r/interesting 1d ago

This woman never had a baby bump throughout her pregnancy MISC.

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The baby was totally fine


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u/Daylyn33 1d ago edited 1d ago

This was like me! I did end up showing in my final month, but just a teeny bump that you wouldn’t notice. I was very concerned but my doc wasn’t, he kept saying I would “pop” soon, but I never did.

A lot of people didn’t believe I was pregnant, so it was pretty funny running into them once my daughter was born. She was a healthy 7lb baby and arrived exactly on her due date.


u/meowsydaisy 1d ago

Are you tall? 

The woman in the video seems very tall, just wondering if that's connected some how.


u/Daylyn33 1d ago

Yes! I am 6’ tall. Good thinking, could def be because of my height.


u/ResourceWorker 1d ago

More space vertically means they need less horisontally maybe?


u/snallen_182 1d ago

I’m 5’10” and showed like no other lol 🤷🏼‍♀️


u/Daylyn33 1d ago

Wow!!!! That’s an impressive baby bump!


u/veronicave 1d ago

HOLY OH MY! Was baby big?? Didn’t you just knock everything over? Haha you look nice and healthy though 💜


u/snallen_182 1d ago

He was only 7lb 2oz so definitely not a big baby.


u/Xamanthas 1d ago

I love how the dog is stretching in the bg lol, but yeah huge


u/snallen_182 1d ago

I saw him after I posted too hehe. He’s a good boy


u/DukeofVermont 1d ago

Well without a before picture that might just be your normal beer belly. /s


u/snallen_182 1d ago

This was 5 weeks so like a few days after I found out I was preggo…gregnant…pregnant.


u/DukeofVermont 1d ago

I was 100% joking but thanks for the update!


u/snallen_182 1d ago

I totally figured out you were kidding after I posted but was like oh well 🫠


u/ayyemmsee 1d ago

This plus a tilted cervix.


u/EatsPeanutButter 1d ago

Yep. I’m 5’1 and carried small, but there was just no way I wasn’t going to have a bump lol. Nowhere else for baby to go. She smushed all my organs up as it was. From the side I looked tiny, but straight from the front, I was a ball lol. Tall ladies have it made for pregnancy!


u/Daylyn33 1d ago

I honestly feel so bad for the huge baby bumps. They’re beautiful, but I can’t imagine trying to get around. Having your insides all smushed too must have been so uncomfortable.


u/Regretsblastype 1d ago

They can squish so much your lungs are smaller so you are short of breath. And your stomach gets squished, so you can only eat a few bites at a time before you are full. It’s crazy what we go through during pregnancy! I had 3 and it’s like an alien took over your body. Most of the time it’s kind of cool. Sometimes, not so much. The blood volume in a woman’s body changes during pregnancy, so it makes her heart work harder to pump more blood. The way humans are made is just so crazy! Don’t even try to understand breastfeeding. That is even crazier!


u/margheritinka 1d ago

I’m 5’1 and I was massive!


u/EatsPeanutButter 1d ago

I had my baby at 37 weeks. Can’t imagine if I’d gone to term! I felt like this balloon was FULLY blown up already lol.


u/somecatgirl 1d ago

I’m 5’0” and I looked like a beach ball lol


u/meowsydaisy 1d ago

Nice! Another perk to being tall, no belly stretching lol 


u/Daylyn33 1d ago

The cool thing to me was getting hips!! I was stick thin before having my daughter, so finally being curvy was delightful.


u/ladyzephri 1d ago

This is how it was for me. I'm pretty tall, I still got a bit of a pregnancy belly but no one believed me when I said how far along I was. Baby came out a healthy 7.5 lbs exactly on time. My stomach went back to normal like a week later, no stretch marks or anything. I credit it all to being tall and obsessively moisturizing.


u/amazonchic2 1d ago

I am also 6’0” and showed with both pregnancies. Not all tall women can hide their pregnancies.


u/Sonnet34 1d ago

People keep saying it’s a height thing but not really. It’s probably more of a torso thing. If you’re all legs there’s still nowhere for baby to go!


u/Relative_Scratch_843 1d ago

Yeah, I’m the same height and I had a ginormous belly after 24 weeks or so with each pregnancy. I think in addition to torso length it has to do with whether you have super toned abs. I have abs of flab and my belly stuck way out. One of my friends is close to my height and she barely showed, but she’s super athletic.


