r/im14andthisisdeep 4d ago

Made me think

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u/Huge_Gamer0o0 4d ago



u/FriendlyVariety5054 4d ago

Did you say inflation hughhhhhh… gets all big and round


u/Alarmed-Bench5068 4d ago

-grabs a needle and pops you like a fkn balloon


u/Realization_ iilluminaughtii 4d ago


u/shuriflowers 4d ago

that man is never living it down


u/Tord_calvin 4d ago

Bro wth is inflation?


u/GamerMcNoober 4d ago

I ❤️ inflation


u/Arm-It 4d ago

Nggh, Gwen


u/PlanetSaturday 4d ago

Man I wish it was that easy


u/Baseballidiot 4d ago

Just find a good reels feed 💜


u/Mountain_Egg16 4d ago

You again


u/Xisotato 4d ago

Why the hell is this poor boy being pushed bricks into his mouth through some metal hole??? 🫣And why is he vomiting on some papers then instantly having that weird hat and strangers around him? 😭Poor boy tortured. Shows true nut of this societal structure 😔


u/BigPoppaStrahd 4d ago

Cartoon illustration of someone’s experience at McKamey Manor


u/NotABot_00000 4d ago

pyrocynical in school


u/Content_Bullfrog_320 4d ago

Books fucked my guy so hard he got pregnant


u/Commercial_Ice_1531 4d ago

That's not completely untrue though. 95% of my biology GCSE was just regurgitating information rather than learning a skill


u/funkydude500 3d ago

Ikr. Like how is knowing the character flaws of each person in An Inspector Calls going to help me in life.

Or what good is SOH CAH TOA if I am literally never more than ten feet away from a device that can calculate everything about any triangle in seconds.


u/Commercial_Ice_1531 3d ago

It's not that the information is useless, quite the contrary if you go through six form. It's just that, by comparison to mathematics where you often use processes to find more data within data, you are taking in information and later spitting it onto a piece of paper with zero alterations.

But with mathematics you are learning and practicing a skill, those processes of finding additional data with limited information, and proving that you are proficient at carrying out those processes in an exam.


u/funkydude500 3d ago

I mean idk it's just memorizing formulas and punching it into a calculator. And the result is just a number that's either the answer or another number to put into another formula


u/AtomicBlastPony 3d ago

The issue is that it's often not tied to the natural world. If you're lucky to have a teacher who actually explains what the formulas represent, they stop being abstract concepts.


u/Commercial_Ice_1531 3d ago

That is true, my f-maths teacher was kinda shit about that and it made it much more difficult to connect the dots


u/Commercial_Ice_1531 3d ago

I'll tell you what, you've got a surprise comin' once you get into algebra


u/OkCar7264 4d ago

Uncurious people do bare minimum in education, shocked when it turns out to be kind of lame.


u/Harp-MerMortician 4d ago

To be perfectly fair, there's also teacher burnout. Teachers get asked to do so much, for so little. It wears on them.


u/AtomicBlastPony 3d ago

Schools are very much designed to make students lose any curiosity. They're set up to mass produce factory workers who follow instructions. Personally I learned way more outside of school, through reading and practicing things at my own pace. The fact I'm speaking English right now, a foreign language to me which I learned despite my school's English classes, is proof of that.


u/NotABot_00000 3d ago

what you are is a very smart dumbass


u/AtomicBlastPony 3d ago

No, just neurodivergent.


u/biyotee 4d ago

I mean there are people demonstrating the flaws of our education system relying too much on memorization and not enough on application.


u/Shaouy0929 4d ago

I guess i graduated


u/Excellent_Click_2614 4d ago

i too got pragante from studying MATH 😤😤😤😤


u/msmysery 4d ago

artists barely disguised fetish


u/SkyeMreddit 4d ago

But he’s consuming books not phones. Book Good! Phone Bad!


u/townmorron 4d ago

Yeah but school( the place that teaches reading, reading comprehension, spelling, and so on) is bad.


u/SkyeMreddit 4d ago

Is it a gray conformist machine for learning or does it turn your kid gay and trans causing them to barf up a rainbow? Anti-public school cartoonists hurt themselves in their confusion


u/StatementCandid9256 4d ago

live in We society a.


u/The_dark_entity 4d ago

Pyrocynical would love this


u/SlideN2MyBMs 4d ago

There are two strains of meme on this sub that kind of contradict each other (not that consistency should be expected):

