r/geography Geography Enthusiast 18d ago

Oman - a country rarely spoken about. What's happening there? Discussion

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Oman is located in a area we heat about a lot for an array of reasons - there are many famous and newsworthy spots close by from dubai to Doha to Iran and Yemen...... what goes on in Oman? Let us know how life is here and any relevant info on its current state....


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u/painter_business 18d ago

Everyone that visits likes it a lot


u/GrazingGeese 17d ago edited 17d ago

Everyone male maybe . My mom wasn’t allowed into some restaurants while visiting feom Dubai.

EDIT: asked my mom, asked my brother. This 100% happened. Here's an excerpt: "Mom, did you get denied access to restaurants?"

"Yes I did."

"Do you mean there maybe was a family section and a men's section you weren't allowed into?"

"No, I wasn't allowed into the only restaurant in the village."

"Were you scantily dressed perhaps?"

"Shocked No! I always dress conservatively (she lives in Dubai and knows the deal), brother's name always went to get food for me wherever we got, I didn't complain it's just the way things are in some places. I don't know how it is in Muscat, maybe people are less conservative there."

And she added she didn't see any women, claiming they weren't allowed out of the house. This sounds wrong to me, maybe she didn't see any women for other reasons, but that's not here nor there. Feel free to deny, divert, question, I don't care, my family's experience is valid and legitimate.


u/Which_Environment911 17d ago

i am omani, before spreading misinformation, can you point which restaurants didn't allow her?
most of my family arent even hijabis, and a lot of omanis are like that. there is barely any restrictions on women
oh but yea classic westrener. Arab=bad, middle east=bad


u/fungicide7 17d ago

Upset at stereotypes; proceeds to stereotype lol


u/Which_Environment911 17d ago

Well. Am i wrong? Like i wont lie and say oman has no problems. But you dont know how many times people spread this and when conforted they suddenly forget the restuarnt names or where. It literally doesnt exist😭