r/jailbreak discord.gg/jb Apr 14 '20

[Giveaway] Day 3/10 Of The 500,000 Subscriber Giveaway! Giveaway

Original Post

GOOD MORNING! Time for day 3 of the giveaways!

We are also giving away 10 tweaks/themes per day on our Discord server!

If you were to buy one of each of the tweaks/themes we were giving away, it would cost you $138.42 before tax. The ARV (Actual Retail Value) of all the tweaks/themes being given away these next few days will be worth $3,350.82!

I would like to give 2 shoutouts:

  1. To all the developers and designers who donated their tweaks and themes to this awesome and massive giveaway. (At this time we are no longer accepting any more donations to the giveaway so we can keep things organized)

  2. To the Packix repo for matching up to $2,500 USD in donations to this giveaway. (What this means is that developers and designers who's packages are hosted on the Packix repo will be reimbursed for donating)

Rules Of Entry:

  • To enter, simply answer the question asked at the bottom of this post
  • Your account needs to have been made before the original post. (April 6 and earlier is fine)
  • You can only win ONCE per day but you can win on multiple days. (If you happen to win on both Reddit and Discord on the same day though, that is ok)
  • Moderators of r/jailbreak are disqualified from winning.
  • Moderators of the r/jailbreak discord server are disqualified from winning the discord giveaways.
  • Developers who donated codes are ALLOWED to participate in these giveaways.
  • This giveaway will be open for around 24 hours (including Discord giveaways).
  • If you get banned for any reason between entering this giveaway and receiving your prize, a new winner will be picked. (Temporarily banned or Permanently banned)

Due to the fact that there will be over 1,500 winners, prizes will not be distributed until the last giveaway is over to make it easier for the developers and designers.

Day 1 Winners:

Username Tweak/Theme
u/scheckeer 3DTools
u/Captain__Billy 3DTools
u/slymmbo 3DTools
u/NujRS 3DTools
u/d8vedmg 3DTools
u/aboyervidal 3DTools
u/Cyfer_Ninja_3006 3DTools
u/Artic_Bots 3DTools
u/NathanielHofer 3DTools
u/Exoker01 AdobiOS
u/polyyeet Aerial 2
u/TheMagicZeus AOD
u/robonxt Appaze 2
u/GomGrabber Appaze 2
u/encryptem Appaze 2
u/garciiia96 Appaze 2
u/Vipremix B3rry
u/zhor00 B3rry
u/el_malto BatteryNotch
u/punyavats Beamy Glyphs
u/K1LLerCal Beamy Glyphs
u/aquantumchild Beamy Glyphs
u/PL_era58 Beamy Glyphs
u/Hyxerion Beamy Glyphs
u/kahtanalezzi Bleed
u/angelcuevas11 Bleed
u/azthek Bleed
u/Spiritbreake Bleed
u/xXAiykoXx Bleed
u/19card BlueFinder
u/batmanwithdev BlueFinder
u/pokeplayer59 CallBlocker
u/Yung_Nacho CarBridge*
u/AllStars101 Centaur
u/gameking30578 ChatSpeaker
u/ShippoFoxDemon ChatSpeaker
u/kkotto ChatSpeaker
u/Ruptito ChatSpeaker
u/AndrewIsntCool Circloid
u/arabyiphone Circloid Dark
u/fireagentk Classy
u/remote_location Colorly
u/OrdinaryGamerAyyLamo Complications 2
u/froggodog Complications 2
u/thizzinG CopyLog
u/sevenpastzeero CPUTool
u/RealBrianDuong Darker
u/kr0n1k Darker
u/ExtCordStudios Darker
u/lucky13820 Darker
u/SinkTube Darker
u/ZethyyXD DontStopMyCall
u/J_MAN8888 DynaWall 2
u/T0GA1 Fladient
u/karlitoni Flex 3
u/XxStea1nYoB1tchxX Flex 3
u/colto1000 Flex 3
u/Gr8Boi Flex 3
u/Name-L FlixRatings
u/JacobBestest FloatingDockPlus13
u/7zmau FloatingDockPlus13
u/Ianor Flow
u/lobellomattia Glyphy
u/DefeatedSouls HS13
u/redzrex HS13
u/DankMemezIV HS13
u/Calco7 HS13
u/elisuko HS13 Beta
u/Rohitwasnik HS13 Beta
u/PrivateCorporation HSketch!
u/PunkyJD HSketch!
u/Pintjeman HSketch!
u/quakenxt HSketch!
u/iamankit24 HSketch!
u/YoYoBroDude InstaLauncher
u/JustForDaMemes12 Jumper
u/nascarsc Kalm
u/zeldabeast44 Keyboard Plus
u/_AnIcePerson_ Keyboard Plus
u/craymotherlol Keyboard Plus
u/SusanoonoMikoto Keyboard Plus
u/FrozinFier Keyboard Plus
u/ivanchau Keyboard Plus
u/Foundurr Keyboard Plus
u/o3okevin KillX Pro
u/LordMadPunt KillX Pro
u/xkingxkaosx KillX Pro
u/Tobicakeee Liaca
u/Just-Shock Liaca
u/yunho0508 Liaca
u/yannip1234 Liaca
u/rhld15 Liaca
u/kevinp9999 Liaca
u/kev-the-goat Liaca
u/FuckVeggies Liaca
u/ZydePunk77 Liaca
u/FuryFaceofDoom Logicons for iOS
u/hanscts Lynx
u/iGermanProd Lyricify
u/Sonic49 Lyricify
u/slayednoob123 Lyricify
u/td512 Marque
u/Galactic_Dev Marque
u/Bulldog3321 Marque
u/robloxians Marque
u/manu-alvarado Marque
u/yummybomb123 Melted Crayons
u/southlow NextUp 2
u/akHyG NextUp 2
u/MattyByte OneHandWizard 2
u/Wrongallalong QuickLS
u/rockdrigo_2 Sleeper
u/Blessed_And_Redeemed Sleepizy
u/placebooooo Sleepizy
u/seperior_82 Snapper 2
u/okanook Sonus13
u/lebombastic SpringArtwork
u/Johnwatts2 SpringArtwork
u/yourlocaltechboi Springtomize 5
u/CoocooFroggy Springtomize 5
u/quickquestions-only SwipeExtenderX
u/WilsonDev SwipeExtenderX
u/YoelkiToelki SwitchShades
u/IAmAnIssue SwitchShades
u/Steve-luo TrueTube
u/Not_My_Usrname TrueTube
u/Person10802477 Velox
u/finding_waldo Velox
u/LiamPickle09 Veza
u/tkarocker Viola
u/Deadshot0059 Viola
u/_freezingfjre_ Viola
u/Aquiluscirculi Viola
u/umair_101 Viola
u/triplem123 WatchSounds*
u/augustobob Watercooled
u/rihcus Watercooled
u/Thee_oohwee Watercooled
u/stevey83 Watercooled
u/Diablo_sv Watercooled
u/rossaiden31 Watercooled
u/novapays Watercooled
u/totallyaweosme Watercooled
u/BrySeye Watercooled
u/eboyishdweeb Youva
u/SinnersDemise92 Youva
u/PONCE54958 Youva
u/giannisnrch Youva
u/re_sample Youva
u/TheLukeGuy ZeZe