u/nrst8lv 1d ago

I'm 5'10, and I was showing towards the middle of my second trimester. I think having a long body does help growing upward instead of outward.


u/jaalilogymkana 1d ago

Yes... This is a height thing. I had a bump that was like 3 months when I was 9 months pregnant. I'm 5'7. I could feel carrying the child, but not everyone can see.


u/EatsPeanutButter 1d ago

5’1 and when I announced and posted a pic of my bump at 3 months, people were speculating that I was already 6 months pregnant. It was just a little bump, I was very petite and carried small throughout, but that bump popped early because my midsection is small!


u/99probsmyhornsaint1 1d ago

I was gonna say— no offense, but this lady is built like a linebacker. Her tinder profile 100% had a line about being a former D1 athlete.


u/isymfs 1d ago

Did it ever make you sad? My wife was always excited to show during her pregnancies. She said recently “I miss being pregnant (which is absolutely wild to me).


u/Daylyn33 1d ago

No, I never thought about being sad, but I was a pretty messed up 20 year old who had to grow up super fast. It was probably a good thing I didn’t show as it was 1990 and people were still pretty judgy about single moms, lol!


u/tlm0122 1d ago

I was a messed up, pregnant 20 year old in 1990 too! I didn’t have the not-showing situation though. I only gained 19 pounds but it looked like a basketball was shoved under my shirt toward the end!


u/Daylyn33 1d ago

Oh my Pregnancy Twin! I hope it all turned out great for you. 😃


u/AlienAle 1d ago

Some women get a dose of "happy hormones" during pregnancy and this dose of hormones can rapidly drop after pregnancy, which can cause depression and desire for that dose of good hormones again.

Unfortunately other women don't experience any good hormones during pregnancy and the whole ordeal is just pain, discomfort and sickness.


u/MDA1912 1d ago

It can even cause psychosis. Post partum psychosis is unfortunately a real thing.


u/sharipep 1d ago

I think about that doctor who shot and killed her baby and herself and it makes me so sad for them both


u/Humble_Flow_3665 1d ago

Can confirm.


u/LostWorldliness9664 1d ago

Oh my good gracious. It all sounds so chaotic and scary while simultaneously beautiful and hopeful. I am a very grateful husband & father who later became single & father (full custody). But of course I didn't give birth, so I have always appreciated ex-wife going through it twice.

As an unlicensed psychotherapist, I feel I can listen and share a female client's journey somewhat through empathic listening to her accounts - but what a wild wild ride pregnancy must be to go through personally!!


u/Uncle_Checkers86 1d ago

My wife was miserable. We had twins.


u/isymfs 1d ago

Oh my god. I have no idea how you cope. My youngest are 2 years apart and simultaneous tantrums are a nightmare, now 2 babies … no words..


u/Uncle_Checkers86 1d ago

We also have a six year old. It is a nightmare.


u/isymfs 1d ago

I think I understand. Mine are 6, 3 and 1 and my wife works shifts so I do cook clean bath sleep alone 3-6 days a week after work.

It is a nightmare. Also rewarding. Wouldn’t have it any other way, although winning the lottery would be nice haha.


u/Humble_Flow_3665 1d ago

As a fellow woman, that's wild to me too. I love my babies but I don't ever want to go through pregnancy ever again.


u/Imaginary_Recipe9967 1d ago

Same here. I remember seeing pictures of women who are pregnant and they’re soo happy and look all “zen,” and I couldn’t wait to feel/look like them! Unfortunately I never got to seeing as pregnancy was absolutely hell for me both times. Never want to go through that again!


u/mangopango123 1d ago

that’s actually pretty common n I’ve heard/read plenty of accounts from women that say they miss it. when you’re preggo ppl are nicer to you in general, u get tons of (pos) attention n are the focus of the ppl around u, given more grace, etc.


u/ResourceWorker 1d ago

She said recently “I miss being pregnant"

You know what to do champ


u/isymfs 1d ago

Aye aye captain o7


u/its_justme 1d ago

Don’t they also actually forget all the trauma stuff from childbirth(like the brain deletes those memories) so you want to get pregnant again


u/isymfs 1d ago

Yeah that seems apparent in our case, I often recall memories during labor that my wife doesn’t remember. Fair enough, the mother has a lot more going on than we have at that point in time.


u/Blue_Robin_04 1d ago

She said recently “I miss being pregnant (which is absolutely wild to me).

