r/interesting 1d ago

This woman never had a baby bump throughout her pregnancy MISC.

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The baby was totally fine


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u/Brilliant-Mountain57 1d ago

I think if she was pregnant for 9 whole months and didn't know it, that its pretty likely that was she drinking throughout the entirety of their pregnancy. Now the frequency of which we don't know but more than likely this wasn't her first time having a drink in 9 months since to her nothing would be out of the ordinary.


u/Iputonmyrobeandwiz 1d ago

So alcohol during pregnancy is obviously not great but people falsely assume that a drop of beer is going to destroy a baby. It’s not. Just think about it historically, there were cultures where low abv beer and ale were drunk basically in place of water (which might have actually been more dangerous). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome occurs when a pregnant woman is basically heavily or binge-drinking throughout the pregnancy. In this case, a woman unknowingly pregnant could just be going about normal life, moderately drinking 1-2 beers or glasses of wine a week or so, and would likely pop out a perfectly healthy baby, as many many many women have before. Yes, pregnant women should not drink. But there has been pretty intense messaging, particularly in the US and places with high rates of binge-drinking, which doesn’t really explain the actual medical risks so much as target people who have a tendency to binge drink. It’s a weird issue to discuss, but when it happens that a pregnant woman accidentally drinks (either unknowingly pregnant or an accidental ingestion of alcohol), the reaction shouldn’t be to assume FAS as it’s highly unlikely in those scenarios.


u/SalamanderFree938 1d ago

FAS is a spectrum so there are likely many people who have been affected by moderate alcohol consumption during pregnancy who don't have strong enough symptoms to be officially diagnosed with FAS, but may have slight delayed development or learning disability, so it's not a good idea to drink even a moderate amount while pregnant

Also, a decent amount of drinks (5-6) at one time at the wrong time during pregnancy is enough to cause a diagnosable level of FAS. For a young woman that's not a crazy amount, and she wouldn't need to be regularly binge drinking to cause that


u/Large-Cellist61 1d ago

i’ve read that one night of drinking at early pregnancy literally 1-2 weeks can cause it . so idk about this.


u/Finless_brown_trout 1d ago



u/Large-Cellist61 1d ago

https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-much-drinking-causes-fetal-alcohol-syndrome it says smaller amounts may not always harm but that any amount of alcohol can be dangerous because fetuses cannot process alcohol. it does acknowledge that heavier drinking can increase risk but points out that any amount of alcohol can lead to fetal alcohol syndrome.


u/Large-Cellist61 1d ago

i’ve heard it somewhere else first i just can’t remember where but it made me scared to ever drink because i was trying to get pregnant and i had heard that one night of drinking before you know can cause it so i basically quit.


u/autogyrophilia 18h ago

Yeah and I heard of one woman giving birth to rabbits.


u/curiouskitcat 17h ago

Mother and baby do not share blood until weeks 7-8 when the placenta forms so I’m not sure how alcohol can even get to the baby before this. Also, At least in the US the 40 weeks count down starts at the beginning your last period and you typically don’t ovulate for two weeks after this so for weeks 1-2 there is actually no baby/fetus yet.

I would also like to know the sources here to understand what they are saying is affected at such an early stage.

The only effects I’ve seen researched are that a substantial amount of binge drinking in the early stages can leave a strong physical toll on Mom’s body. Alcohol is basically poison after all. As a result, there may be higher miscarriage rates because the body isn’t healthy enough to maintain the pregnancy.


u/Ill-Berry8019 1d ago

you trying to justify drinking while having a child is some real alcoholism. figure it out buddy i hope your wife or you never do some stupid shit like that


u/Remarkable_Baby5715 1d ago

I feel like you're purposefully misconstruing what they are trying to say. It was simply an informational comment, not a justification. Don't be rude.


u/SnooMacaroons5247 1d ago

What an unhinged take away from that comment.


u/SurrealOrwellian 1d ago

That’s quite the reach you’ve got there


u/throwawayzies1234567 1d ago

You can absolutely drink a glass of wine a day while pregnant, it’s scientifically proven. It’s the same as running, you shouldn’t take it up while pregnant, but if you’re already a runner, you’re fine to run while pregnant. Check out Emily Oster’s book, or get the cliff notes and analysis here. Statistically, being poor is worse for your kid than having wine while pregnant.


