r/diabetes 7d ago

Type 1 My boyfriend passed away yesterday from type 1 diabetes


he was twenty years old. he went in his sleep. i am so broken i’m truly so heartbroken we said goodnight i love you on a video call and he passed just a couple of hours later i don’t know what to do or where to turn i just feel so guilty and helpless

r/diabetes Sep 23 '24

Type 1 Anyone else with type 1 diabetes keep a stock pile of insulin?

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Like, I am so afraid of ever running out because I've gotten pretty close a few times. I use them all before their expiration date, but as soon as I have a refill available I fill it to avoid ever running low. Because what if I lose insurance? What if I can't se my doctor for a few months? I feel like I have just a constant fear of running low. I do the same with my CGMs and insulin pump supplies.... anyone else like this?

r/diabetes Aug 02 '24

Type 1 Diabetic forced to leave sugar at entrance of water park


I was forced to leave my sugar at the entrance of the water park today after I explained it was a medical need for me that is protected by the ADA. They said I could buy stuff inside to save my life if need be. Are they in the right? If not, what do I have to do so that the water park follows the rules next time?

r/diabetes Sep 13 '24

Type 1 Oreo zero sugar Coca Cola

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Sorry if it’s been posted before, but have any of you guys tried this yet? To me it’s mehhh, but I’m not really a cola fan. I usually drink diet Dr Pepper.

r/diabetes Nov 29 '24

Type 1 crap

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uh oh

r/diabetes Aug 30 '24

Type 1 What the FUCK is inside my insulin??

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r/diabetes Jun 13 '24

Type 1 Workplace and diabetes, is this legal?


My managers is requesting they see my blood sugars on my insulin pump whenever I take a 10 minute break (which I’m entitled to as I work 10+ hour shifts) to make sure “I’m not making myself sick to take breaks” is this legal?

r/diabetes Oct 29 '24

Type 1 They put what in the insulin compartment?!

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r/diabetes Sep 28 '24

Type 1 Any confirmation on this news?

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Text under the original post I found this on:

Diabetes is over

For the first time in history, scientists have cured type 1 diabetes, in which insulin is not produced in the body at all. Doctors altered the stem cells of a 25-year-old girl and transplanted them back three months later, the body was able to produce insulin, although this was previously impossible

r/diabetes Jul 04 '24

Type 1 Why is a prescription needed for a continuous glucose monitor


I tried to just buy a dexcom at a pharmacy and asked about a freestyle libre also, and they said they have them, but can't sell them without a prescription.

What possible rational would prevent a company from selling a product that has absolute zero potential for abuse?

r/diabetes Sep 14 '24

Type 1 Hospitalized for a week after ketoacidosis. Found out I’ve been misdiagnosed as type 2 for 3 years.


Title says it all. Almost died. Went into shock, had small heart attack, BS was 1100. Blood got infected. Shit got really scary really fast. Finally realizing how serious this disease is.

Parents with Diabetes, please be open with your children as much as possible about what to expect so they’re not blindsided with ignorance if they ever get diagnosed.

Glad to be alive

r/diabetes Nov 08 '24

Type 1 If I have to be a cyborg, I’m going to be cute

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Taking a break from the swirling mess that this week is, I wanted to share my blinged out robot parts. 😄

I got married a couple months ago and obviously I had to bling my omnipod and Dexcom to be as fabulous as the dress! Thanks to HyperPumpArtDesigns on Etsy for helping put the finishing touches on my look. ✨

r/diabetes Jun 29 '24

Type 1 Going to the er right now. I’m super scared

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Can I die from this? I woke up this morning at 8 feeling high. And was. Shot insulin to correct but never went down and decide to check ketones. I’m super scared i’m a single mom :( Currently sitting at the er.

r/diabetes Aug 01 '23

Type 1 Low blood sugar action shot.

