r/politicalopinion Feb 09 '23

The Grammy’s Illustrates Our Culture’s Decline Into Satanism (Part 2)

Click here for Part 1

Now, the song that won the award is aptly titled “Unholy”, and the two award winning males performed it for the audience after they won this award. Madonna (who with each passing day comes to more and more resemble the creepy puppet from the Saw franchise) introduced the duo, who then launched into a blatantly demonic performance. The whole thing was designed to look like some kind of satanic sex ritual with fire and devil horns and BDSM and Sam Smith dressed like Satan. Here’s a clip, and make sure you pay attention all the way at the end of this clip:

”The 65th Grammy Awards is sponsored by Pfizer.”

The satanic ritual brought to you by Pfizer. A little too on the nose, I have to say. Now, needless to say, the main reason they went all in with the campy Party City devil costumes and demonic imagery and all of that is that they want attention. Sam Smith is the same guy who just released a music video that shows him parading around at a piss orgy, drinking urine. He's desperate to be noticed and will do literally whatever it takes. He certainly can't rely on the quality of his music to speak for itself. I mean, putting aside the Satanist stuff, just listen to the lyrics from that Unholy song that we just heard a clip of:

Mummy don't know daddy's getting hot

At the body shop

Doing something unholy

He's sat back while she's dropping it

She be popping it

Yeah, she put it down slowly

This is just absolute brain rotting stupidity. These are alleged artists who have no art to offer; nothing to say; no talent; no creativity, and so they can only try to shock us. There’s always been art with immoral messages. The difference is that in modern times, our immoral art is produced by the most tiresome collection of monotonous, talentless idiot hacks to ever walk the Earth. As with Sam Smith’s pee guzzling music video, this stuff is indeed offensive and gross and disgusting, etc., it’s all of that, but it’s also utterly tedious and boring. These depraved attention mongers can’t even manage to be offensive in an interesting way. Instead they simply recycle the same shock tactics over and over again, and we’ve seen it ALL by now. As it turns out, there are only so many ways to be a satanic whore. After a while it gets repetitive, and we are way past that point today.

But with that said, even if these degenerate pop stars are just vying for our attention in the most obvious overdone ways because they have the IQ and creative talent of a paper plate, there is still a certain significance to the fact that a major broadcast network broadcast a satanic ritual that night. I think it’d be a mistake to ignore this development completely. Instead, I think we should focus on it for long enough to learn two lessons that this event can teach us. First, the Left’s cultural agenda is to tear down and desecrate all that you love and hold as sacred. They have no ideas of their own, they have no plan beyond the destruction. That’s why they borrow from Christianity even while they try to RIDICULE it. They have to in effect sit on the same limb they’re trying to saw off the tree. They can’t stand on their own, they have nothing. They don’t have their own platform. It’s an agenda motivated by pure hatred and resentment. They don’t even know WHY they hate what they hate, but they DO hate it and their hatred drives them to destroy.

Second, and I think maybe the most important point, is that leftism IS Satanism. There’s a reason why they rely so heavily on satanic imagery and all that kind of stuff: they are all literally satanists - just not for the most part theological satanists. That’s an important distinction here. There are some theological satanists out their who actually worship the Devil outwardly, but these people and most leftists certainly don’t consider themselves to be worshipping a being called Satan. Rather, they’re worshipping what Satan worshipped, which is the self. The story of Satan is that he refused to worship and serve God, choosing instead to worship and serve himself, and the modern leftist has made the same choice. Leftism is the worship of the self. It is the elevation of the self, and the wants and desires of the self—especially the sexual wants and desires—above everyone and everything else. Almost ALL modern pop music is an ode to this idea. Pop stars are singing praises to the gospel of self-worship, which is to say that most of it is satanic. Most pop music is satanic, because it is about promoting the worship of the self. It’s just that it’s usually not so explicit about it. But I think probably better that they are explicit, so that people can see all that stuff for what it really is, and respond accordingly to it.



u/rdinsb Feb 10 '23

Hail Satan!