r/politicalopinion Mar 13 '23

Cry All You Want, Trans Activists, But Remember This: You Started This War (Part 2)

Click here for Part 1

But there’s another point too, and this is something I want to say specifically to the trans activists who are now crying and panicking and hysterically ranting about imaginary genocide (I say they’re doing that now, but actually, they’ve been doing all along, this is all they ever do). Please always remember this: you started it. I see you on social media and on the news and out marching the street, crying your crocodile tears and claiming that you’re being set upon by fascist right-wingers who let you just live your lives in peace. “What did we ever do to you,” you cry, “why are you so angry at us?” Well, let me answer that question.

You see, the rest of us were living OUR lives. We were minding OUR own business, when YOU came along, and demanded that we abandon everything we know about fundamental physical reality for your sake. That’s what YOU did. You claimed the right to walk into whatever bathroom you want, whatever locker room, whatever sports team, nobody else has ever had that right. NOBODY ELSE has ever had that right to just do whatever they want, go anywhere they want! But YOU wanted it! You tried to restructure human society to make it affirming to you personally! You wanted to force the whole world to bend to your narcissism! You tried to put words in our mouths, you tried to control how we speak, even when your not in the room! Your ego is so out of control, that you even tried to take possession of parts of the English language, like you can own them as a pet! You waved that hideous, ridiculous flag in our face, and wouldn’t stop waving it! You demanded not just tolerance, but celebration! YOU did all of that! That was YOU! And now you cry victim because some of us have simply answered “no”? You made demands, many people surrendered to those demands immediately, but some of us, a FEW of us, are refusing. And that makes you a victim? You bullied most people into submission right away, but now you wanna compare yourselves to Jews in the holocaust because a few of us can’t be controlled so easily? Well, that is just a testament to your boundless narcissism.

It didn’t have to be this way. If you were really interested in privacy—if you really simply wanted the ability to live your life as you wished—then you could’ve had that. If you had just said, “Well, I’m gonna live as though I’m the opposite sex, I’m gonna tell everyone that I’m the opposite sex, and I’m gonna change my name and how I dress , and I’m gonna do all of this because it’s what I want to do, and it’s how I want to live,” well, if would’ve just said that, you could’ve done that. I personally still would not have agreed with your lifestyle, and I personally would not have gone along with the charade, and I would not have affirmed the lie—I would not have—but society generally would have left you alone as you claim you want. And I KNOW that because that was already the experience of the very small minority of trans identified people in this country up until the last decade or so. Prior to this past decade, this tiny group of people basically lived the lifestyle they wanted to live, and there wasn’t attempt to stop them from doing so. We didn’t really talk about it, it wasn’t discussed. It was very much on the fringes. But that wasn’t good enough for you. In your vanity, you couldn’t be satisfied merely with the ability to live how you want. You demanded the celebration - you needed not just the ability to practice your lifestyle, but you needed a parade following behind you and cheering you on the whole time. And you needed affirmation. My God, your obsessive unquenchable need for affirmation!

Have you noticed that NOBODY ELSE walks around everyday demanding that the entire world affirm them every second? No one EVER did that! No one has lived their life that way, walking around for affirmation! None of the rest of us even THINK about that! You walk out your door and you need to be affirmed by people!? AFFIRMED!? How is that anyone’s job to affirm you!? YOU decided to do that. You couldn’t just believe whatever you believed about yourself, nobody can stop you from having a belief about yourself. You wanted the rest of us to believe it too. You wanted to force us to believe it. You wanted society to be restructured around your self perceptions, and you wanted our children. You wanted to induct countless children into your confusion, baptize them into it, so that the confusion you foster in them might affirm the confusion might harbor in your own minds. You pretended that you wanted freedom, but you HAD that. You wanted more. There were no laws saying that if you’re a man, and you want to put on a dress and walk around, you might be put in jail.

No, you HAD the freedom, but you wanted a lot more than that, you wanted to reshape our entire culture in your image. You didn’t just want your own lifestyle, you wanted us to participate in it with you. That’s what this comes down to. You are demanding our participation, and what we are saying to you, some of us, is “no!” Can you get that through your heads? We are allowed to say “no!” We are NOT going to participate! You are the mouse who wanted a cookie, and you were given a cookie, and you ate it, but then you wanted to eat everything else in the house too. Some people object—finally object—and you break down in tears like a child who has to leave the playground. You pushed too far, WAY too far, and now this is the push back. In summary, you wanted this fight. You ASKED for it. You DEMANDED it, and now you have it. Now you have it, whether you like it or not.



u/No-Bicycle-1971 Apr 12 '23

you kinda have a point