u/silkspectre22 1d ago

Emily Oster is an economist, not a scientist, and her books on pregnancy have been controversial. Additionally, the link you shared actually cites articles that dispute your point.


u/throwawayzies1234567 1d ago

Economics is a science, and also a woman with her academic pedigree is not just publishing shit Willy Nilly, it’s science backed.


u/silkspectre22 1d ago

She is in no way a medical professional, and she cherry picks the research she cites to support her views. As someone who works in healthcare, I have seen patients with fetal alcohol syndrome in which the mothers reported "light drinking" and did so because they felt supported by her book, despite medical advice.


u/DaggerQ_Wave 1d ago

She caught Malcolm Gladwell syndrome


u/metricshadow12 1d ago

As a medical student I can confirm what is taught nowadays is no amount of alcohol is “safe” better to just not do it at all.


u/UnicornWitch133 19h ago

They weren't justifying it. If you were actually reading, they said that while drinking while pregnant isn't great, someone who is only drinking a little while unknowingly pregnant is more unlikely to cause FAS than binge-drinking like an alcoholic. Seriously, learn some reading comprehension.


u/Junior-Turnover4453 1d ago

reddit is not fucking real 😂😂😂 you mfs needa get a mf grip


u/BillbertBuzzums 1d ago

No she was actually only pregnant for the last few months of pregnancy. A medical anomaly.


u/TheCowzgomooz 22h ago

Really depends on the person, I don't really drink that often, but when I do, I often get, well, pretty damn drunk, but it's usually spaced out by like at least 2 to 3 months, if not more. I can't imagine I'm the only person that drinks like this lol.


u/gottheronavirus 1d ago

Another fetal alcohol syndrome homie


u/Really_Fun_YaYa 1d ago

I seriously doubt she sucking up the booze, knowing she was not showing , but was pregnant…. She just went out to have fun…


u/cmstyles2006 1d ago

...she...she didn't know she was pregnant. Did you somehow miss all the times people said she didn't know she was pregnant?


u/MyLifeisTangled 1d ago

The thing you’re replying to is talking about a person who did NOT know she was pregnant. They’re not talking about the girl in the video.


u/Beneficial-Wolf-4536 1d ago

lmao get a job


u/Really_Fun_YaYa 1d ago

GET A LIFE!! Why comment at all, not needed!


u/Beneficial-Wolf-4536 1d ago

wait no i replied to the wrong comment 😭 my b


u/Really_Fun_YaYa 1d ago

Hee hee , ALL OK!!! I was wondering


u/FunnyMunney 1d ago

As thin as this woman is, unless she has a binge and purge problem, she for sure does not have a problem with alcohol. That balloons your weight so fast in such a short amount of time. Needles with opiates to stay high but lucid, maybe, but you don't stay a secret drunk without showing it in 9 months.


u/ExplosiveAnalBoil 1d ago

My cousin is an alcoholic, and she's thin as a rail.

Not everyone that drinks has an issue with weight.


u/FunnyMunney 1d ago

That's the exception that proves the rule, though. How often do you see a thin, hot, Christian Bale alcoholic in real time?

Im saying, if we are going on odds, I would say this woman is not an alcoholic if she is recording all kinds of videos about her baby and then actually has it.

I've seen a thousand of these where everyone has to just kinda forget they were pregnant and then you get yelled at for asking about it. Almost like it was a publicity stunt.

I also saw one where a woman gave birth to twins in the toilet because she was a 6 mile a day runner for warm up cardio and had no idea she was pregnant. She had to call 911 after she grabbed her first child out of the toilet basin and they realized "there's another one in there".

That woman wasn't taking monthly pics of her stomach. I think this girl is legit and is just an anomaly. But I'm also just a hillbilly in Nebraska, so...


u/ExplosiveAnalBoil 1d ago

I see where you're wrong.

You need to read the thread you're replying in. You clearly didn't and just wrote a knee jerk response, which makes you look stupid.

This thread is not about the woman that OP posted.


u/FunnyMunney 1d ago


My argument was I dont believe she is an alcoholic because shes thin. Your response is your cousin is thin and an alcoholic. Fair enough.