Today's prizes are:

Tweak/Theme Amount Dev/Designer Repo Normal Price
3DTools 10 Smokin Packix $1.99
AdobiOS 1 mchamp90 TwickD $2.50
Aerial 2 1 sharedRoutine Packix $1.99
Appaze 2 5 AnthoPak Packix $2.49
Aurora 9 AX3L_4 Packix $1.99
B3rry 2 MegaDev Packix $1.99
BatteryNotch 1 gilshahar7 Packix $1.50
Beamy Glyphs 5 SRK_Themes Packix $1.99
Bleed 5 Pinpal Packix $0.99
BlueFinder 1 AnthoPak Packix $1.50
BottomToolbar 7 XCXiao TwickD $1.50
CallBlocker 1 P2KDev Packix $0.99
Centaur 1 Muirey03 Packix $2.00
ChatSpeaker 5 Prasa Packix $1.99
Circloid 1 Thenatis TwickD $1.99
Circloid Dark 1 Thenatis TwickD $1.99
Classy 1 Thenatis TwickD $1.99
Colorly 1 Walker Bagley TwickD $1.99
Complications 2 3 Ben Giannis Packix $1.99
CopyLog 1 TomT000 Packix $1.99
CPUTool 1 Soh Satoh Packix $2.50
Darker 4 TNT Packix $1.19
DontStopMyCall 1 Prasa Packix $1.50
Fladient 1 Alphastream Packix $0.99
Flex 3 4 JohnCoats GetDelta $4.00
FlixRatings 1 Joshua Seltzer Packix $0.99
FloatingDockPlus13 2 P2KDev Packix $1.50
Glyphy 1 spooter TwickD $1.50
HS13 3 AplAddict Packix $0.75
HS13 Beta 2 AplAddict Packix $1.00
HSketch! 4 AplAddict Packix $1.50
InstaLauncher 1 jontelang Packix $3.00
Jumper 1 Neo Ighodaro Packix $1.99
Kalm 1 ubik Packix $1.99
Keyboard Plus 8 Ryan Nair Packix $1.50
KillX Pro 3 Cemck Packix $0.99
Liaca 10 Devy_Design Packix $1.99
Logicons for iOS 1 iPhShqip Packix $1.99
Lynx 2 MTAC TwickD $1.50
Lyricify 4 ConorTheDev Chariz $1.99
Marque 4 SRK_Themes Packix $2.00
Melted Crayons 1 thebermudalocket TwickD $1.29
"NextUp 2 " 1 Andreas Henriksson henrikssonbrothers $2.75
OneHandWizard 2 1 sharedRoutine Packix $2.49
QuickLS 1 Dave van Wijk TwickD $0.99
Sleeper 1 Joshua Seltzer Packix $0.99
Sleepizy 1 AnthoPak Packix $1.99
Snapper 2 1 jontelang Packix $3.00
Sonus13 1 ubik Packix $1.75
SpringArtwork 1 Andreas Henriksson henrikssonbrothers $2.75
Springtomize 5 1 sharedRoutine Packix $4.99
SwipeExtenderX 1 qwertyuiop1379 Chariz $2.49
Velox 1 ApexTweaks Chariz $3.99
WatchSounds* 1 gilshahar7 Packix $1.50
Watercooled 10 geobin Packix $1.50
Youva 5 Octane Graphics Packix $1.99
ZeZe 1 23Aaron Dynastic $1.99
  • CarBridge = You must have CarPlay to win this. If you don't, you may be eligible for a different prize
  • WatchSounds = You must have an Apple Watch to win this. If you don't, you may be eligible for a different prize

By joining our Discord server, you can also get notified when the next giveaways are posted.

Reminder: There will be no giveaway Wednesday or Thursday. Day 4 will be on Friday.

To enter: Comment on this post the answer to this question: During What iOS Version Did You Start Jailbreaking?


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u/aaronp613 discord.gg/jb Apr 14 '20

Congrats on winning day 1 btw

u/Galactic_Dev Developer Apr 14 '20

Thanks, I was really surprised when I woke up to that notification lol.