"Phone bad, book good"

"Education bad, too much book"


u/just_reading_1 4d ago

Both are pretty much the same "people are mindlessly consuming information". It fits the sub, teens believe they're the ones who see society for what it is... and some adults never grow out of that mindset.


u/Playful-Extension973 4d ago

Guys, I have a theory. He gets pregnant. I mean, think about it. Pregnant women are often nauseated, aren't they? And they tend to eat a lot? And there's a bunch of people who say "congratulations"?


u/nightmares626 Dreadybear enjoyer 3d ago





u/Jorvalt 4d ago

The author's barely disguised fetish


u/ImCursedM8 4d ago edited 3d ago

This is obviously made my someone who didn't even pass highschool


u/SwoeJonson1 4d ago

He won the book eating contest despite throwing it up at the end, much to his confusion


u/LowkeyJustSam 4d ago

Then I'll eat books 'n boots to become smarter :)


u/zeroHERO660 4d ago

This guy looks like me


u/ElBrunasso 4d ago

University totally feels line this


u/Upsideduckery 4d ago

This reminds me of myself except I'm the one shoving trash bins worth of information down my throat and vomiting it in the form of information dumping on my loved ones.

Oh autism...


u/AssistantIcy6117 4d ago

Make sure to throw up all of it for full marks


u/manusiapurba 4d ago

No think, just barf


u/Sir_KweliusThe23rd 4d ago

Get it guys? School and learning is bad and fascism!


u/[deleted] 4d ago

Pyrocynical approves


u/PandaGrouchy4517 4d ago

what the hell is this


u/OkComplaint4778 4d ago

This is the typical image your friend who dropped out would send while saying he's "out of the matrix" or some shit like this


u/deetosdeletos 4d ago

get knowledge (eat books)

transfer knowledge to exam (vomit books on exam paper)

congrats, you graduated without a profit in IQ


u/Reggith_Gold_180 3d ago

I imagine books wouldn’t be very yummy


u/Careful_Source6129 3d ago

Someone doesn't appreciate academic achievement


u/Serious_Mix750 3d ago

I mean it’s true


u/squiddy-19 3d ago



u/Tokumeiko2 3d ago

Yeah that's basically it.

I don't remember anything from the tests or homework I did in school.


u/Own_Picture_243 3d ago

If anyone is wondering the message is supposed to be that school gives you useless info that you apparently waste you’re time learning just to forget about all of the information I’m not saying I agree just saying what the image failed to convey.


u/Ready_Independent_55 2d ago

That's kinda true, just not for anyone. Not a day in my life I needed anything I was taught at school and university.


u/AdAlone9035 2d ago

book bad, phone good?


u/TheOriginalLiLBraT 4d ago

I do hate how school is all about rewarding you for regurgitating false information that they’ve been feeding you since you were three… Columbus was not a hero and I’m tired of people acting like he was! Yet When that test came up first grade. And I called him a colonizer and a murderer. Apparently, that wasn’t the answer that the teachers were looking for…. I was in the principals office and it was explained to me. It doesn’t matter how it really was only what we were taught in school.

I really wish I was homeschooled… History class was a joke… we just had to regurgitate false information… And we’re supposed to feel good about that A on our test paper!?


u/just_reading_1 4d ago

That's one problem with basic education, it doesn't really teach you anything in depth just the general picture. You probably didn't have the same issue with other classes like biology or chemistry, the basic curriculum is not really up to date with the scientific consensus but as a child you didn't know that.

Classes like history are hard, teens start to develop political opinions and teachers are not exactly qualified to engage with them and to be fair to them they would be punished by the administration if their opinions caused parents to complain.


u/TheOriginalLiLBraT 4d ago

No, I didn’t have that problem in other classes. I had another problem with other classes and they were pretty irrelevant stuff that would never get used for the rest of my life. Like the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. How many times have I use that in my adult life?

Why didn’t my classes include how to fill out an application? To pass the job interview. How to file for my taxes. How to maintain intake care of my vehicle.

Instead, I learned of Pythagorean theorem… I’m sure everybody uses on a daily basis😒


u/just_reading_1 3d ago

You probably did not go into any scientific field so basic knowledge on those areas is probably useless to you but to some people those classes were an introduction. The same applies to them, I know stem majors resent wasting time learning basic humanities.

