r/dndmemes Mar 17 '23

Would anything break if you let Rogues do sneak attacks with strength? eDgY rOuGe

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u/0c4rt0l4 Rules Lawyer Mar 17 '23

like unarmed strikes not counting as weapon attacks

Unarmed strikes are weapon attacks, they are just not made with a finesse weapon. Also, they have to be weapon attacks, since there are only two types of attacks in the game, weapon or spell attacks


u/RdoubleM Mar 17 '23

But a monk can use DEX when using his unarmed-strikes. Wouldn't that count as a 'finesse-weapon'?


u/Unlikely-Rock-9647 Mar 17 '23

By RAW, it does not make them a finesse weapon. I desperately wanted to find a way to sneak-attack with a Quarterstaff for my one-shot high level Thief to stab people with the Staff of the Magi, but by RAW it does not assign the “finesse” trait to those weapons.

I would let my players do it as a DM because it makes sense and is flavorful, and by multiclassing like that you’re diluting your Sneak Attack in any case, but that’s me.


u/0c4rt0l4 Rules Lawyer Mar 19 '23

No. I don't think it is a problem to allow it, in fact I think it is super cool, but no, monks using DEX with unarmed strikes does nothing to make them count as finesse