The next part of that, is she might be an alcoholic even though she is thin, because she only sometimes drinks and doesn't notice that she's in the end pregnant?

My missed cue would be that she only sometimes gets drunk, so it makes sense that the abnormality is enough she didn't pay attention to it, right?

But a baby growing in your belly is not a quick tumor, its a ~7lb child over the better part of a year.

That woman's stomach is going to show that unless something is either abnormal, or wrong.

I wouldn't even still be arguing this if you didn't tell me I made a stupid reaction, respond to my rebuttals and tell me how I'm wrong?


u/ExplosiveAnalBoil 1d ago

You still have no idea what's going on.

This thread is about someone that didn't know they were pregnant, going into labor hung over, because they got drunk. Someone that doesn't know they're pregnant has no reason not to drink.

Again, this thread, the one that you're participating in right now, has nothing to do with the woman taking photos of her pregnancy to show that she has no baby bump. This thread is about a completely different woman that had no clue she was pregnant, continued to go out and drink, because she didn't know she was pregnant, and the possibility of fetal alcohol syndrome.

Again, this is about a woman, who had absolutely no clue she was pregnant, because she didn't have a baby bump, going into labor hungover. She's hungover, because she did not know she was pregnant. Since she did not know she was pregnant, she continued to drink, because, again, she did not know she was pregnant, and because she was still drinking, since she didn't know she was pregnant, FAS was brought up, as a real possible consequence.

The reason it was brought up, is because, as I can't emphasize enough for you, she did not know she was pregnant, because this thread you're involved in, right now, is about a completely different woman than in the original posting, and the woman we are talking about in this thread, did not know she was pregnant, and went into labor hungover. Again, still a different woman than the one in the original post, which contains this thread.


u/FunnyMunney 1d ago

My bad. I went up the thread and see if am wrong. I thought I was responding to the original thread.



u/ExplosiveAnalBoil 1d ago

Nope, we're talking about someone completely different, who could have actually risked FAS.


u/FunnyMunney 1d ago

Ok. I agreed to give up, but you dont want to. Which parts am I still wrong about?


u/KeyboardJustice 1d ago

I don't know about your arguments with the other guy, but your original mistake was phasing things as if this thread were talking about the woman in OP video having an alcohol problem. This thread is talking about some commenter's manager that found out she was pregnant after a night of heavy drinking because she was going into labor. It wasn't even mentioned if this woman was thin and nobody assumes OPs video woman has an alcohol problem.


u/FunnyMunney 1d ago

My bad. I went up the thread and see if am wrong. I thought I was responding to the original thread.


u/Old-Doubt-7862 1d ago

No, just no. I've known so many people with alcohol problems and was a hardcore one myself years ago like crack open a beer at 7am and drink the whole day and my weight never changed nor did the many other people I knew with a problem. Weight fluctuation is a terrible metric to put so much emphasis on to determine if there's alcoholism. Yes weight gain happens and yes it's common but it's just as common to not put on weight. You're really misinformed and what you're implying is pretty dangerous. Saying that someone for sure does not have an alcohol problem because they're thin is just dumb and not based in reality. Millions of people stay secret drunk and struggling with alcohol for years with people not noticing. Functioning alcoholics is a term for a reason. I've known just as many thin people with drinking problems as I have overweight ones.


u/tabulaerasure 1d ago

I knew a dude who was just an overall addict, who liked to focus on one drug of choice at a time. When he was into alcohol (specifically cheap ass busch light), he would actually get skinnier, because he would stop eating, just so he fit more beer into his stomach. Granted, his stomach would distend into a "baby bump", just from the sheer volume of gas and liquid, but the rest of him got bone thin. He later decided to mainline cocaine for a while, but he still had more weight on him overall than when he was drinking. It was fucking bizarre.


u/Easy-Tower3708 1d ago

It's true I'm sure in some cases. I was an addict for many years about 9 years and back further still. I'd do the drinking, no food thing and lose weight. When I eventually switched to heroin and Xanax, it gave me the munchies for sweets and I ballooned, like 100 lbs nearly!

