r/redditdev Nov 04 '24

How do I use logging to troubleshoot rate limiting? PRAW

Below is the output of the last three iterations of the loop. It looks like I'm being given 1000 requests, then being stopped. I'm logged in and print(reddit.user.me()) prints my username. From what I read, if I'm logged in then PRAW is supposed to do whatever it needs to do to avoid the rate limiting for me, so why is this happening?

Fetching: GET https://oauth.reddit.com/r/competitiveedh/about/ at 1730683196.4189775
Data: None
Params: {'raw_json': 1}
Response: 200 (3442 bytes) (rst-3:rem-4.0:used-996 ratelimit) at 1730683196.56501
Fetching: GET https://oauth.reddit.com/r/competitiveedh/hot at 1730683196.5660112
Data: None
Params: {'limit': 2, 'raw_json': 1}
Sleeping: 0.60 seconds prior to call
Response: 200 (3727 bytes) (rst-2:rem-3.0:used-997 ratelimit) at 1730683197.4732685

Fetching: GET https://oauth.reddit.com/r/trucksim/about/ at 1730683197.4742687
Data: None
Params: {'raw_json': 1}
Sleeping: 0.20 seconds prior to call
Response: 200 (2517 bytes) (rst-2:rem-2.0:used-998 ratelimit) at 1730683197.887361
Fetching: GET https://oauth.reddit.com/r/trucksim/hot at 1730683197.8883615
Data: None
Params: {'limit': 2, 'raw_json': 1}
Sleeping: 0.80 seconds prior to call
Response: 200 (4683 bytes) (rst-1:rem-1.0:used-999 ratelimit) at 1730683198.929595

Fetching: GET https://oauth.reddit.com/r/battletech/about/ at 1730683198.9305944
Data: None
Params: {'raw_json': 1}
Sleeping: 0.40 seconds prior to call
Response: 200 (3288 bytes) (rst-0:rem-0.0:used-1000 ratelimit) at 1730683199.5147257
Home of the BattleTech fan community
Fetching: GET https://oauth.reddit.com/r/battletech/hot at 1730683199.5157266
Data: None
Params: {'limit': 2, 'raw_json': 1}
Response: 429 (0 bytes) (rst-0:rem-0.0:used-1000 ratelimit) at 1730683199.5897427
Traceback (most recent call last):

This is where I received 429 HTTP response.



u/Watchful1 RemindMeBot & UpdateMeBot Nov 05 '24

Huh, that's interesting.

# fetch at timestamp 198.93
Fetching: GET https://oauth.reddit.com/r/battletech/about/ at 1730683198.9305944
# sleep 0.4 seconds to comply with rate limiting
Sleeping: 0.40 seconds prior to call
# the 0.4 seconds plus the call time results in the response coming in at timestamp 199.51
# the response has 3 bits of metadata
# * rst-0: this means there are 0 seconds left until the next rate limit reset
# * rem-0.0: you have 0 requests remaining
# * used-1000: you've used 1000 requests in the window
Response: 200 (3288 bytes) (rst-0:rem-0.0:used-1000 ratelimit) at 1730683199.5147257
# then we make the next request at basically the same time, timestamp 199.51
Fetching: GET https://oauth.reddit.com/r/battletech/hot at 1730683199.5157266
# and reddit replies that you've exceeded the rate limit
Response: 429 (0 bytes) (rst-0:rem-0.0:used-1000 ratelimit) at 1730683199.5897427

I think it's likely that the window resets at timestamp 200 and this was just barely too fast.

Either reddit is rounding down or PRAW is. Is this happening often? I can put together a fix to round up in these cases if it's causing issues.

Also thanks for including the detailed logs. I added that logging of the rate limits a while back and it really helps debug these issues so I'm happy to see it here.


u/HorrorMakesUsHappy Nov 05 '24

Is this happening often?

Yes. Over the last 24 hours instead of putting in a sleep timer I would let the scan run while I was doing other stuff around the house. I'd check on it about once an hour, adjust the data in my input file, and kick it off again. All total it broke 9 times. Today I put in a sleep timer of 10 seconds between every request and it hasn't broken since. So when all is done I'll have 10 output files to concatenate.

It's not a big deal for me right now with what I'm doing, but it wouldn't surprise me if this also affects other people.

Also thanks for including the detailed logs. I added that logging of the rate limits a while back and it really helps debug these issues so I'm happy to see it here.

No problem. I didn't realize you were the person who wrote this. Thanks for doing so. It's certainly making it a lot easier to do what I've been wanting to do. So much so that it's got me wondering what else I might easily be able to do that I hadn't even considered before.


u/Watchful1 RemindMeBot & UpdateMeBot Nov 05 '24

I only wrote the rate limiting code, not the whole PRAW library. But thanks.

You can prevent this by catching the exception.

import prawcore

except prawcore.exceptions.TooManyRequests as err:
    # redo the call

I'll see if I can fix it in PRAW, but PRAW doesn't release updates all that often so it might take awhile before it's out.


u/HorrorMakesUsHappy Nov 05 '24

Hmm. Although I've written tens of thousands of lines of code I'm not a programmer by trade, and I've almost never needed to handle exceptions this way, so I'm not too familiar with how I'd do multiple exceptions. I already have this:

        output_row.append("missing title")

I understand I could do this:

    except prawcore.exceptions.TooManyRequests as err:
        output_row.append("missing title")

However my concern is ... does the second except statement only apply to the try? Or am I going to have to nest another one, like this:

    except prawcore.exceptions.TooManyRequests as err:
            output_row.append("missing title")
        output_row.append("missing title")


u/Watchful1 RemindMeBot & UpdateMeBot Nov 05 '24

Yes you would need to make it nested.

There's a bunch of different ways you could make it prettier looking, but in this case that's the simplest approach.


u/HorrorMakesUsHappy Nov 05 '24

Yeah, I already started playing with it and got it working. I could make it its own function but it would only save me 7 lines. Not worth it (yet).