r/interesting 1d ago

This woman never had a baby bump throughout her pregnancy MISC.

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The baby was totally fine


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u/LittleFrenchKiwi 1d ago

I'm going to ask a really dumb question....

But how does it fit in there ?

I mean all her organs then a full grown baby too ?

A pregnancy stomach with the bump I mean, and all the mum's organs are squished about to make room for the baby. But that's with the traditional bump.

So how? I mean..... How can the fully grown baby be growing in there without crushing the organs beyond repair ? Like...... Where is the room for it to grow too ?


u/ShinigamiLuvApples 1d ago

If she's tall and/or has a long torso, there's more room to grow 'up' versus out. Combine that with a retroverted tilted uterus and you end up with a baby more centered towards the spine. This is a rare occurrence to not show at all of course, and I don't know if she has a retroverted uterus, but I'd be surprised if she didn't.


u/Ok-Cook-7542 1d ago

what i cant find anyone explaining is where did the flesh go that the baby displaced? the womans torso is now holding all of her own organs and muscles and stuff plus a 7 pound baby, placenta, amniotic sac, and amniotic fluid. if i have a full backpack no matter where a shove a bowling ball im not going to be able to zip it closed again


u/G_Man421 1d ago

Most of the organs in the abdomen are squishy and easily pushed out the way, and you have more free space than you realise in the first place. One of my best friends is walking around with four kidneys right now.

But I bet this woman needed to use the bathroom a lot more often while she was pregnant.


u/CringeCoyote 1d ago

Well why are they hogging all the kidneys???


u/TheRealJackReynolds 1d ago

“Hey, Chameleon Brothers, this guy’s hoggin’ the kidneys! …I can’t pee myself!”

I’ll see myself out.


u/hibrett987 1d ago

There’s a chance they don’t all function properly. Have 4 but only 2 work sort of case


u/DeetDeet420 1d ago

If the kidney isn’t diseased, or dying, they leave the kidney in there when they put a new kidney in!


u/CringeCoyote 1d ago

I love this response because it still insinuates that the guy’s friend is hoarding kidneys, despite anyone obviously knowing what you really meant. I mean uh, clearly he’s hoarding kidneys if his own aren’t diseased!!!!


u/I-have-egg-madness 1d ago

Your comment made me LOL 🤣 happy cake day!


u/icebeancone 1d ago

One of my best friends is walking around with four kidneys right now

Does he have any like powers or what


u/macandcheese1771 1d ago

Killing off kidneys apparently


u/trainwreckmarriage 1d ago

You can't leave us hanging with the kidney thing? Were they born with four kidneys or something?


u/rickane58 1d ago

If they don't have to remove the kidneys during a transplant, it's often better to leave the weakened kidneys in to '"help" the new organs. Especially if whatever they have will inevitably waste away the new kidneys having split duty means the new ones will last longer.


u/G_Man421 1d ago

If you have kidney failure the surgeon typically doesn't remove the old kidneys. I imagine they would if there was risk of gangrene or sepsis, but these surgeons just put a third one in. Then that kidney turned out to be a dud...

Boom. Four kidneys.

I'm trying to explain the situation with a bit of levity. Truth is he almost died twice through no fault of his own, barely twenty years old. And finding two separate compatible donors was nothing short of miraculous.


u/Ok_Ambassador_6721 1d ago

Okay now I'm even more amazed. They can just leave decommissioned organs... just in there? And it doesn't cause problems?!


u/Dawncracker_555 1d ago

The organs aren't decommissioned, they're connected and working, just not well enough for the organism to survive.


u/Tankieforever 1d ago

Can I have one? Mine are trash.


u/Theobromacuckoo335 1d ago

Damn... she'd make bank selling the other 2.


u/_thistlefinch 1d ago

You can’t just casually mention 4 kidneys and then not explain… 😂


u/Jenn_Connellys_Brows 1d ago

Friend is a cat


u/Quick-Ad-1181 1d ago

Does your friend sell iPhones by any chance?


u/pdxrunner19 1d ago

Yep. My coworker told me she knew I was pregnant long before I started showing because I had to pee every 30 minutes. I also had terrible heartburn because my uterus was pressing into my stomach so much. I barely had a bump until I was 7 months pregnant.


u/Collies_and_Skates 1d ago

It’s more like having a backpack full of clothes and trying to fit a bowling ball in their. The uterus/baby just shoves everything up and out of the way and that allows more room for baby. This lady probably has a long torso, plus sized women usually don’t have much of a bump either for the same reason, everything just spreads out in there


u/celestial_vortexes 1d ago

Whether you show or not, pregnant women's insides rearrange themselves to make room for the baby. That's why pregnancy bumps can look different on people - if you have a long torso/are taller, you have more space to squish around organs, so you'll probably have a less noticeable bump. Short women grow massively outwards, because there's such little room to squish things around. The lady in the video apparently had lots of room to squish around and as others said, probably a tilted uterus. Pretty awesome!


u/Pineapple_Herder 1d ago

Organs go up or down while baby takes the center mass-ish.

