r/intellivision 19h ago

Tower of doom value

I have seen posts about tower of doom being hard to find. How much does is it worth. I know that's a relative term because it's worth what someone will pay. Lol. I have the opportunity to buy this game. It is the cartridge only. No box, manual, or overlays. The guy selling it just found it cleaning his basement. He says it worked when it was put in the box but doesn't have an intellivision anymore to test it. Is $48 USD too much to pay for it? ($30 for the game and &18 for shipping from Canada to the US).

Edit: I accidentally posted this before I was done. I have met the guy selling it on one occasion so I don't know him well or anything. How much would the box, overlays and manual change the value? The price would include shipping.

Edit 2: I was mistaken about shipping. It is not included and since he is in Canada it's not cheap. According to him shipping is $18, bringing the total to $48. I corrected the price above.



u/DarkKnight4251 19h ago


u/absoluteandyone 19h ago

Thank you. I adjusted it above but apparently shipping was not included so the total is $48. I was ready to jump on it for $30 even though it hadn't been tested. At $48 in untested condition I'm not so sure now. I don't want a rare like this to slip through my fingers since it hit 2 of my collections, AD&D and intellivision. I also don't want to get screwed and have it not even work.


u/redditshreadit 19h ago

Tower of Doom didn't originally come with overlays.


u/absoluteandyone 18h ago

Thank you. I didn't know that. I saw one on eBay with "handmade overlays" but I thought they just lost the originals.


u/redditshreadit 12h ago

There are homebrew overlays that were made years later. 


u/inquiry821 3h ago

You may as well just get it from ebay. At least you have a buyer's protection. If the game doesn't work, you can ask for a refund. Last time I ordered cloudy mountain (the first d&d) from ebay. And the game cartridge didn't work. I only paid $5 but still, it didn't work so I requested a refund and got my money back. So it is more safe with ebay I guess.