How do I change the r/jailbreak and r/iOSthemes theme?
When we've had discussions about potential user-suggested styles for these subreddits, readers have heavily disagreed on what the subreddit should look like. After thinking about this a bit and wondering what to do, the moderators realized: people on r/jailbreak and r/iOSthemes are the kind of people who love to customize what they use to their own tastes - that's why we jailbreak. Picking one theme and making everyone use it wouldn't be much in the spirit of jailbreaking. Instead, we'd like to encourage people to make their own styles and share them, which is possible using a browser extension.
What is Stylish?
Stylish is an extension for Chrome and Firefox which allows you to edit the CSS (style) of a specific web page. Very basically, it loads the website's CSS, then uses the Stylish CSS to modify it.
You can make your own Stylish theme and then list it below. You should be able to edit this wiki page if you have more than 10 link karma in this subreddit; if you don't have that, or if you have questions about editing this page, you can message the moderators to help you.
Here are pastes of the current CSS and current sidebar (as of February 2, 2015) in case that helps you in experimenting with new theme styles. You might want to make a private test subreddit to mess around in.
Good practices with creating styles
- Use the following RegEx:
- Include in the title if your style is based on RES or not.
- Include "jailbreak" in your title when submitting to This will allow for easy searching.
- Do not hide subreddit information
Style | Imgur | Author |
OrangeGrey | image | /u/ibbignerd |
Jailbreak Stylishing | Image | /u/_BindersFullOfWomen_ |
Jailbreak Naut | Image | /u/Q-Quan (based on r/Naut 2.0) |