I don't think introducing teens to different areas of knowledge is mutually exclusive with teaching them life skills.

At what age should teens be allowed to pick specialized education or training? It would be an overkill to say "if they didn't enjoy math in elementary school they shouldn't be introduced to algebra".


u/TheOriginalLiLBraT 3d ago

Then why not just teach the basics? Stuff that actually gets used. Math is great. But the Pythagorean theorem used to not be taught until college… where you had the chance to choose what you wanted to do…

You know Japanese schools spend the first couple of years in life teaching kids, basic manners and how to clean up after themselves as well as cook. This may be a good start for America… teach kids how to be polite in full of manners… teach them how to regulate their emotions… then we get into the actual history and social studies when they could actually process what that means…

Teaching them that at such a young age, just like teaching them sex ed when their babies… it’s kind of useless and in one ear and out the other… they’re just regurgitating useless information that you tell them…

And don’t get me starting on sex ed either. As an 80s baby in the 90s kid. We were taught that women peed out their clit… we were not told that we had three holes down there… teachers were too shy and embarrassed to tell us the truth… and this is why at 12 years old I thought that you only got your period once and that was the end of it… they didn’t tell us said that you get it for a week every month… they made it sound like you just got it and that was the end of it… I just figured my mom and sister had that box of tampons because they were waiting for her to get hers and after a while the tampons went bad and that’s why we had to keep getting a new box…

My sex ed class consisted of a video of a sperm made in an egg in the various developmental stages of the fetus… that is all… then they briefly explained to us… that you don’t have to worry about getting pregnant until after you had your first period… happens around 12 to 17 years old… They were too afraid to go into detail… never even learned about condoms… There was so much that we didn’t even hear about in that class… which is why kids grow up believing that you could get pregnant in a public pool… and babies come out of your butt… because you pee out of your vag…

I am saying that we need schools to start doing better… stop shying away from the truth… Stop saying it’s too complicated… or you’re afraid you might offend some people… teach us the real history… don’t teach about black slaves. What about the Irish slaves? What about the white slaves that are being sold right now? What about the fact that women in other countries don’t get to enjoy a lot of the luxuries that we do… like not being falsely accused, and then dragged out in the street to be stoned, just because they showed a bit of skin around their ankles…

We need more truth, and useful information in our education… but they don’t want to give it to us because, smart kids won’t work. They’re ridiculous menial jobs… and smart people won’t take their mediocre pay… so they done must stand with useless information


u/TheChoosenMewtwo 4d ago

I mean, while what they did was bad, things did worked at the end. We’re here after all


u/TheOriginalLiLBraT 3d ago

Yeah, and we’re much dumber for it… if we were taught the right way the first time we would probably have found a cure for cancer by now… but they filled us up with useless information of things that could’ve helped us and been useful in life… these kids are growing up actually believing that chocolate milk comes from brown cows… it’s called the specific ocean… And they pronounce the word lie-berry instead of library…

Can you imagine how much smarter the past four generations would’ve been had we not been stuffed to the brim with ridiculous nonsense like Columbus was a hero and common core math?!

We might’ve even been able to invent flying cars by now, now we’re having trouble just keeping ground cars on the road…


u/TheChoosenMewtwo 3d ago

I agree some history stuff wasn’t very useful for practicality. But math is pretty useful


u/TheOriginalLiLBraT 3d ago

Only if it isn’t common core! I can’t imagine a more useless form of math and all of existence


u/TheChoosenMewtwo 3d ago

What’s common core math?


u/TheOriginalLiLBraT 3d ago

A ridiculous and nonsensical way of doing math. It takes way longer than it has no practicality to it whatsoever… instead of 100-93=… They have to dry it out to make it like an algebraic equation…

It’s regular math with about 56 unnecessary and ridiculous extra steps…

It’s like teaching children how to read, but throwing a bunch of unnecessary vowels into every single word to make it more confusing

I have a picture, but they won’t let me post photos on this feed


u/TheChoosenMewtwo 3d ago

Also I never grew up thinking chocolate milk came from brown cows, that’s a regional thing at most


u/TheOriginalLiLBraT 3d ago

I swear the education that they gave us was designed solely to confuse and infuriate us… They figure if they fill our heads with enough nonsense… that we won’t have room for independent thought… and we won’t realize how badly they’re screwing us over…