r/clevercomebacks 19h ago

"Every human being deserves shelter and a meal"

Post image


u/MaxGlutePress 17h ago

Amazed at how cruel people have become


u/Then-Understanding85 17h ago

Become? They’ve always been this way. They just have a dedicated soapbox to shout it from, now.


u/Sunasoo 17h ago

There's multiple period of times people are not that miserable n mean tho. There's absolutely resurgence of people being mean to other human just because they on other "umbrella" (umbrella: race, political beliefs, religion, n etc)


u/Then-Understanding85 17h ago

There’s always an asshole. They just don’t always have a platform.


u/Sunasoo 17h ago

That's true too. So bcuz world been shink bcuz of social media prick n a-hole able to spread their ideology n find new followers. N rich conglomerate love that these people peddling narrative supporting their reign on top


u/StanleyQPrick 16h ago

I like what you’re saying, but I hate the way you’re saying it


u/Minimum_Crow_8198 17h ago

Can't have a cruelty based culture spanning millennia with an economic system that breaks apart community and requires unhealthy competition, with a majority to be destitute for the minority to own more, and then expect people to somehow not be a mirror of the environment they were born and raised into


u/CautionarySnail 16h ago

Sadly, what has happened is that cruel people no longer feel the need to hide their cruelty under a thin veneer of civility.

They see politicians and celebrities showing them that there is no downside being an outspoken public enemy of a moral and just society.


u/Punta_Cana_1784 14h ago

Amazed at how cruel people have become

Trump's been getting paid to exist his whole life.


u/ppardee 10h ago

For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.” - 2 Thessalonians 3:10 (NIV)

It's not a new concept.


u/fentown 14h ago

Amazed at how common protecting detriments to society has become...

And I'm not talking about the homeless.


u/MaxGlutePress 13h ago

The billionaires are sociopaths and parasites


u/newfor2023 6h ago

I know my poor corgi


u/InvisibleBobby 3h ago

No billionaire bears. I mean the fact it has to be explained. We cant just eat wĥat we want and sleep anywhere


u/Chelular07 17h ago

I love how they like to say don’t feed the bears as an analogy to don’t help the poor.

When bears have habitat, they have access to resources to keep them alive. They have access to food and shelter and water that they can utilize to keep themselves alive.

Is there a single place in the world that a human can do that without money? Is there a single place in America or other capitalistic countries that a human could build themselves a shelter and not have to worry about ANY legal repercussions? Is there a single water source in capitalist societies that is safe and legal for humans to utilize without paying their municipalities?


u/Sunasoo 17h ago

Plus before shelter n food are in question the most important tool to get paid education have already becoming a privilege only few could get


u/StanleyQPrick 16h ago

North Sentinel Island! But you can’t move there. Well, you can, but it will be the last thing you do.


u/ShardsOfSalt 15h ago

Well water is often safe to use and free. But for your larger point no.


u/Chelular07 14h ago

Yeah, but you can only put a well on land that you own with a permit in most cases. So it still costs money.


u/Fearless_Spring5611 19h ago

Red probably believes in the "immigrants eats pets" story and thinks Blue is on their side.


u/DressMajestic9037 16h ago

Right, you can’t use sarcasm like this anymore because idiots can’t differentiate between sarcasm and a regular statement


u/tw_72 15h ago

It's no so much that people are idiots and can't differentiate ... the problem is that many people seriously think the way "red" does.

If you want to use sarcasm (and not get your ass kicked in the comments), use /s and remove all doubt.


u/Old-Tiger-4971 17h ago

Add in that every Black child deserves an education just as good as what White children get in public schools.


u/Round_Reception_1534 14h ago

yes, but only in "their" schools again! they propably still cherish "separate, but equal" policy


u/ProfessionalOwn9435 18h ago

Red pill dilema: Would you give a salmon carcas to homeless or the bear?


u/StanleyQPrick 16h ago

Is it desiccated?


u/ProfessionalOwn9435 16h ago

Sure. You can even cook it if the beer is cute.


u/StanleyQPrick 16h ago

I don’t know how anyone would cook that. Be like cooking a potato chip. Bear (or beer) can have it. Not human food.


u/Xx69Wizard69xX 16h ago

"Are there no workhouses? Are there no prisons?"


u/exotics 14h ago

And to think these are the same people who cling to their Bible and ask “what would Jesus do?”


u/Bennjoon 16h ago

Yeah I mean we let murderers on death row starve out in the rain right? Because that’s normal right? /s

