r/geography 2d ago

Whats the place you refer to when something is very very far Discussion


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u/__Quercus__ 2d ago edited 2d ago

As OP noted, Timbuktu is the most common placeholder name that is also a real place. However, when trying to describe my lousy parking spot years ago, I was a fan BFE, which I won't spell out so this post isn't deleted, but the E stands for Egypt.

Edit: apparently Bumfuck Egypt is SFGS. Safe for Geography Subreddit. Good to know, bwa ha ha ha!


u/diqholebrownsimpson 1d ago

Boobies lol


u/__Quercus__ 1d ago

Whoa there, buddy. Nobody said anything about mentioning blue-footed shorebirds on this sub.


u/MarshtompNerd 1d ago

I’ve never heard it with egypt, I’ve always heard bum(or butt)fuck nowhere


u/BeckieSueDalton 1d ago

Daddy would say it as, "east bumblef_ck."