r/idiocracy 4d ago

We still have 4 days left I know shit's bad right now.

Post image


u/PurpleAlcoholic 4d ago

I saw a clip and maybe it was staged but this lady was having a meltdown because the pizza didn’t have any sauce, cheese or toppings 

… she opened the pizza box upside down 


u/Book-Faramir-Better 4d ago

I believe it. I've seen enough in my 45 years here on Earth to know that some people actually are that goddamned stupid.

I spent 20 minutes on the phone as tech support with an old lady once. She was having computer problems. She said, "I can't get on the internet." I tried walking her through it, and she said she was doing everything I was saying. I couldn't figure out what was going on.

Finally, I asked her to look behind her computer to turn the modem and router off for a few minutes. She said (and I quote directly), "Oh... I'll have to get a flashlight because a storm knocked out our electricity an hour ago and it's still off."

The computer was sitting there without power the whole time. She'd been telling me that she was doing all the things I told her to do... WTF!?!?


u/Right-Calendar-7901 4d ago

I can believe it. I know about a television repair man that was called to repair a television. The only issue the television had was that it was unplugged. That was the only issue.


u/Actual_Cancer_ 3d ago

My friend is IT and he’s about 56. He has a nearly identical story. 😂


u/Book-Faramir-Better 3d ago

I think every IT guy has run into this at some point.


u/Uhhh_what555476384 16h ago

Used to work in marine service for small personal and recreational boating.  The first part of the over the phone trouble shooting talk was always:

"Move your hand down the throttle and toggle the red switch at the bottom leaving the toggle switch pointed towards the word 'on'".


u/Beautiful-Owl-3216 4d ago

When I was about 10 my parents ordered pizza and they sent me in the restaurant to pick it up and we got home and it was upside down and they blamed it on me. I don't know how or why it was upside down, it was a legit, locally renowned pizza place.


u/Lorn_Muunk 4d ago

This sub is getting pretty meta. The inability to detect obvious jokes and/or bullshit is a symptom of idiocracy.


u/r_RexPal 4d ago

That's enough of your bullshit, sir. *pshhh!*


u/R_Similacrumb 4d ago

Elon also said he'd have Mars colonized by the end of the weekend.

Fingers crossed... 🤞


u/fauxorfox 4d ago

A good ol’ fashioned Looney Tunes kick in the trousers ought to do it.


u/Either_Mammoth2506 4d ago

"Don't open your spacesuit to eat pizza"


u/kevlarus80 4d ago

How else would I let the farts out?


u/Aggravating-Cup3735 4d ago

If we’re real lucky , he’ll launch himself to mars by the end of the year‼️


u/cliowill 4d ago

That like hang up the gas nozzle before leaving


u/Horror-Morning864 4d ago

Our messages vs. their messages. Can't have the invaders eating the boxes. That'd be a dead give away.


u/ThrowinSm0ke 4d ago

Or funny marketing


u/Drapidrode 4d ago

This made pizza cost less, or did it increase the quality?


u/Sweaty_Emotion_9923 4d ago

Definitely made it taste better. Before these instructions it always taste just a bit like cardboard. 😐


u/Drapidrode 4d ago

oh. well .. proceed then.

could be less cost? > if we put 1/32 cents worth of ink, it will save the one lawsuit,


u/TheAzureMage 4d ago

Yeah, but you got so much more for your money.

And I like money.


u/PrettyPrivilege50 19h ago

Finally repealed the regulation that pizza contains a certain amount of fiber. Graciously added this note to let you know to enjoy pizza again.


u/H0SS_AGAINST 4d ago

But it's got what poops crave, it's got insoluble dietary fiber.


u/Brandunaware 4d ago

All fiber is dietary fiber if you try hard enough.


u/tetsu_no_usagi 4d ago

There are flying cars out there. Why aren't they more prevalent? The people who would be driving/flying said cars NEED that warning on the pizza box to be there.

