r/migraine 8h ago

Is a movie theater a decent job?

So I’m looking for a new job, I’m sensitive to light so I thought maybe a movie theater would be good. Has anyone worked in one, if so can you tell me your experience there with migraines


u/Last_Heather 2h ago

I don't go often since the light and sound can vary, and it usually triggers a migraine. Different smells from food, customers' perfumes, and any cleaning products you may use may affect you. I'm pretty sure you won't be standing in one place all shift.

Just trying to think of what could be bothersome. It's difficult, I know.

u/RealisticMystic005 2h ago

Never worked in one, but i think it depends. Movies can be hard for me with the big screen and flashing lights and going from the dark theater to the bright outside world. I know you wouldn’t just be watching movies, but going in and out during certain scenes could be hard depending on your level of sensitivity. Working near a door could be hard if it’s a lot of contrasting light. You know yourself best

u/Karihaber23 2h ago edited 2h ago

I worked at a theater for 5 years and actually had to quit due to increasing pain from my neurological disorder.

I think it depends on your triggers and what jobs the theater will have you do, but the theater I worked at had us all over the place. The auditoriums themselves can be loud, especially as you are often cleaning them when credits are rolling or checking on a crowded auditorium for any disturbances. There's also a lot of smells because of the food in concessions, trash cleanup while ushering, or cleaning you may have to do in concessions. I also had to clean bathrooms, but I'm not sure every theater does this. This was pretty straining. You are on your feet a lot.

Edit: They also typically turn on the lights when cleaning the auditoriums, and it's pretty bright. You won't be working in the dark.