Imagine arguing with this take jfc


u/AllTheWorldIsAPuzzle 15h ago

I propose Twitter add an "AI Hypocrisy" flag system. When someone tweets a comment about humans not deserving food, shelter, or basic human dignity; AI should scan their past tweets, liked content, etc. for anything where they were condemning abortion or praising Jesus or other hypocritical activity where they portrayed themselves as a "good Christian" or "pro-life" and then add that context to their tweet. I might actually get a Twitter account at that point just to watch AI showcase people's hypocrisy for all to see.


u/Maximum-Elk8869 15h ago

I have found without fail that the most devout, in your face Christians are always the most un-Christ like in their actions and deeds. They will throw Jesus in your face at every turn but ask them to tell you about the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes and they go silent.


u/angryungulate 15h ago

Wait, I don't get paid to exist? Then what's my job pay me for


u/ComprehensiveSun3295 12h ago

I'll never understand why there is such a burning hatred for poor people. It really is a shame that you only deserve to live if you have money.


u/Brosenheim 10h ago

You don't feed bears beva

Cause they'll associate people with food, which creates problems. I'm pretty sure that "cause tbey'll get dependent" thing was just a lie they told boomers to appeal to their "got mine, fuck you" attitude


u/Enough-Parking164 9h ago

“Useless Eaters” is the term the uberwealthy are taught growing up. “Useless” meaning significant profits can not be made off of them for the trust funds and portfolios,therefore-NO RIGHT TO EXIST.

u/General_Lie 26m ago

Go and give food to homeles or invate them home...


u/burndmymouth 17h ago

Sorry, but no one "deserves" anything. There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.


u/Joelle9879 17h ago

Um yes. People absolutely "deserve" things. Human rights are a thing


u/burndmymouth 15h ago

Human rights are not tangible goods though. Foundational Human Rights Principles Human dignity. Universality and interdependence of rights. Equality and non-discrimination. Meaningful participation. Accountability and the right to an effective remedy.


u/tw_72 15h ago

So, a human, who cannot - either permanently or temporarily - provide their own food and shelter should ... just go die?


u/burndmymouth 14h ago

This happens every day. I'll give the example of being stranded on a desert island. You don't just get food and shelter. But you still have the right to pursue these things.Society can provide these things but they are not human rights.


u/ThisPresentation5291 12h ago

They should stop taking drugs and go to the homeless shelter.


u/tw_72 10h ago

Since it is evident that you know nothing about homelessness, here is something for you to read.



u/ThisPresentation5291 9h ago

Homeless druggies are trash tho?


u/tw_72 7h ago

Your comment shows your ignorance and your lack of real-life experience. Good luck in your travels through life.


u/ThisPresentation5291 6h ago

The opposite. Experience with worthless druggies leads to contempt for how trash they truly are.


u/Quackstaddle 5h ago

The real Christmas spirit is always in the comment section.


u/lumaleelumabop 15h ago

Article 25

Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.


u/burndmymouth 14h ago

Oh yeah, what happens if you are stranded on a desert island?? You still have your human rights but everything you just mentioned is not miraculously just appearing for you.


u/lumaleelumabop 14h ago

Human rights pertains to society? What even is this argument


u/Due_Regret8650 17h ago

I'd say from your comment that there are people who don't have the right to internet and it should be banned from them. It's fine that I have to put up with the nonsense of the idiot from my village, but also you, who I don't even know...


u/burndmymouth 15h ago

You can turn the internet off, that is a definite right.


u/Due_Regret8650 15h ago

And yet I still wouldn't be able to get rid of stupid people who repeat the same stupid things, wherever they are. I'm doomed.


u/burndmymouth 15h ago

Educate yourself on what human rights are. Foundational Human Rights Principles

Human dignity.

Universality and interdependence of rights.

Equality and non-discrimination.

Meaningful participation.

Accountability and the right to an effective remedy


u/Due_Regret8650 15h ago

Human dignity is being able to eat, to begin with. The moment there is a single person who cannot eat and others who say they do not deserve it, human dignity does not exist. And if we play the law of the strongest, don't get in my way if I'm hungry.


u/burndmymouth 15h ago

Nope. Dignity has zero to do with eating. How about if there is a whole wipeout of the crops and there is no food, what right guarantees anyone eats? Again, tangible items are not human rights.


u/Due_Regret8650 15h ago

That dignity has nothing to do with eating? Sorry, I don't want to continue talking to someone who says such nonsense. Good afternoon.


u/mayocain 17h ago

You heard it here, folks, random Reddit user doesn't believe in natural rights, thousands of years of social theory suddenly invalid.