Yes, yes, sorry for sounding all faggish, go back to watching "Ow! My Balls!"


u/Tincastle 4d ago

That message is there either as a joke, but most likely because of some class action lawsuit.


u/r_RexPal 4d ago

but... that flap is tucked in when the box is closed...


u/Scary_Statement_4040 3d ago

Some of this is due to stupidity, some to prevent stupid lawsuits. For example, some people will try to sue pizza joints for burning their mouth on a hot slice of pizza. The pizza company can argue by telling the consumer to open the box the customer would be able to judge whether the pizza would be too hot to eat. This seems to be the current state of things sadly.


u/DanOhMiiite 4d ago

I'd love to know the details of the event that caused them to have to add that warning...


u/RentButt123 4d ago

They are obviously trying to be cute. It’s one of those jokster pizza places


u/Direct_Big_5436 4d ago

Your flying cars comment reminds me of the late great Tim Wilson and his song Jetpack - NSFW


u/TheAzureMage 4d ago

That box won't stop me because I can't read.


u/Dismal-Square-613 4d ago

And kids, this is why the USA doesn't have Kinder Surprise eggs.


u/CarlosimoDangerosimo 4d ago

If anything Idiocracy was too optimistic


u/Terrible_Whereas7 4d ago

We actually did have a flying car back in 1960...

They forgot to refuel between exhibitions and ran out mid show, thus killing off public enthusiasm and scaring off potential backers.


u/stlyns 4d ago

It's a joke. Nobody is that stupid.


u/ryanandthelucys 4d ago

Check out Alef. You can buy a flying car today for a cool $300k.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

Brought to you by Carl's Jr


u/lg4av 3d ago

Its the equivalent of “ take shot, don’t die”


u/PaySubstantial2333 3d ago

I mean cardboard is pretty tasty


u/M0rph33l 2d ago

Reddit when there's an obvious joke:


u/uiucengineer 1d ago

Calm down, it’s just a joke. Looks like you can’t even see it with the box closed.


u/Minute-Object 1d ago

We do have flying cars.


u/No-Government-6798 4d ago

Lawyers and insurance companies


u/goathrottleup 4d ago

This is clearly a joke.


u/Redditbaitor 4d ago

It all starts from that stupid McDonald’s lawsuit. Blame the lawyers and lawmakers


u/overide 4d ago

Why do people keep spreading the nonsense about the McDonalds coffee lawsuit like it was anything but justified?

That poor woman just wanted her medical bills paid for but McDonalds refused. She had third degree burns on her vagina and had to get skin grafts.

McDonalds was selling coffee that was WAY WAY too hot for anyone to consume.


u/Redditbaitor 4d ago

Was it McDonald’s fault that she spilled it on herself, or that McDonald’s actually poured it on her?? We reward idiots for their own mistakes


u/overide 4d ago

No it was McDonalds fault for serving liquid hot magma. I just did a quick google search and you are supposed to serve coffee between 120 and 140 degrees. McDonalds was serving it at 180-190 degrees.


u/goathrottleup 4d ago

McDonald’s wasn’t following the rules. Their coffee was way too hot.


u/Redditbaitor 4d ago

No shit, hot water is too hot. Next time order a cold latte so it won’t burn your tongue. Oh also take the pizza out of the box before you eat it too


u/Badbullet 4d ago

You fell for the McDonald's disinformation campaign slandering that lady. How does that feel?


u/Redditbaitor 4d ago

Not like an idiot who spilled coffee on myself. Thank you


u/Badbullet 4d ago

Most idiots don't realize they are idiots. Ones repeating disinformation are a great example.


u/goathrottleup 4d ago

Too prideful to admit they didn’t know something


u/Redditbaitor 4d ago

I get it, common sense is a super power to you.


u/the_great_zyzogg 4d ago

"Common Sense" is one of those really tricky phrases. Really good disinformation will find a way to present itself as "Common Sense", so as to elevate itself beyond questioning.

In this instance, "Common Sense" highlights that spilling coffee on yourself is indeed a stupid thing to do. That much is true. But what's ignored is that spilling coffee on yourself is something that can happen to literally anyone. Including you. If you honestly believe you're truly above something like that, your pride and foolishness will make you very easy to manipulate. The best con-men work by convincing their marks how smart they are. That you reflexively push back against people saying "Hey, maybe don't do things in a way that's guaranteed to hurt someone." is evidence enough.


u/goathrottleup 4d ago

You go pick up a paper cup with 180° F liquid in it and report back.


u/Redditbaitor 4d ago

No issue since common sense is not lacking.