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I woke up like this haha.

r/diabetes May 27 '24

Type 1 What are some things non diabetics do or say to you that really get on your nerves


For me, its when i was younger and would hang out at my one friends house and i would normally stay long enough to have dinner with their family. Everyone in my family knew i had type 1 and my friends mother was nice enough to give me the carb count on the ingredients that she used. But most meals they would have dessert after. And when i ask gis mom the amount of carbs in the dessert she would just tell me "oh there is too much sugar in this you cant have this" and i would repeatedly tell her that as long as i give the right amount of insulin i can eat what i want. But she would just keep telling me how she doesnt want me to be in the hospital. It was really fustrating because a lot of the times i would just bite the bullet and not have dessert. Which at a young age would upset me. But what upset me more is his mom thinking she knows more than what me and my diabetic team know. she also told me cinnamon would cure my diabetes haha

r/diabetes Oct 24 '24

Type 1 For anyone who hasn’t tried it, Reddi Wip has a zero sugar zero carb whipped cream that’s on par with regular whipped cream. I was really impressed and don’t know what voodoo they used but wanted to recommend.

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r/diabetes Aug 23 '24

Type 1 How can I trust it

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I think this just says it all. How can it be this far off?

r/diabetes Sep 09 '24

Type 1 My Boss Giving Me a Heads Up

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r/diabetes Sep 07 '24

Type 1 These "keto" wraps from Costco are absolute BS. Every time I eat one (with insulin bolus) I still spike.

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r/diabetes Mar 30 '23

Type 1 I’m dying, please learn from my mistakes.


I’m 28 years of age with Type 1.

Diagnosed for 15 years. I’ve never taken care of myself properly because I was mentally unwell and had a phobia of needles. I didn’t see the effects instantly or I thought “that’s a problem when I’m old” therefore I didn’t care.

I’ve been in KDA, I’ve gone months without insulin, I’ve gone a few periods that were okay but for the most part, completely irresponsible.

It’s only now that my HBA1C levels are in normal range. I’ve never had that in my life. I managed to go from 14+ (they think in the 20s but it doesn’t give you a number past 14) to 6 in the space of 3 months. Pretty extreme but I did it.

I turned my HBA1C around pretty much “overnight”. I finally accepted this disease and working on my mental health. I am attending all my appointments and doing my part.

But the damage is done.

I am going blind. I need to travel overseas every few weeks to get laser treatment and eye injections for the foreseeable future.

My pulse is extremely low in my legs and blood flow to the point I’m always cold or can’t walk long.

I am in kidney failure beyond repair and the next stage is an organ transplant (if I even get one).

Please learn from me. Be kind to yourself. That’s all.

I am thinking of writing a book to share my journey and how I got to this point and what life is like now. Maybe a wake up call for some, or just a hard lesson that can’t be reversed. Thank you all for your kind words and please take care of yourselves. I believe in all of you.

r/diabetes Nov 28 '24

Type 1 This is a sad day.


Guys gals I just realised that if there is a zombie apocalypse or any other kind of apocalypse in the near future most of us will be the first ones to die because of no supply of insulin. I feel very bad for all my diabetic brethren that we won't have our hero movement of surving a horde with the last resistance of earth. This realisation is really really heartbreaking and no amount of cake would be sufficient to make me feel better. This is a sad day indeed 😔.

r/diabetes Aug 05 '24

Type 1 Husband is in a diabetic rage. How do I help?


My husband is 39yro. He was diagnosed with type 1 in 2021 so we are fairly new and still learning with all of this. He ran out of dexcom sensors, waiting for the pharmacy to fill the prescription but this evening has been awful. His blood sugar has been high all day. This evening he finally snapped and has been in a rage ever since. He got extremely mad at our son over something ridiculous.

What can a spouse do to help when their partner is in a diabetic rage?

He’s not thinking clearly. Not acting like himself. He’s being verbally mean. I tried to give him time to cool off, hours, but it hasn’t helped. He has eaten some protein and I think took a shot of insulin to help bring it down but I know his blood sugar has been 250+ all day. When he has his sensor on, it’s a lot better and he manages his numbers better.

r/diabetes Aug 01 '24

Type 1 Am I wrong asking "Regular or Diet" when a customer orders a Coke


I work at a sushi restaurant where we serve both regular Coke and Diet Coke. Whenever a customer orders a Coke, I always ask, "Regular or Diet?" to make sure I’m giving them exactly what they want. Also, some people might not be aware that we offer both options and just say "Coke" by default.

However, my manager got upset with me and said, "Coke is Coke. If they want Diet Coke, they’ll specifically ask for it. Don’t burden the customer with unnecessary questions."