But, you're right, no one deserves anything. Remember that when you don't have kneecaps.


u/burndmymouth 16h ago

You guys are hysterical, so i "deserve" free food and shelter? News to me, I've had to work since about 15 to get everything I needed to survive. Where do I sign up for the free shit?? I could use it.


u/AquiliferX 15h ago

Well you could be on the receiving end of mutualism if you weren't a selfish prick railing against community led basic human rights like education, food, healthcare etc. You do realize that these investments in people pay dividends over time. But NOOO, you drank the capitalist Kool-Aid that "nothing comes free". You're right, it isn't free. It's built on the labor of those who work. But that labor distributed to those who need is what we mean by advocating for basic human material rights.


u/tw_72 15h ago

Good for you that you were able to work. What about those who can't?

  • Single mother, husband died, 3 kids, she can't make enough money to cover daycare. Now what?
  • Long-haul trucker, worked for years, back injury, can't work. Now what?
  • Adult child with MS, cared for by mother, mother dies. Now what?

burndmymouth - you are not thinking broadly enough. You seem to assume that everyone is able to work and earn enough for the basics. Once you understand that is not reality for a lot of people - you might see things differently. Good luck to you in your journey.


u/burndmymouth 14h ago

I did not once say that we should not have welfare programs to help those less fortunate. My argument is that folks confuse human rights with these programs. To say food is a human right shows that you do not comprehend the concept. Take the example to the nth degree- if you say food is a basic human rights and then you find yourself stranded on a remote island how do you eat?


u/Wispy237 14h ago

By your logic, staying alive is not a human right, and if it is not, then that means that there are literally no human rights at all


u/burndmymouth 9h ago

Nice leap.


u/Wispy237 9h ago

Not really? If you have no right to food, you don’t really have a right to live do you? In case you didn’t realize, you kinda need food to live.

And if being alive isn’t a human right, what the fuck else would qualify?


u/mayocain 12h ago

*Fights against the people that want to supply food and shelter for all*

"WhERe Is ThE FrEE sHiT?"

You guys fucking fight against your own interest and then get surprised when the better world stays a pipedream.


u/mtw3003 17h ago

Luckily, nobody with the power to enforce their moral opinion shares yours


u/Turbulent-Candle-340 16h ago

They just won the US election. 


u/burndmymouth 16h ago

Really, I bet you do. How many homeless people live with you currently? How much extra of your income do you just send in to the government? I will bet that both of those answers are zero. Do you spend every waking hour helping those less fortunate than you? Doubt it.


u/mtw3003 14h ago

Read, then comment


u/Much-Jackfruit2599 16h ago

then why do we have taxes, the draft, shame people who step over people who have a heart attack?


u/burndmymouth 16h ago

WTF are you talking about. Taxes pay for infastructure, the draft is to supplement troop levels during a war. People who do not help someone dying are pieces of shit. But that doesn't mean everyone gets a free house and dinner, sorry but that's life.


u/Much-Jackfruit2599 16h ago

So you are okay with forced labour when it’s stuff you like. 


u/burndmymouth 15h ago

Wow, that was a leap from my comment. Please explain how you interpreted anything I said to reach that conclusion.


u/Much-Jackfruit2599 15h ago

You defended draft and taxes for infrastructure necessary. Those are based on the labour of people,  involuntary since you can’t opt out. You may want  these things, others certainly disagree. 

also, it’s a pretty wild leap to jump from “everybody deserves shelter and a meal” to giving houses away. 

Also, why the heck do you care when people let other people die? You literally agreed that people aren’t owed shelter and food, two things whose lack greatly factor in people dying. 


u/TheGrumpyre 14h ago

Food, shelter and medical care are infrastructure too.


u/Budget_Classroom1028 14h ago

youre right its not like the entirety of human civilization or even the very concept of community is built upon helping others without expecting any personal gain


u/Jungle_gym11 16h ago

Nobody deserves basic freedoms or human rights? You have no humanity or empathy.


u/burndmymouth 16h ago

Wrong, everyone deserves basic freedoms and human rights. You are confusing welfare programs with human rights. Anything that someone has to pay for is not a right. Food costs money, property costs money. You can not force someone to work to provide someone else free anything.


u/Jungle_gym11 10h ago

So someone with disabilities that prevents them from working does not deserve support? Veterans do not deserve welfare programs? Orphans don't deserve support? Your view is limited and would lead to suffering for many of the most vulnerable.


u/burndmymouth 9h ago

I am not saying anyone doesn't deserve help. I am saying, by definition, food and shelter are not human rights.


u/Jungle_gym11 8h ago

You've slowly walked back your statement that nobody deserves anything.

There is no agreed definition of human rights. However, I would argue that it is a failure of the state if they are unable or unwilling to provide food and shelter to the most vulnerable. A measure of the success or priorities of a state are the standard of living of the most vulnerable.