticalEye5733 1d ago

This! Folks could just be in need of helping hands because they may have health or financial issues.


u/Anonybeest 2d ago

It's their property, why do you care?


u/YoungFair3079 2d ago

Take pictures and send them to your city compliance officer if they are breaking any laws they will take care of it.


u/imabigdave 2d ago

"...and if they're NOT, you can go consume a satchel of Richards"


u/rustymontenegro 2d ago

Yup. Exactly. Call code compliance and/or shut up about it lol


u/Mackoi_82 2d ago

Everyone is being so volatile about this. ‘If you don’t like it, go live with an HOA’ constantly being said. For a town that constantly touts its patriotism, I don’t think it’s too much to look at taking even the most minimalist pride in not having trash laying about.


u/MineRepresentative66 21h ago

How much for the Toy Hauler? I'm in the market for one!


u/TheOneArmKing 2d ago

How do the things they paid for in their yard that they paid for affect you, Karen?


u/fentonspawn 2d ago

For insight, watch that old hoarders reality show. We are advertised to, so as to be continuous consumers, that shit builds up if you can't bring yourself to get rid of it.


u/nopojoe 2d ago

I experienced the same thing in Portland and a chorus of voices from elsewhere would confirm that you are not alone. What to do? It's up to you


u/Hazyoutlook 2d ago

If you find your car when you mow your lawn...

~Jeff Foxworthy~

If you know you know. Answer is this is south county.You can love it or leave it.


u/Human-Engineering715 1d ago

ah a good reminder why I don't live in an area like hucrest. Pretty sure you'd complain about my driveway if you were my neighbor. Truth is, I'm busy, run a small business, have lots of employees to take care of.

I have 2 boats and a camper and I don't get to use them as often as I would like but they're mine and when I have the rare spare moment I like to use them.

I do my yard work when I can and sometimes it can take a little while before I get the time to do a dump run, so the debris pile sits in my drive way for a while.

I think you're bored and assume everyone else has the same amount of free time that you do. They don't. Sorry.

HOA's exist for a reason, consider moving into one.