I’m a bit confused because I thought it was important to clarify and make sure the customer gets what they want. I’m curious to hear what others think about this. Am I wrong for asking "Regular or Diet?" when someone orders a Coke?


r/diabetes Aug 03 '24

Type 1 Denied Service at a Spin/Cycling Class - destroyed my confidence after finally trying to get back in the gym.


Neely typed 1 - diagnosed as an adult about 6 months.

I recently signed up for a new Spin/Cycling Class in Florida to get back in it after being nervous to try and work out. They denied me service saying I couldn't bring my phone with me to the class, that I would have to leave it in a locker.

I told them my phone doubles as my medical device, it needs to be in proximity to my Dexcom device to monitor my blood sugar for my diabetes.

They said that doesn't matter, no phones allowed.

In Florida, is this legal? Is this just an owner refusing to apply common sense to a policy?

I was embarrassed. I didn't push it. I simply left but I didn't feel this was right.

r/diabetes Nov 30 '24

Type 1 My niece was diagnosed and isn't coping well.


UPDATE: I spoke to my sister today about some things you guys told me and she let me know that the insurance is who said she cannot have a cgm and the doctor is currently fighting them as of right now. The pump ONLY is what the doctor said "not yet" about. I'd like to thank everybody for helping me out and being so supportive and informative. I bought her some of the books and things you guys recommended and they'll be her early Christmas gifts. Not fair to make her wait. My sister also let me know that she is allowed whatever she wants as long as none of her full meals exceed 100 carbs, and snacks under 20g are free once an hour because she cannot exceed 5 units of insulin at a time. She was also told to TRY not to have each food item exceed 20g each? Like out of the total meal. Which sounds weird but maybe they're trying to teach her to choose lower carb foods in combination with each other. I'll come back if we have any more questions! Thanks again!


This post is going to be long, I'm not sorry lol. My niece (13) was recently diagnosed with t1 diabetes. She is my sister's step daughter, important to note because her biological mom passed away at 31 from a quad bypass, which I am told is a result of t1 (not sure if this is true, regardless her mother did not take care of herself). At first my niece was crying that she was going to d*e because of it and wasn't ready. She was hospitalized for about 4 days because her sugar was steady over 400 and A1C was 14.

After getting it under control and talking to her doctors, she was doing a little better about it. But now every time I talk to her she tells me she hates her life and doesn't want to do this anymore. She cries sometimes too but tells me that she cries daily privately. It breaks my heart because she is only a month in. When she's with me I try to eat the diet her doctor put her on. But if she sees someone eating something she can't have, I can see that she is upset. Samples at costco, we walked past a candy store today, etc. If we're in public she will hide in the bathroom to test her sugars and/or administer her insulin because she feels like people are watching and judging her. She also told me when she goes to the bathroom or changes her clothes he just sees holes all over her legs and tummy and that her fingers are sore all of the time from testing.

She has to take insulin and test every time she eats and lantis (I think that's how you spell it) at night. It's a lot to manage, I can see that. And on top of it all she is being teased at school. She didn't want anyone to know and her teacher asked in front of the entire class "when were you diagnosed with diabetes". She still cries when she tells me this story about everyone turning to stare at her and everyone asking why she goes to the nurses office so often. She's still in middle school, I would like to assume that as the kids mature into the highschoolers that they'll be better about it but we all know that may never happen for some of them.

My sister has told me of a few vulnerable conversations she's had with her, so I feel like she is at least trying to confide in somebody. But in every other aspect, she lives in a mostly emotionally unavailable household. Therapy is out of our means. I just want to know what I can do to help her or make her feel a little better about it or more in control of it. I told my sister that really her whole household could afford to be on the same diet as my niece, but she just tells her what she can and cannot eat, and then everyone else eats whatever they want...which I know can't be easy for her to see.

I told her there is obviously a reason for this that the universe hasn't disclosed to her yet. I offered to get us a gym membership to have something to do she said she would like that, we already do a lot of walking together. And we have started researching keto recipes to cook "legal" versions of the foods she loves and can't have anymore. We also all do group family sugar tests at night and let her use the pen on us. I just am afraid that if she is still feeling so hopeless that she'll never be okay again and I hate to see her so negative. I obviously know this is expected, but I don't feel like her doctors even gave us any emotional advice, just medical. They offered for us to send her to a childhood diabetes type of camp, but it is literally a thousand dollars for 4 days...Is there anything I can do for her? I will answer any and all questions if anything got left out. Thank you all I'm advance.