That's just hormones. It's pretty common for women to have rose-tinted glasses as soon as their pregnancy is over.


u/ChocolateAxis 1d ago

I'm curious if you dont mind; did you go through back pains and all the other physical-related symptoms?


u/Daylyn33 1d ago

No, which I never really thought about until you asked. It was a very easy pregnancy. I did have some insane food cravings, like blue cheese on everything and nutty cones. I bought those ice creams by the box, lol!

I was extremely skinny back then, so you would think I would be showing early. I don’t know how she fit in there, TBH.


u/Borazon 1d ago

Normally the abdominal muscles stretch out to make more space, did that happen to you?

I can image if a person has an unnatural high resistance to those muscles stretch, this could be a reason why a bump stay away?


u/Daylyn33 1d ago

Oh good point. I was extremely fit back then, running and playing volleyball/basketball.


u/jenowl 1d ago

I have a retroflexed uterus, they aren't uncommon. If it's pointing upwards or backwards instead of forward it's likely you will have nearly no bump.


u/janglebo36 1d ago

OMG really???

I also have one and I’ve never heard that before. I was told it might make pregnancy slightly more difficult but that’s it. Never been pregnant so idk


u/jenowl 1d ago

I think it depends on your height. I'm fairly tall and have a lot of room for baby to grow into my rib cage lol


u/janglebo36 1d ago

Ah. I am short so maybe it will be different. I expected to gain a lot of weight just bc my weight fluctuates, but it would be nice to avoid adding a bump to that. When I have kids, I’ll try to remember this post and update you 😆


u/Desperate-Strategy10 1d ago

My uterus is backwards too, but I've had very visible pregnancy bumps both times, and very easy pregnancies overall!

For a lot of women, once the baby gets big enough, the uterus either pops straight up and becomes relatively visible that way, or straight up and out like anyone else's would do.

So it might not even be an issue at all!


u/ummmwhaaa 1d ago

With my 1st I had tight abs, 1st semester it felt like I had the worst period cramps ever, it was just my muscles stretching, but I was so afraid I'd see blood when I wiped my hands shook!


u/SerenityViolet 1d ago

That's amazing. I'm pretty short, so I turned into a bowling ball.


u/Expert_Sprinkles_907 1d ago

Me too, I am 5’ tall and gained 40lbs with my son, all belly. It is crazy to look at pictures now a year later 😂


u/Daylyn33 1d ago

It was my only pregnancy, so I have often wondered if I had another if it would have been different. I did sort of feel left out, as my SIL was pregnant at the same time and she was massive and everyone oohed and aahed over her tummy. Bowling ball pregnancies are really beautiful. :)


u/SerenityViolet 1d ago

But also uncomfortable, I would have preferred a bit more room.


u/_nylcaj_ 1d ago

This was how my pregnancy was going also, up until I had sudden onset preeclampsia and had to deliver my son 2 months early. (Side note: women with regular baby bumps develop preeclampsia all the time, so there is not necessarily any association between that and me not showing much). I have no idea if I would have shown more during those last two months of pregnancy, but I made it to 6 months before telling any of my coworkers just because I knew I would be eventually leaving.

After finding out, some of the women I worked with would regularly stop me just to exclaim how crazy it was because they absolutely couldn't tell. One I was closer with even jokingly said that at most it looked like I just ate a heavy dinner and was slightly bloated. I have a few pics from around that time that it's noticeable I was trying my hardest to poke my stomach out just to have some illusion of a bump. Even the nurses at the hospital when I was admitted, regularly did double takes or made remarks like "you're pregnant!?".

Anyway up until the sudden preeclampsia, every single check up was normal. The ultrasounds, baby heartbeat and growth, my blood pressure and glucose test was fine. I never had morning sickness once or weird cravings, and only started to deal with the body aches, acid reflux, needing to pee a lot etc. right around the 6 month mark.

I'm only 5'3", so I would say although this probably would be an experience more likely to happen to tall women, in my case that didn't explain it. I will also say my mom said the same thing happened to her during her first pregnancy(me and I was a healthy full term baby), so there's possibly a genetic component.


u/Daylyn33 1d ago

I’m so happy everything turned out ok for you and your baby. That must have been so scary!!


u/Sarahspangles 1d ago

I‘m tall, I had a big bump with my first child, my second didn’t show, I just looked ‘stocky’. He had his feet and then his knees wedged against my diaphragm the whole time. When he was was born, the midwives and nurses all came to see the baby whose legs weren’t ‘froggy’.


u/CloudCappedTowers 1d ago

This happened to me too! I’m short but my torso is very long for my body. People could finally tell at about eight months. It was SUCH a blessing because I didnt have to deal with all the pregnancy BS.


u/nofuture09 1d ago

Did you notice it in any other way?


u/Daylyn33 1d ago

She loved to kick my bladder as much as possible maybe because of the tight quarters, lol!

