r/pics 15d ago

graffiti art in relation to Mangione found on train Arts/Crafts


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u/Master_of_Smegma 15d ago

Trump was elected because he successfully managed to represent himself as a maverick challenger towards the status quo. You can find the fact that he managed to do so as ridiculous as you want, but that was the reason.

Once the people have to actually live with the consequences - the continued decline of their living conditions - we might actually edge closer to the appearance of a real revolutionary - and not a feigned one like Trump.

It’s at that point that things might become interesting.


u/badcatjack 15d ago

Trump is selecting the wealthiest cabinet in US history, basically putting the American oligarchy on public display for the world to critique every choice they make. Shit is going to get interesting, and interesting is never good.


u/Rejusu 15d ago

He also duped dumb people into thinking he's relatable because he has his steak well done with ketchup and eats at McDonald's. There's definitely a trick to being part of the exploitative elite while tricking people into believing you aren't.


u/SuperSpecialAwesome- 13d ago

Trump was elected because Biden and his useless Party refused to enforce the 14th Amendment against him, which directly bars Trump and his fellow insurrectionists from all federal offices.