Now I'm sober but just a chunk. Eh 🤣


u/FunnyMunney 1d ago

Buddy. Ive been drinking close to 6+- doubleshots of Fireball every day for the last 6 years of my life. The gas station knows me by name, and its embarrassing to try to push through quick and get the fuck out and let me live in shame by myself. My stretch marks look like my waist is trying its best to hold onto my chest.

I'm not saying that to brag, I'm saying it to be honest. To be fair, I may be completely wrong, but I've never seen someone stay thin and also drink liquor day in and day out, while also presentable enough that I take a second look.

Looking back now, she is young and likely has a good metabolism and can fight the extra calories and sugar, but that shit adds up quick when you're 30+. She maybe be <27 and thank God her Deity is being nice to her, but she's going to figure it out real quick if she doesn't make a change in a couple years.


u/Dianapdx 1d ago

When you drink straight vodka every day and don't eat, you lose weight. I weighed 102 when I went to treatment.


u/ThePennedKitten 1d ago

You might get puffy, but plenty of alcoholics are thin. This isn’t true at all. This is just your experience with the people you know.


u/FunnyMunney 1d ago

Good point, kitten.


u/thatringonmyfinger 1d ago

As a therapist, I can assure you that you are very incorrect about alcoholics all being thin.


u/Dianapdx 1d ago

Did not say they were ALL thin.


u/Icy-Depo379 1d ago

Hi, sober alcoholic and former bulimic here. During the period of my life that my drinking was at its worst, I was thin as a board, unhealthily so. Prior to that (I swapped one shitty coping mechanism for another) whilst deeply bulimic, I had a larger, more "puffy" and bloated look to my body shape. As can be common for many active bulimics. Not everyone's body reacts as mine did to these addictions but the sweeping statements you make above are not remotely the norm for everyone either.

[Note, my comment has nothing to do with pregnant the woman in the video and her living habits.]


u/FunnyMunney 1d ago

Nevermind. I am wrong and this womans living habits are probably better. I retract all previous statements and you can justify everything from here on out.


u/Icy-Depo379 1d ago

Hey man, I just felt the need to push back against your misinformed statements on how body shape relates to addictions. Saw your other comments though, I remember the darkness, self-hatred and shame I felt during the years I woke up and started my days off with the bottle. From one fucked up stranger to another, hang in there and I hope you're doing ok.


u/FunnyMunney 1d ago

Thats a hollow response and I hope you feel special when there's a project in front of you versus "I live aa".

You either know what I mean or you don't. I won't help you with karma.


u/Icy-Depo379 1d ago

Despite your attempt at lashing out in your response, I have been there, and I truly do hope you are able to find your way out of it one day. Have a good rest of your night.

P.S. commenting way down in the depths of comments multiple threads deep is not where one goes to farm karma.


u/saffrowsky 1d ago

Others have responded, but I’ll throw my own personal experience in. At my alcohol abusing peak, I weighed 102lbs and was severely malnourished. My muscles were atrophied. I, and many many others, simply swapped food for alcohol (and you can find the same story repeated over and over in stopdrinking). To further complicate it, a lot of bodies start rejecting solid food. With every bite I took of something, I was at high risk of it just coming right back up. So I essentially just stopped eating.

I’ve since cleaned up my shitty habits and almost never drink anymore, but my appetite came back to an alarming level immediately after I stopped drinking. I practically inhaled anything put in front of me and omg the cravings for sweets… I’ve since put on about 100lbs, but I’ll take it over looking like a ghoul any day.


u/deadlydreamz 1d ago

100% this is a case of willful ignorance.


u/BenNHairy420 1d ago

Um that’s not what they were saying. And also, if you’re completely unaware that you’re pregnant then duh why would you care that you had a drink because you literally don’t know you’re pregnant


u/deadlydreamz 1d ago

Don’t care. I’m the main character. What I say goes.


u/BenNHairy420 1d ago

Lmfao 😂


u/deadlydreamz 1d ago



u/camdalfthegreat 1d ago

Wow dude every single one of your comments is like this, that's almost impressive.


u/deadlydreamz 1d ago

Cuz I’m better than you. I’m superior. I’m almost GOD!


u/Easy-Tower3708 1d ago

Or just zero things going on


u/deadlydreamz 1d ago

Oh what you thought I wouldn’t see you there? I’m everywhere, remember?