Other than the constant kicking and the cravings I don’t think I ever felt “actually” pregnant, if that makes sense.


u/Nyltiak23 1d ago

Instead of "this was me", you could say "this happened to me!" Less confusion :)


u/Daylyn33 1d ago

Yes, you’re right, I could do that. Thanks!


u/HiramKatzAttorneyCA 1d ago

Where does the baby actually go? When they kicked did you feel it in your chest 


u/Daylyn33 1d ago

I just remember her kicking my bladder. A lot. lol! This was in 1990 so my memory is a bit fuzzy.


u/Freign 1d ago

<3 ^_^ yay


u/---------II--------- 1d ago

I only implied I was this woman, as I never showed while pregnant.

This was me!

You didn't "only imply." You stated explicitly. If you are a native speaker, you made a very, very strange mistake. That's why people misunderstood you.


u/Daylyn33 1d ago

I love Reddit. ❤️


u/delicious_toothbrush 1d ago

Not really. If you're a native speaker, you should understand that "This was me!" can be read as "This [situation] was [what happened to] me". It's understandable why people would misunderstand them, but it's also understandable that with the additional context it's a phrase that could be read both ways.


u/---------II--------- 1d ago

it's a phrase that could be read both ways.

Correct, and without the additional context, the natural, idiomatic interpretation -- as evidenced by the confusion in the thread -- is that the author meant "this really was me." This is why it's a mistake that a native speaker wouldn't be expected to make. A fluent, native speaker will understand how to use these kinds of context-dependent expressions.


u/Wigggletons 1d ago

It's obvious this woman is pregnant in almost every photo in this video. Are people blind?


u/rfmax069 1d ago

I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m in disbelief reading your comment.


u/Daylyn33 1d ago

I get it. Reddit and the interwebs are full of bullsh*t artists, but if you read my past history of posting, I don’t play those games. I don’t need the attention, just thought it was cool to see a woman document her pregnancy like that as back then, I didn’t even own a camera. And I don’t know many women personally who didn’t show.


u/rfmax069 1d ago

My apologies, I wasn’t trying to be rude to you.


u/Daylyn33 1d ago

It’s fine! I didn’t get upset about your comment. :)


u/AlienAle 1d ago

The picture and poster are both very tall women. Tall women are less likely to show obvious bumps because the baby as space vertically.


u/rfmax069 1d ago

My sisters are all tall, they all showed.


u/PinheadLarry_ 1d ago

Less likely =/= never happens.


u/stimmy11 1d ago

That’s not you. You state you had a daughter multiple times in your comment but then in the video the gender reveal was a boy and the grown photos at the end were also of a boy. It’s like you didn’t even fully watch the video before you made this comment.


u/Daylyn33 1d ago

I only implied it was me in the sense that I didn’t show during my pregnancy. I didn’t mean I was the woman in the vid. Which everyone who commented understood. Except for you.


u/mycenae42 1d ago edited 1d ago

You didn’t “imply” it was you. You directly stated that. In addition to your edit, you should revise the initial comment so it doesn’t state “This was me.”


u/Daylyn33 1d ago

Thanks for the advice!


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/Daylyn33 1d ago

You know I’m not actually the woman shown here, right? I’m a 55 year old woman my dude. I only commented because I didn’t show when I was pregnant either.


u/5show 1d ago

there’s something wrong with you


u/macaroniartblog 1d ago

It's insane how you've found a way to both be hateful and incorrect. Your anger and frustration are misdirected, you sad little incel.

You responded to someone that isn't even the video creator.

You can't even prove that the woman in this video was clubbing btw. Most of the locations she seemed to be at were clearly restaurants or outdoor spaces. "Going out" does not immediately mean "going clubbing". And even if she was, hopefully she'd never run into creatures like you.


u/sirgawain2 1d ago

I don’t see what’s wrong with going to a club when you’re pregnant if you don’t drink? And why are you assuming to know anything about her relationship with her child’s father? Bizarre.


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