r/pics 15d ago

graffiti art in relation to Mangione found on train Arts/Crafts


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u/FLTA 15d ago

If it was just about corporate greed and price gouging, a supermajority of Americans would’ve voted for Kamala Harris instead of billionaire that stiffed contractors and cities alike.

I see this more tied to the state of healthcare in this country.


u/MKUltra16 15d ago edited 15d ago

Health insurance is the only thing I’ve ever experienced that 1. Does not tell you how much it costs in advance 2. Does not provide you with an itemized receipt of costs 3. Charges you an enormous amount on a month-by-month basis and then also charges you an enormous amount for utilizing the service 4. Has no transparency in explaining its pricing and 5. Requires you, the customer, to navigate a system you don’t understand when something goes wrong. I’m currently fighting about an X-ray I was charged for that never happened. The only reason I know it didn’t happen is because I have healthcare experience. It’s required 6 hours of my time so far with no resolution as of yet. Every person I know has been harmed by the health insurance and by extension, healthcare industry.

I also think this is touching on our frustration with school shootings, as well. People are viewing it as an either/or rather than a yes/no.


u/floofnstuff 15d ago

Healthcare is somewhere near the top of the list along with homes( shelter), food and clean water. The basics of our ability to survive. All of these are tied to corporations who care more about their shareholders than their consumers.


u/Faiakishi 15d ago

But see, you need to factor in how many people are stupid as fuck.