My SIL's baby was breech (ass first instead of head) and in a cannon ball position. My nephew literally put his head under her ribs and when he would stretch out she'd have to stop whatever she was doing until she could breath again because he'd put pressure on her lungs.

Said the first it happened she thought she was dying. That was when they realized he wasn't going to rotate properly for birth. They tried everything but he gave 0 fucks. They ended up doing c section to get him out cuz he was not going to come out willingly.


u/bakersmt 1d ago

Relaxin I’m assuming, everything rearranges in there.


u/AHailofDrams 1d ago

It doesn't go anywhere, it's just squished.

There's also a surprising amount of free room


u/NorthernSparrow 1d ago

Some of it can push upwards, pushes the diaphragm up, and you end up with the lower lobes of the lungs not being used (they will just compress and shut down when not needed). Lung function is reduced as a result, but you don’t normally need all that extra lung capacity if you’re not doing strenuous cardio.


u/phoontender 1d ago

They squish everything else up...organs aren't solid. I didn't know I was pregnant until labour (looked like this lady but couldn't even feel movement....tilted uterus and placenta in front of baby) but I started having awful asthma attacks about 6 months before I gave birth because girl was smooshing my lungs and I could barely breathe.


u/SelfDefecatingJokes 1d ago

I’m not really planning on becoming pregnant ever but I have a v long torso and an inverted uterus. I wonder if a hypothetical pregnancy would look like this for me


u/PriceNext746 1d ago

Do it just for science’s sake and report back with the progress


u/stoptakingmydata 1d ago

Cool part is you could test it without anybody ever knowing! lol 


u/WaitroseValueVodka 1d ago

I think it's also something to do with abdominal strength for some women. The abs never quite get as strong as begore, which why if a woman carries another baby to term the bump usually shows earlier.


u/Closethehatch 1d ago

I’m 5’10, and at the time of pregnancy, very fit with muscle and little fat, 140 pounds. Long torso. I luckily had perfect protruding basketball shaped belly and this “not showing” is waaaay more rare (if real) than any of you are disclosing. You’re fueling hope of not showing and girl, that’s not cool.


u/ShinigamiLuvApples 20h ago

I mean, I said in my comment it was rare. I just stated factors that could contribute to the phenomenon. But it's something that does happen. If a woman wants to hope for that for whatever reason, they can, but it's unlikely to happen.


u/Fit-Courage6046 8h ago

But doesn't clip at the doctor show her with clearly visible belly? As far as I know organs do move, but it is almost impossible to have no bump with healthy baby, I believe she's sulking hard for photos/videos


u/Educational-South146 1d ago

My mom had no bump and I had quite small bumps, or more that I didn’t have a bump my abdomen just got a bit bigger overall but noticeably so if you didn’t know me. Lots of heartburn, trouble eating and breathing issues, because there was just no space!


u/wyldstallyns111 1d ago

The baby just compresses your organs even more when you aren’t showing much (or in her case, basically at all), she’s probably physically pretty uncomfortable.


u/wesavedmusafa 1d ago

Your ribs expand a few inches out, so that helps make some room. The diaphragm and stomach get really, really squished and shoved up. Your lungs get pretty depressed too and shoved deeper into your chest cavity, making breathing really hard in the last trimester.

The small intestines get squished the most and are just pushed around anywhere they can fit. The bladder becomes pancake-flat and is underneath the uterus, which is why pregnant women have to pee all the time.

Google to find see some cool diagrams that show where everything goes.


u/lovable_cube 1d ago

Newborns aren’t very big and our organs are pretty squishy. Most people gain like 20 lbs including the 8 lb infant, hers just didn’t push forward. She probably peed like every 10 minutes though.


u/gomurifle 20h ago

I will say it's a hoax untill i see more articles come out on this. 


u/Nole_in_ATX 8h ago

Life, uh, finds a way