r/povertyfinance Jun 23 '23

Some good news for a change, class-action lawsuit settlement check came in! Success/Cheers

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So the check from a class-action lawsuit (Sweet vs Cardona) settlement finally came in, seems like "Christmas in June" and just in time for the start of summer too 🎊🥳🎊

For context, I (unknowingly) attended a scam school back in the 2000's/fresh out of high school. Went thru the usual "struggling to find a job" that so many millions of other scam school victims went thru, employers not really recognizing the "degree", bouncing from random job to random job, etc

This came at a good time too, car needs some work and I've been nursing a random toothache on the left-side of mouth

Anyways, it feels good to have some financial cushioning again. Cheers everyone 🙂


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u/Sylrix__ Jun 23 '23

Most I've gotten was 32$ from tiktok lol


u/Funkit Jun 23 '23

I got 28 from Intuit


u/[deleted] Jun 23 '23

You got your check already? Still waiting for mine lol


u/Chubbstock Jun 24 '23

I got a case of red bull from the red bull lawsuit


u/PeeB4uGoToBed Jun 23 '23

I just got 36 from Zoom. I never got the one from Sony for the Vita false advertising


u/Trezork83 Jun 23 '23

No one did…


u/PeeB4uGoToBed Jun 23 '23

Didn't they end up giving everyone a bundle of stuff worth like $60 for the PSN outage that went on for like 4 or 5 months?


u/tobykeef420 Jun 24 '23

Got about $10 from PepsiCo I think


u/oursecondcoming Jun 24 '23

Got $14 from Apple for that iPhone battery fiasco


u/sufferinsucatash Jun 23 '23

Why did the eskimos pay you?


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/sdlover420 Jun 24 '23

$3.75 BOA.


u/Scary_Preparation_66 Jun 23 '23

So that app is useful for something


u/[deleted] Jun 23 '23



u/FutureRealHousewife Jun 23 '23

What? The antiwork subreddit predates TikTok and was started in 2013. What TikTok is good at is spreading misinformation and making every person think they’re an expert on something.

I mostly just watch more entertainment based things on there, like film, comedy and pop culture toks.


u/Scary_Preparation_66 Jun 23 '23

Are you kidding me? I lost months of my life to that app. I haven't been on it in almost a year, and I'm doing just fine without it.

Edit: I never once saw a dancing teenager there


u/CarrionDoll Jun 23 '23

Seriously! I found myself becoming so angry all the time for the few months that I got into tik tok. It’s full of nothing but abuse and toxicity.


u/whatsasimba Jun 23 '23

My feed is all cats, dogs, LGBTQ issues, and activism. The algorithm only gives you whatever you engage with, even stuff that pisses you off.


u/CarrionDoll Jun 23 '23 edited Jun 23 '23

Activism is exactly what got me to those places that are so terribly toxic. What you named is exactly the same kinds of things that I look at as well. But other stuff gets in there. Particularly with activism and LGBTQ. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had an LGBTQ creator Leading with people to help them get back out of the toxic side of TikTok. It happens all the time. And if you go and look at some of the other comments, you’ll see that other people say the same thing. If I wasn’t at work, I would be happy to show you many many examples. I’ve seen so many poor content creators attacked on tik tok.

Edit to say that I rarely comment on TT. I only like videos that are cute or informative. It has helped with getting rid of some of the toxic crap but nothing gets it 100%. I just have to mostly stay off.


u/[deleted] Jun 23 '23

And Reddit isn’t? Lmao


u/lilcrunchy-OG Jun 23 '23

Reddit is porn and interesting things and lately more porn


u/CarrionDoll Jun 23 '23

Not nearly to the same extent. Your going to get that on any social media. But tik tok was absolutely crazy with it.


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '23 edited Jun 24 '23

Tbh, reddit isn't that bad compared to most places on the internet. Probably the highest percentage of people engaging in good faith conversation. No one on TikTok even engages fully with a comment before losing their minds, and I assume most people on reddit enjoy providing their commentary on things... The character limit on TikTok impedes any nuanced discussion. I have never used Twitter but I've heard the character limit has had the same effect there. Character limits are just not good lol that's what I've concluded

(Edit; tbh, I guess I deserved to get downvoted for this one. It's popular to pretend to hate reddit on reddit, despite spending countless hours here. Ya, I see you.)


u/neumaticc Jun 23 '23

I never have and am only addicted to reddit


u/dan1361 Jun 23 '23

I like that you conceptualized decade+ old movements to tiktok.

Average tiktok user.


u/Throwaway47321 Jun 23 '23

Lol if you think a social media app is somehow leading your imaginary class war.


u/lonely-day Jun 23 '23

It's a tool and a half.

So are you


u/CarrionDoll Jun 23 '23 edited Jun 23 '23

Tik tok is so toxic. For the small amount of stuff I find out about on there it is not worth the abuse and toxicity I see so many people go through on there.


u/adaranyx Jun 23 '23

Follow better content and block the toxic stuff 🤷‍♀️


u/CarrionDoll Jun 24 '23 edited Jun 24 '23

Or just stay off of it since it seems to be everywhere 💁🏻‍♀️ yay we made it full circle. I think you missed some points but that’s ok cause I’m outttt. ✌🏻


u/[deleted] Jun 23 '23

I wish we could block stuff. I got a lot of politics, carpentry, music/rap and lawn care…all things I want. And still the random dancing people still pop up. I swear TT does it on purpose.


u/atritt94 Jun 23 '23

…. still holding my breath for said news….


u/Wallofcans Jun 23 '23

TikTok is the only way we find out about so much.

I feel so bad for you


u/Takayanagii Jun 23 '23

If you lived in Illinois or had an Illinois address, you got 175 dollars. 😎


u/conceptflow Jun 24 '23

Is it over?


u/Takayanagii Jun 24 '23

Been over for a year.


u/azurepeepers Jun 23 '23

I just got $32 from Epipen. Most I’ve ever gotten.


u/NLM2019 Jun 24 '23

I just got $1900 from Epipen. Thought it was a scam, but the check cashed. I expected it to be like $8.


u/bronzewtf Jun 24 '23

Wow, with that kind of settlement money, now you can go out and buy like 3 Epipens!!


u/NLM2019 Jun 24 '23



u/ImmortalGaze Jun 24 '23

Or buy a box in Europe.


u/azurepeepers Jun 24 '23

Dang! I probably got less because I never sent in any documentation. Plus, I was given the generic ones for several years.


u/bobombpom Jun 23 '23

Just means you're better at not getting scammed :)


u/ClapSalientCheeks Jun 23 '23

I got 40 cents from Verizon once


u/Fast2Furious4 Jun 24 '23

The most I got was like $50 and I've gotten some for as low as $2


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '23

i just got the biggest one yet last week. 200 something dollars from yahoo settlement