r/cableadvice 7d ago

Gaming technical question

I have a rather weird gaming technical problem. I've searched online about it and all the recommended fixes are not working. I'm not even sure if this subreddit is the place to ask. If it is not, then disregard, but if it is, here is my issue. I have a PS5. And I have a game installed called Dead by Daylight. The PS5 has a LAN cable to my router. (I checked all my other online games and they connect with no issues). I've Been playing Dead by Daylight with no connection issues since 2016. 3 days ago, I got an "failed to initialize" error message from the game. I went online at searched the fixes. None worked. Reset everything, cleared caches, reinstalled game, etc. An hour ago, I decided to use the hotspot on my phone and have my PS5 connect to it. Then I was able to get complete access to Dead by Daylight game. Played a few rounds online. Then I got curious and connected my phone to the wifi and Dead by Daylight is still connected! It makes no sense to me. Does anyone have an idea what is happening?



u/DrNukenstein 6d ago

Some cable internet providers have a “basic” package where streaming data is limited during a billing period, and a pricier “gaming” tier, where streaming speeds are higher. Online games are constantly streaming data, updating player/enemy positions and whatnot so all players are synchronized, so if you have a limited plan, you burn through your allotment quickly. Also, if you’re playing during peak business hours, where local businesses are pounding the network, they get priority because they pay more for business tier, which means gamers get the slow lane.