r/progun 8d ago

Toddler Fatally Shoots Mother While Playing With Unsecured Firearm - The Truth About Guns



u/Sithire 8d ago

The article can stop as soon as it states "unsecured firearm."

Being responsible with your firearms is not a new idea. Failure to do so has over history proven what will happen. No shocker here.


u/thatonemikeguy 8d ago

I read a story in American rifleman magazine years ago, about one young child shooting another in a tragic accident. Sounded normal, but it was a re-write of a newspaper article from 17- something and was with a flintlock. It's always unfortunate when it happens, but it's not new. It can be prevented, moreso now than ever.


u/phylth118 8d ago

This headline should read:

Irresponsible people being irresponsible cause Death


u/gittenlucky 8d ago

That’s like half the newspaper at this point.


u/whoNeedsPavedRoads 8d ago

Nothing like locking up a father and putting a kid up for adoption after the child kills the mother.

Preventable, punishable, but the impact on the kid ouch


u/Legio-V-Alaudae 8d ago

Bad choices have consequences


u/gittenlucky 8d ago

The male “adult” (article doesn’t say the father of the 2 year old) is 18. Had a handgun in California which has a minimum age of 21. Mother was 22, also has an 8 month old child. I’d say bad decisions are commonplace in that house. If they really wanted to curb gun deaths, they should provide large subsidies for high quality safes. Not sure this guy would have used it though.


u/bluechip1996 8d ago

The leader of the well regulated militia should take some action.