r/java 4d ago

Looking for Azul JVM Profiler/Observability Recommendations

I've been using YourKit for observing / profiling Hotspot JVMs and have been very happy with it. However, it doesn't support Azul JVM (at least not the paid one). What tools do you recommend for profiling and monitoring Azul JVMs?

I've used VisualVM but it seemed much worse than YourKit - e.g. not working for things like memory retained size etc.



u/UnknownRJ 4d ago

Isn't Memory Retained Size available when you take a heapdump? I used VisualVM and they do have this retained size when you click it, tho I prefer to use Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tool for heapdumps.


u/yperus 4d ago

It should be but last time I tried it crashed for Azul. I'll try Eclipse Memory Analyzer, thanks.


u/UnknownRJ 4d ago

for VisualVM you might want to tweak the -Xmx arguments, same for Eclipse MAT if you are going ti deal with big heap dumps (change args at MemoryAnalyzer.ini)


u/yperus 3d ago

Makes sense, thanks.


u/benevanstech 2d ago

By the "Azul JVM" do you mean "Azul Platform Prime", which is their non-OpenJDK product with the Falcon compiler, etc?